
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Biden Now, Biden Tomorrow, Biden Forever!


Friends, I'll admit I was mighty worried as I watched the debate on Thursday night, and in the hours and days thereafter.  That's because Sleepy Joe, as I feared, made such an ass of himself that calls for him to step aside as the Democratic Party nominee for president became deafening.  As I've argued, Joe Biden is the best thing that the GOP has going for it, so the very last thing we should want is the end of Sleepy Joe's reelection bid.  Well, I'm pleased to report that the Dem establishment is, once again, rallying around its standard bearer, as is the Biden family.  These people just "can't quit" the old man!  I say: hooray!  Pretty soon the Democratic National Convention will formally nominate Sleepy Joe, and from that point on replacing him will be well nigh impossible.  At that point, I think we can safely say that Donald J. Trump is on a predictable glideslope to a second term.  Yes, there are still some curveballs that the Dems and their media allies could throw at us, but the public has, fundamentally, made up its mind about both Trump and Biden, and Biden sure looks like he's falling short.  Assuming that the next president will be chosen democratically -- and, as my next article will opine, that's not a bulletproof assumption nowadays -- Trump is the man to beat! 

In other news, the "far right" is ahead in French parliamentary elections, and the establishment is beside itself.  Of course, we might reasonably ask: who gets to decide who is "far right" as opposed to just...right?  How about we judge a politician, or a party, or a movement, based on its ideas, and how about we let the people choose whatever leaders they prefer?  It's a radical notion, I know, but what would you expect from a "far right" loon like me?


And kudos to South Africa's main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, which will now help to govern the nation as part of a coalition government.  That's good news for South Africans, but it may not be good news for the DA.  That's because coalitions are often less than kind, politically speaking, to their junior members.  As the weaker partner in a coalition, the DA may find it gets all the blame when things go awry, but none of the glory when things go right.  If I were the DA leadership, I'd be ready to pull the plug on this coalition, if need be, and I wouldn't let the ANC push me around -- no, Sir! 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I know you know alot about S. Africa. I'll ask this: do you think the ANC is in the market for old tires?

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Well, from what I've heard about the Presidential immunity decision it appears to be creditable and lawful. I expect this Court paid its characteristic close attention to measured and supportable construction; I am not yet well informed on possible Constitutional issues in this . The apparent key principle confirmed, that Presidents cannot be prosecuted criminally for "official" actions while in office, makes very much sense. I do not know yet if the Court set standards for "official" actions in this case. In having remanded Trump vs US to the Circuit Court they may have assumed the Circuit Court will render an opinion on that which probably would come back to Scotus in some form for consideration.

    Consequent possibilities I would suggest may rise from this decision:whichever Andrei Vishinsky clone they set to their amoral purpose, antiamerica's task now is to muster plausible legal authority for the purpose of establishing the" unofficialness "of any of the myriad actions in which DJT insolently indulged during his usurped Presidency (uhh, breathing perhaps?). If the Circuit Court is their obsequious enabler we can count on Scotus for integrity, this we know.

    It appears that at the very least any trial will be delayed until after the election. If DJT loses, who can say of the radicals? They may lose interest in the voluptuary frenzy of their celebratory cups or they may decide to give DJT a political coup de grace. If DJT wins he probably cannot be prevented from taking office; it is highly unlikely he could be Federally convicted and denied inauguration. And after? Anarchic antiamerica would do its best to foment unprecedented crisis. As for NY's totalitarian AG, she would be wise not to try to use state power to arrest a sitting President for what she knows to be his unlawful "conviction". Oh my: "what a tangled web we weave when first we purpose to deceive ". The dems may well reap the whirlwind they have sown with their ever more obviously desperate lawfare against DJT and the Maga he stands for. More and more they manifest the aspect of buffoonish, emotionally captured brats in their lawfare tantrum seeking to gainsay 200+ years of American democracy. Antiamerica has convinced itself that it cannot survive emotionally intact ( frantic emotion of course being their dominating personality) should one who they cannot intimidate in their inimitable way (the last close to 60 years have borne witness to their astonishing presumptuousness of their essential justice which forgives any method they choose to exercise redeeming power) actually returns to power. They bid fair to reach critical mass and subsequent implosion. I look forward to your article on what self righteous anarchy they are planning either during this election or after the repulse they so pitifully dread.

    Of course Dems in the new Congress would make haste to restart their increasingly discredited impeachment machine should DJT return to office.

    At stake for antiamerica is the intensely onerous prospect of having to face the certainty that they came within the 9th part of a hair of sealing the radical deal in guaranteed eventuality with the enthronement of Hillary and that that monumental miscalculation cost them everything. America has had time to catch on to them and unless they win in Nov. they may well be forever denied their self perceived due, their rise to elite totalitarian rule.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: France has never been comfortable with democracy I think. Looks like their left is manifesting the customary leftist refusal to dutifully accept democratically established results. Its their way or its their way!

  4. Ha! I think the ANC is enjoying the perks of office way too much to unleash bedlam, but the ANC leaders who are on the outs, like Zuma, are quite willing to incite violence to retain relevance. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of increasing political violence, by any means. The present coalition could easily fall apart too, and that would put the country in a bind. Let's put it this way: I won't be investing in South African government bonds.

    Jack, re; lawfare, the other day I saw the first poll indicating that a majority of the electorate sees through it. A lot rides on how you phrase the question. Bottom line: more and more Americans can perceive that the legal campaign against Trump has political motivations. The even bottomer line: it ain't working.

    How the Left would react, in the short, medium, and long terms, to a Trump victory in November would be most interesting to see. There are a lot of possibilities. My guess is that they would throw everything in their toolbox against him, for four years straight -- and history suggests that he would spend most of that time trying to parry their thrusts.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your prediction of how a second DJT Presidency would go is very plausible. But I'd suggest that a far wiser, battle hardened DJT will be ready for them this time. He came to his first term as historically the most inexperienced in government executive power. He still hit antiamerica with a Scotus whopper from which many of them will never recover . He's already been through a harrowing crucible and has shown remarkable resilience. Antiamerica has to sense that Nemesis is circling not far over it and its counterintuitive, smoky dreams. The Age of Aquarius is going with the wind which never ceases.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Lawfare has taken an appalling blow this week and the damage is spreading apace. Antiamerica may have made a monumental, decisive mistake in arrogating this tactic to their self righteous will. Even NY is given pause, with the "judge" in the hush money case ruefully allowing the possibility that it will never come to sentencing now. Poor babies.

    Revulsion at the monumental presumption obvious in lawfare combined with sympathy for DJT in some minds may well be working a redemption of our legality which is to be celebrated.! Naturally that deliverance necessitates the disempowerment of those incipient totalitarians who intended it as a contemptuous step toward their complete takeover. It's certainly looking like its blown up in their antiamerican faces and do they ever deserve it!

  7. Jack, I'm pleasantly surprised by the American people's indifference to lawfare. I wish I could say their "principled revulsion", but indifference is almost as good!
