
Friday, May 26, 2023

Luck of the Waddys


Friends, greetings from the Emerald Isle!  Your very own Professor Waddy is currently in Dublin, about to begin a two-week sojourn touring the length and breadth of Ireland.  For most of that time I will be part of an organized tour group with an expert guide, and I expect that will enhance my appreciation of Irish history and culture to no end.  I promise I'll do my best to bring back a leprechaun for each and every one of you!

In other news, we're inching closer to interfacing the human brain with computers, and I, for one, couldn't be happier.  I frankly don't see any way that I could ever live in a woke, Marxist dystopia -- like, say, New York State -- unless someone digitally alters my consciousness, permitting me to appreciate the upside of idiocy and civilizational self-sabotage...  And now there's hope!  Boy, is there any problem that Elon Musk can't solve?  What a fellar!


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Should be a memorable sojourne! You have motivated to read Irish history, of which I know not a wit. My wife wants to see Ireland so I may get there too. Will you go to both Irelands?

  2. motivated me, I say. . .

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I do not doubt the day is close at hand when the People's Republic of NY will mandate the electronic imposition upon its subjects of unquestioning and unlimited acceptance of whatever incidental truth the elect choose to establish. Therefore, be of good cheer, your deliverance from fault and hapless doubt is guaranteed if you stay around here.Of course you won't have much company at least as long as NY's borders remain unsealed and escape is possible. "Madame Governor for Life, tear down this wall".

  4. Jack, there are layers and layers of Irish history, and I'm barely conversant in the most recent layer. But yes, we will be visiting the Republic and N.I.

    Jack, you raise a valid philosophical question: if a blue state passes a stupid law, but no one is left living in the state to abide by or flout it, then did the law ever really exist in the first place??? Hmm.

  5. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Let us submit the question to formal Disputatio! I've been reading about Ireland's history and it has dispelled the notion I had of its being a historically not well advanced civilization.Apparently medieval Dublin was a veritable Oxford or Cambridge. My Anglophilia must needs take some pause when I read about English depredation in Ireland.

  6. Yes, Jack, it does appear that the Irish got the short end of the stick...although in the end they benefitted from English cultural, and political, and technological advances, just as we all did.

  7. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Ditto.
