
Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Longest Daze


Friends, as you may have heard, the 80th anniversary of the Allied D-Day landings in Normandy, France was marked today by the oldest American president of all time, who heroically remained upright and semi-coherent as he lauded the courage of the few WWII veterans who remain.  He also exploited the opportunity to gin up support for his catastrophic Ukraine policy, and to suggest that anyone who opposes it is basically letting the Nazis win (which is, ironically, exactly the sort of thing that Vladimir Putin would say about his policy).  It was, as one would expect, a conclave of globalists, congratulating themselves on their wisdom and moral superiority, and glossing over the immense differences between the challenges posed by Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, and imperial Japan, all those years ago, and the conundrums posed by a flagging Russia and a surging People's Republic of China today.  Be all that as it may, we at WaddyIsRight tip our hats to all the brave men who fought in World War II, and especially to the millions of them who lay down their lives in service to their countries.  The Second World War was so much more than a didactic tool.  It was, above all, a humanitarian calamity, from which no one but the Grim Reaper emerged an unalloyed victor.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack; My thoughts too turn to those hallowed 90+ year old WWII vets who sat on that bluff nursing memories only they fully appreciate. At least they did not have to endure the execrable dishonor Clinton blithely rendered them by his mere presence in their midst some years ago. Biden oafishly took advantage of the occasion to mar it with partisan politics and I hope experiences significant negative reaction from it. I wonder what those exemplars of Greatest Generation devotion and sacrifice thought of it. God grant them richly earned serenity and the certainty that they have lived well ,as so many of us earnestly wish for them.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: It was redeeming to see the French participation in this commemoration and that they were able, perhaps for the last time, to express gratitude to some of the very men themselves who rescued them from the nazi monster. I understand that some French people sometimes forget their debt. Consideration of how 84 years of nazi rule would have brutalized their graceful country might be productive for some. The world benefits, I hope, from this reminder that the price of civilized well being always comes to this ,as demonstrated at Normandy, when atavistic barbarians and totalitarians presume on humanity. We have a very telling example of this now in Israel's continued defense of its democracy and its great culture against relentless sociopathic onslaught. I was going to say 'they know" but some of them apparently don't know;astonishing and enervating leftist corruption of spirit has manifested itself in some , as if Israel did not have enough travail! If our country succumbs to the definitively totalitarian marxist curse, who in this still terribly dangerous world could or would redeem us!?Only we can and must for our national life,from within, vitally so this very November.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But I agree with you; international danger is, for most countries, not as existentially threatening as was the Axis, at least now. Biden drew weakly specious parallels in in his fatuous bluster. The world faced quite possible utter ruin in 1939.


    D Day celebrations are and should be a big event.

    At the same time, Americans should remember all those who made a huge sacrifice BEFORE June 6, 1944. I'm talking about Americans fighting in North Africa since 1942, and then in Sicily and mainland Italy from 1943 on.

    Also don't forget that 8th U.S. Air Force in England was pounding (air) Germany from 1942 until the end of the war. All this while fighting the Japanese in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. Just a reminder.


    And special kudos for those who served in the First Infantry Division (Big Red One, now at Ft. Riley Ks) who fought in North Africa, Italy AND D Day France.

  6. Ray and Dr. Waddy et Al from Jack: 50 years ago I worked with a man who was on the first wave at Omaha Beach and was at Kasserine Pass in N.Africa. I didn't know about "Big Red One" at the time but I'll bet he was in it. Normal guys like him, who served in such important historic settings, were and some still are, all over the place everyday. It was an unforgettable experience to know him. At a WWII museum near where I live I stood only a few feet from a man who earned the Medal of Honor at Guadalcanal (in my opinion, the U.S. military's most laudable campaign ever). Also met a Russian veteran of Stalingrad there. Very moving both. Ray, I agree, all Allied WWII combat vets deserve to be honored for saving the world .Too, I have videos of Civil War veterans speaking and they are sublime.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      Thanks for sharing those experiences with me. Much appreciated. Both of us have been enriched by meeting such men.

      That Russian veteran of Stalingrad (since renamed Volga something), reminds me that the Russians always refer to WWII as "The Great Patriotic War".

  7. Ray from Jack: My understanding is that The Great Patriotic War (a noble title but with some irony because Stalin disingenuously appealed to love of Mother Russia in order to save his hide from the nazis; as a monster himself he knew what they would do to him) is to Russia the most important event of its history. I've read that modern Russian weddings customarily include a visit to the WWII memorial found in every city and town. This is a prime factor to which we must now pay close and guardedly respectful attention. Its an essential part , I think, of Russia's absolute determination not to endure Ukrainian membership in an obviously and originally much justified antiRussian alliance . Some of the hardest fighting in the incomparably savage Great Patriotic War took place in Ukraine and Kievan Rus was the prototypical Russian principality, long before Muscovy. The map plainly reveals Ukraine's critical defensive importance to Russia. Yes, many Ukrainians did join the nazis in pitiable desperation to be free of Stalin's hellish rule but that does not completely gainsay the close, troubled relationship borne out between the two countries. In order to get along with a still terribly powerful Russia we must understand Russia and be fully cognizant of the role the Great Patriotic War still plays in their minds. There are people in the U.S. who do (or did)understand this (eg. the late Dr. Stephen Cohen of Princeton and NYU) but I fear they or their writing are not being heeded.

