
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Democracy, Blah Blah Blah


Friends, this week's Newsmaker Show considers some questions of immediate AND cosmic significance: is American democracy all that democratic?  Has our culture undergone a permanent shift in the post-World War II age, and is it impossible to recapture our traditional strengths?  Will the Trump-DeSantis battle for the Republican nomination inevitably descend into asinine squabbling?  Will Trump be hobbled or bolstered by the Left's efforts to prosecute him for various and sundry "crimes"?  Do we have, in any meaningful sense, a right to free speech?  Does America have a new civic, secular religion, endorsed by the Left, that is rapidly replacing Christianity?  Is the right coalescing in opposition to our aggressive anti-Russian policy in Ukraine?  What's the future of the Russia-China "alliance"?  


Wow!  All this and more is revealed on this week's show...


In addition, I recommend this fine article to you, which gives us valuable perspective on just how corrupt and contemptible elite "journalists" have become.  For the past five years in a row, the winners of the Pulitzer prize have been reporters who played fast and loose with the truth in order to blacken the name of Donald Trump and advance the toxic narratives of the Left.  That is to say, excellence in "journalism" has become synonymous with serving the agenda of the Democratic Party and neo-Marxism.  Personally, I've never won a Pulitzer -- which suggests that there's at least a vague possibility that what I say comports with the facts! 


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Re: the broadcast: Haven't heard the term "politics by prosecution" for awhile but it certainly makes a handy byword for what you very plausibly described as the left's present campaign to enmire DJT in a slough of legal mire. We ought to use the term regularly and enthusiastically as an accusation; it could catch on. If one is long since convinced that the american left's fundamental intent is to seize complete totalitarian power, then it follows that they embrace the utility and justice of enforced control of all expression. Incipient imposition of legal and social suppression of views inimical to the left and exhortation of the justice of doing so has already commenced (eg. "hate speech" , shout downs, adnauseum).

  2. Dr.Waddy from Jack:Re: the broadcast: I think the motivating beliefs of the woke are overlain by a compelling perfectionism.Its highly evident in the naive cultural marxist portion of the multitudinous , highly influential boomer generation. Having been blessedly spared the ordeals the Greatest Generation endured, that type of boomer lacked the wisdom accruing from such travail; when they flocked to colleges in astounding and unprecedented numbers in the 60s they brought that vacuousness with them, where it gained the attention of termite leftist faculty. These dissemblers had not dared to try to sell their dreams to the returning WWII G.I.s, who had seen the worst consequences of total tyranny .But in the boomers they rightly perceived that in their numerical enormity were legions of potential converts to their "truths" that America was fundamentally flawed and deserving of complete trsnsformation. And their dreamy predictions of the perfect future promised by their doctrines, caught the fancy of boomers numerous enough to have had a tragically corrosive effect on our polity, society, culture and legal structure. It continues, with ever increasing fundamental harm to America, as wokeism.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In 1965 my wonderful Poli Sci 100 prof assigned us C. Wright Mills' The Power Elite. He certainly considered elites to be fundamental in our polity. Mills would have to write a different book today. I doubt that such as main line Philadelphia families have much sway now. But then their sprigs have probably gone woke after Ivy League reeducation.

  4. Jack, you taught me a new word: "enmire". I like it! It captures what the Left has been doing to Trump since 2015 very well. None of their narratives has had that much success on its own, but all together they pack a powerful punch! Trump may not look it, but in PR terms he's been reeling since the moment he came down the escalator.

    Jack, you may well be right that it's the very prosperity and tranquility enjoyed by modern Americans that lies at the root of our moral and political decay. Perhaps only a swift kick in the pants could rouse us? I nominate Ray to deliver it!

    Quite so, Jack: you might be surprised how little the current elite differs from the old one. A true Brahmin can reinvent himself as needed. And if the main qualification to be an elitist is that one must be dripping with contempt for the unwashed multitudes, why, progressivism breeds blue bloods by the tens of millions!

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Not knocking prosperity and its myriad benefits. When the suburbs and modern supermarkets are available to all, then historically incomparable human well being obtains. We live much better than Louis 14th! But hardship does impart realism. Unfortunately, destitution and hopelessness also motivate resort to the siren call of the treacherous far left. The children of the our country post WWII cannot claim such justification for the ingratitude too many of them casually manifest.

  6. Jack, it's an interesting question whether abundance or destitution are more morally corrosive... Personally, I say both are more revealing than they are formative.
