
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Guilty...of Being a Great Son!


Friends, according to Papa Biden, a.k.a. "the Big Guy", the key takeaway from Hunter Biden's guilty verdict -- he's now a "convicted felon", and we know how seriously the Left takes that moniker -- is that Hunter is a wonderful guy, whose victory over addiction should inspire us all...  Well, that's certainly one way to look at it.  From my own perspective, it's extraordinary that a Delaware jury would convict the president's son, when even Dr. Jill was in the room to make it clear that Hunter has the full support of the Biden clan.  Nevertheless, perhaps this conviction was just what the doctor ordered for the Dems, since it gives the U.S. "justice system" a fig leaf to hide its nakedness behind, and, after all, there's not a chance in heck that Hunter is going to jail.  His dear old Dad certainly won't allow that.  All in all, I expect the political impact to be close to nil, although Hunter's trial for tax evasion might be more consequential, because that hits closer to home, i.e. it involves the family influence peddling business, of which Sleepy Joe is a very big part.


In other news, leftists really, really hate Nigel Farage, and they seem to enjoy throwing things at him.  So far, those things don't include anything lethal, but the election campaign is just getting started in the U.K., so don't rule anything out.  One has to wonder whether DJT will get pelted by irate progressives in the course of our own campaign.  Can't happen, you say?  When Trump was president, I attended a Trump rally, and I easily got within hurling distance of the Commander-in-Chief.  I, of course, am a model citizen who would never milkshake, or assassinate, anyone, but not everyone possesses my admirable restraint! 



    Quit boring me with this shit about Hunter Biden. What's important, and what I want to get your take on, is why in hell was "Joey Chestnut Banned From the 2024 Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest?" This is a f*g OUTRAGE!

  2. Ray, I must confess I have no idea who Joey Chestnut is, but I fully support his inalienable right to gorge himself on hot dogs until he explodes.


    Come to think of it, until today I had no idea who he was. Never heard of the guy until now. Then up pops this news clip that says the man can't be in some hot dog eating contest for some reason. Anyway, just thought I would lighten up the usual depressing news with some corny humor.

    I don't think Hunter Biden will do any prison time. My guess is a fine, suspended sentence, community service or something along those lines. I don't think he will ever go to jail even if he Dad doesn't stay in The White House.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Hunter Biden is a thoroughly unsavory person. That he has engaged in probably illegal influence peddling is quite plausible and he is accused of tax evasion (the same charge that got Capone, so there)Drug addicts have been known to resort to shamefu l and proscribed practices when bade so by the shrieking gibbons on their backs. Of course they were invited guests. I would expect Biden to wait until after the election to go to bat for his son. To do so before it would raise a firestorm. The Biden scion may do a little time in a Federal country club, where he would, no doubt, continue to play games. I don't think Maga nation's molten and motivating anger about DJT's "conviction" will be alleviated by Hunter Biden's comeuppance .

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Is Farage the Conservative's kingmaker? Has he played that role in the past? Is Brexit the objective reason for his unpopularity among the Labourites or are they, like the antiamerican left, primarily stung to the emotional quick by his unapologetic presumption and insolence toward their exalted personas?

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Fox reports today that Biden did not reject the possibility of commuting Hunter's sentence. I like Fox very much but I do recognize that they are likely to interpret an ambiguous development to the disfavor of Biden and the dems. This a sad and tawdry business, I say as a father , which we must regretfully regard and act upon in a partisan manner in this terribly decisive election. I think the poignancy and the corruption of his son's badly lived life may for now balance out in favor of neither side but I agree, the tax evasion trial could be a strike probably against Biden. I cannot imagine Biden being allowed by his handlers the recklessness of using his power to excuse his son of his criminal liability before the election especially because he probably would have nothing to lose in doing do so the day after the election no matter the results. If some catastrophic extralegal manner of electoral indecision manifests after the election, his son's situation would be of minor importance.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: AOC yesterday deigned to grace us with a measured yet still a pronunciamento directed at "progressives" ,tsk tsking "antisemitism" among "progressives" (naughty naughty now!) Even she cannot deny its recent open manifestation among those of her ilk. But her statement bore none of the savage hyperbole she spews when she really means it. When she goes for the big one she will want to project a credible disingenuous image of sweet reason and "tolerance" , even of problematic Jewish civilization. I'm sure the campus neonazis float her boat but she cannot have reminders of any overt support coming up when she tries to sell herself to America as a loyal American willing to accommodate populations which rile her. It might even disadvantage a try for the Senate on her part. I mean, NYC and all. . . : remember what Jesse Jackson said about it.

  8. Ray, I concur with that prediction! Hunter might get something like a fine and probation. I suppose it all comes down to the judge, though. If he/she was annoyed by the impertinence of the defense, all bets are off. Anyway, Sleepy Joe will work his magic in the end. Hunter is lucky these trials are happening while his Dad is Prez, I would say! As Jack suggests, all Biden needs to do is wait until the prying eyes of the public are averted after the election.

    Jack, some of your questions about Farage may be answered by my post today -- not that I am any great expert on Farage, mind you.

    Good point, Jack, that not many people care about Hunter Biden now, and precisely no one will care after the election is over.

    Jack, your ability to read anti-Semitism even into a statement condemning anti-Semitism shows real sticktoitiveness! I'm impressed!