  8. Dtr. Waddy from Jack: Everyone who works in prisons experiences the common inmate tactic of initiating formal grievances ( a wrongheaded concession to criminals, who contemptuously disdain the give and take inherent in sound mediation ) or lawsuits which they know they cannot win, simply in order to intimidate the lawful or to gum up the works just for the vindictive fun of it . I've often opined that far leftists are in many ways similar to criminals in their presumptuous amorality. They are going to milk this "conviction" of DJT for all they can. I see a "probation review " is at hand for him. They are in it up to their necks aren't they? Having incensed DJT and his supporters they cannot afford to give up; if he wins they are on the snide and they know and dread it. I remember criminal loving Dukakis in the 1988 election lamenting "I blew it" after even he realized that his haughty and presumptuous disposition had brought him to the brink of a disaster he richly deserved. The Dems may have painted themselves into a similar corner with their vicious personal onslaught on DJT. They cannot but follow through now , even over the precipice.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      Hard to believe that The DemoNISTAS won't try to do "surgery" on the election process (again?). I hope DJT and his people realize this and are taking every measure to prevent it. I also fear for DJTs safety.

      Don't see how Biden can win against DJT. Too bad The American people have to go through this national trauma produced by a bunch of self-serving Leftists and their toadies.

  9. Jack, I would imagine members of the Greatest Generation find many aspects of modernity, including Joe Biden, stomach-turning, and it's instructive that seniors have become a solidly Republican demographic, which was certainly not the case a generation ago. This bodes well for the GOP. Alas, the short life expectancies of many of these model Americans bodes ill in more ways than one.

    Agreed: if America goes down, no one is coming to OUR rescue (except maybe us, in the fullness of time)!

    Ray is right that we should remember all those WWII vets who didn't participate in the D-Day landings. In fact, it was only a tiny percentage of our men under arms who did.

    Ironic, isn't it, that the "Great Patriotic War" is a dividing line in the current conflict in Ukraine. Two peoples who fought on the same side in WWII have culled completely different lessons from the experience -- not surprisingly. Everyone can agree that "Nazis" are bad. They just don't agree on who the modern Nazis are. In America, we appear to have the same problem.

    Now THAT is the critical question: how much do the Masters of the Universe, particularly those at the DNC, believe their own oft-repeated claims that DJT would "end democracy"...and by extension their grip on power, their livelihoods, and possibly their lives? If they do believe it, then they MUST do everything in their power, no matter how ruthless, to stop the man. On the other hand, they may just be posturing. They said, after all, many of the same ridiculous things in 2016 -- quite a few of them promising to flee the country if he prevailed -- and look how that turned out. Smart Dems, in my opinion, would see a Trump win in 2024 as an opportunity, which it would indeed be. Dumb ones might panic, and a panicked lefty could do almost anything.

  10. Dr. Waddy and Ray et al from Jack: Your assessments of the probability of antiamerican leftist amoral expedition in the election and of their reaction to a Trump victory are reasonable and sensible. I have no doubt that they will do anything to win and I agree that their insane antipathy toward him puts him in considerable physical danger. Should they lose, after their initial anarchic tantrums are spent though it may well be they would settle back down to routine cumulative dissembling. Should DJT have the chance to fill some Scotus seats, having failed their savage best to block his first three nominations, if lawfare is still viable, they may resort to it. Being emotionally captured creatures, panic is for them always just under the surface.I think common sense America would be assured of eventual subjugation if they win ; I do not doubt they fully intend such "fundamental transformation" this time should they weather the harrowing Trumpian Maga heresy. So do they see this decision as "do or die" too? Perhaps not, though I think they do. As faithful Marxists they do "feel" certain of eventual totalitarian triumph, though their frustration is agonizing for them.

  11. You capture the lefties' ambivalence well, Jack. They can be calculating and patient at times, and impetuous and reckless at other times. I find it fascinating how, despite all their advantages at an institutional level, they still seem incapable of controlling public opinion -- or at least enough of it to guarantee favorable election outcomes. It must drive them batty! I mean, something is driving them batty, and that's my best guess as to what.

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: They are big, frantic and malevolent babies and cannot abide contradiction.

  13. Ah, the "enlightened ones"! Where would we be without them?
