
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sic Semper Bidenis


Friends, Virginia used to be a red state.  Then it became a purple state.  Most analysts would say it's now a blue state.  Trump lost there by a fairly wide margin in 2016 and 2020, but he's making a play for the Old Dominion in 2024, and some polls suggest he's not just spitting in the wind...  Putting Virginia and Minnesota in play is probably a smart move, as long as Trump can compete with Biden financially.  That looked questionable even a few weeks ago, but now billionaires are starting to line up behind DJT, and I think you can attribute that to one major factor: Trump looks increasingly likely to win it all and be president once again.


Meanwhile, in a move that will surprise no one, the British establishment is ganging up on Nigel Farage and portraying him as an agent of Russian President Vladimir Putin.  This is what the establishment always does to populist conservatives, and you can bet your bippy that they will do it to Trump as well, multiple times, before this election is over.  Farage's only crime, by the way, was criticizing Western policy towards Ukraine, suggesting that NATO helped to "provoke" Russia's invasion.  No kidding!  Speaking the truth is not "appeasement".  It is, however, refreshing!  These attacks come as Farage's Reform Party threatens to displace the Conservatives as the most popular right-wing party in the U.K.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Wow, that's encouraging. Trump is showing gutsy resolve in seeking to take states he might have written off were he not so.

    What the deuce counterintuitive name do they have for it in MInnesota? The "Farmer Labor" party (of dem winners like Humphrey and Mondale) yes? Yeah right; most of those reliable reflexive professional do goodeers know nothing of labor or farming. They have to have built a backlog of resentment to their 50 year submission of their common sense state to such as Obama, Slick Willy and Hillary. My guess is that there are a lot of rugged, down to earth people in that brisk climate and those glorious woods. In other words, a lot of Maga.

    Virginia? On to Richmond I say, once again to redeem the Union but not by ravaging the state; rather this time by giving voice to those many there who would cast the antiamerican left out of its presumptuous foreign islands in their patriotic, hallowed home. Their empowerment of Gov. Youngkin is strongly indicative of a determination to take their state back from the malign amoeba which has invaded it from DC and Maryland and to lead the south (which is, along with mountain west ,the most loyal of American regions) in turning back antiamerican left neocarpetbaggers in their contemptuous campaign to reduce the south to cringing and apologetic submission to their woke baloney sausage. DJT can be the catalyst for this redemption, delivering both the south and America from such degradation.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your comparison of the reflexive excoriation Farage has received for his well founded opinion on the origin of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is very well taken. No amount of often discreditable and disingenuous political advantage taken of supposed utterly unjustified Russian defense of its national security can gainsay the unavoidable truth that Russia will never, read NEVER, tolerate Ukrainian membership in Nato - period!

    There is no need for anyone expressing this verity to apologize or rationalize. The only faction in the US or probably Britain capable of inhumanity analogous to that of countenancing Russian brutality is the far left in its present detestable celebration of radical Islam's murderous onslaught on Jewish civilization since Oct. 7.

    Farage may have a " date with destiny" similar to that realized by PMs Churchill and Thatcher, I would venture. That is, to lead the civilization which gave democracy to the world itself and through its offspring in the English speaking world, back to its customary integrity. His monumental leadership of Britain out of the ever increasing leftist bureaucratic dictatorship of the betrayed EU credits prediction of eventual greatness for him in , the leadership of that hallowed nation,
    a progenitor of historically high civilization. His conduct already suggests in him the iron backbone of his superlative predecessor in WWII and that confirmed in the Marxist near miss parried courageously by Madame Thatcher against the unproductive commie unions in the '70s. Britain may well need it to resist and overcome Labour's certain woke onslaught if it wins. Rule Britannia; God save the King yet again.

  3. Jack, it's a very good sign that DJT is committed to contesting Minnesota and Virginia, whether or not he can or will win those states. The last thing we want is for more traditionally red states -- like Arizona and Georgia -- to become fair game for leftists. On the contrary, we want to put the Dems on their back foot, and keep them there all the way to November.

    Jack, I agree with you about Farage's potential to rescue British civilization. The sad part is that he got a very late start in contesting this particular election, because if he had been well-organized from the outset he might even have been able to win it, and what a game-changer that would have been! It's also fair to ask the question whether Farage, and Britain, would have been better off had he plied his not-so-subtle arts within the Conservative Party rather than outside it. Must Farage become a Tory to save Britain...or must the Conservative Party be destroyed? I dunno, but we may soon find out.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Perhaps after this election Farage may have garnered enough power that he can plausibly bid the Conservatives join Reform rather than the other way around.Conservatives are as conservatives do, I think.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In saying "Labour's certain woke onslaught" I do not mean to dismiss your well supported opinion that Labour may tend toward moderation. We will see; perhaps though a bitter draft of woke presumption and incipient dictatorship would remotivate those who made Brexit happen.(?) I'll never forget the thrill of standing right with
    some of them next to 1000 year old Westminster Hall as they chanted "Leave means LEAVE!" ;and they meant it.

  6. Oh, very possibly a good drubbing could benefit the British right. And the conquest of power, in a democracy, is very often a mixed blessing, as we all know. Always a silver lining, Jack!
