
Saturday, March 11, 2023

Mendacity-Affirming Care


Friends, while most Americans remain skeptical of all the gender-bending social experimentation that the Left is pushing these days, our young are particularly susceptible to recruitment into the LGBTQ+++++++ fold.  The number of kids who view themselves as "trans", and who seek out surgical solutions to their "gender dysphoria", is growing, and it's no small wonder either.  The Left praises every trans kid to the high heavens, while it wags its collective finger at "cisgender" losers like you and me.  Kids seek approval, and these days there's no easier way to get it from your teachers and classmates than by deciding that your biological sex...has to go.


Transgenderism, of course, is based on a number of lies -- or, if we're to be exceedingly generous, misunderstandings.  Lie # 1: your "gender" determines your destiny.  Poppycock!  Your sex/gender has never been less relevant to charting your course in why imagine that rearranging your genitals will have any lasting effect on your well-being and happiness?  Lie # 2: no one can say what a "man" or a "woman" is, or how many genders there might be, or what those genders we should just accept that, whatever gender someone claims to embody in the moment, that's what everyone around them has to accept and, in fact, celebrate!  Nonsense.  Gender and biological sex are tied together, their basic contours are scientifically discernible, and altering a person's sexual characteristics is not, contrary to what the Left might claim, easy, and nor does it come without terrible psychic and physical costs, most of them borne by the person receiving "gender-affirming care".  Lie # 3: it is "violence" and discrimination to refute the claim of a transgender person that they are of a different gender/sex than they were born into.  Ergo, "deadnaming" and the like are criminal acts, or ar the very least major social transgressions that should lead to, among other things, ostracism, condemnation, and termination of employment.  Ha!  This is the latest tack pursued by the Left: to require affirmative endorsement of and participation in its ideology and its delusions.  This, however, is the very definition of a free speech violation, as well as a violation of our freedom of conscience as, well, traditionalists/conservatives.  And isn't that a shocking revelation?  Merely to assert that people are born as either male or female, and this sexual identity is more or less permanent (like it or not), makes you a moral dinosaur in this day and age.  Oy!  The times they are a-changin'.

The reliance of the Left on "big lies" is the theme explored by Steve Cortes in the piece below.  Of course, the Left doesn't have a monopoly on deceit or self-deception, but it is particularly smitten with both nowadays, which we can easily perceive in its frantic desire to suppress speech and analysis that contradict its assumptions.  The more desperately a group calls for censorship, you can bet the more tenuously its ideology and understandings are grounded in truth, because why else would it need, for its own peace of mind, to obliterate dissent?


  1. Thank you for your courage in speaking words that need to be spoken. Truth.

  2. DrWaddy fromJack:Ditto! You are a gutsy guy to express your opinion openly and frankly on any of the steadily increasing number of issues for which the left does violence (well, its the left which has casually expanded the definition of "violence" to suit its ends,yes?) to any who dare question its haughty pronunciamentos of unchallengeable verities. Severe risks of social, professional, familial and even incipient legal disadvantage are the vindictive fruit of dissent from leftist totalitarian discipline.

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: So a study says approx 5 times fewer adults 25-29 declare themselves transgender than those younger than 25! Well bless me for a fool; the old saw that with age comes experience and consequently increased wisdom . . .!? "Ah but that's a fable" in this reflexively counterintuitive regime. Common sense verities are as dross, dust, offal to those woke!

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: It is a just thing to demand cessation of abuse of people heretofore viciously subjected to it. It is quite another thing to promote them as, by definition, paragons of virtue and to seek for them vindication by castigating all others.

  5. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Unapologetic use of the "big lie" is of course a staple of totalitarianism. Inherent in it is withering contempt for the public. That is confirmed by the vicious calumny and worse,directed at any who insolently dissent from acceptance of such ehh, "verities"

  6. Jack, I'm not sure which troubles me more: the "bigness" of the Left's lies, or the fact that so few of them recognize those lies for what they are, or even has the capacity to imagine that one could be both "woke" and wrong at the same time.

    Well, you're kind, Jack, but declaring my convictions re: transgenderism here on the blog is relatively easy. Doing so in the classroom, whether or not a "trans" student was present, would be a whole lot more, uh, taxing. I honestly doubt I have the courage for that...unless I was really stuck between a rock and a hard place. I would never prevaricate, but I sure might decide that discretion was the better part of valor.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Making a living does require compromise and with the very livelihoods of conservatives in field like yours - shamefully
    and ever increasingly degraded and threatened by leftist totalitarianism - caution is a necessity. Targeting livelihoods can be expected to "progress" to targeting lives, considering theproven historical record of the left. Leftist relatively mini "Kristalnachts" have already occured in the US, some even directed at the very group the nazis attacked that night.

  8. Jack, as you know, I fully expect the Left to be much more aggressive in targeting the livelihoods and private property of conservatives in the years ahead. We enjoy very few protections against ideologically-motivated workplace discrimination -- and the groundwork for labeling almost everything we do and say as "hateful" and dangerous has already been laid. We've more or less already been evicted from some professions, and yet there's much more, and much worse, to come, rest assured!

  9. P.S. And if millions of conservatives are already too fearful to speak their minds and dissent from progressive orthodoxy, how rare will resistance be when poverty, unemployment, and social disgrace are the near certain consequences of opposition?
