
Saturday, November 30, 2024

Dynamic Duo


Friends, the Trump-Musk friendship seems only to deepen with time.  In fact, Trump is now apparently referring to Elon as his "adopted son"!  On the surface, these men seem so different in terms of temperament, so how is it that they've developed such synergy?  I don't pretend to understand it.  I just find it endlessly amusing and...hopeful, since the mental and corporate resources of Musk, allied to the political genius of DJT, could make the world a far better place.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack : I remember how, after the '92 election , Streisand gloated: "how do you Republicans FEEL now that you've lost everything?" Hey, right back at you Babs. I see also that traumatized Rob Reiner has chosen to grace America with yet another chance to live up to his "meathead" views. ". . . the leftist view, which is of cawse how everyone should think . . . " is my favorite impassioned expectoration from him.

    Musk is an extraordinarily gifted person and an eloquent exemplar of the good which free enterprise generates . DJT's alliance with him is yet more great fortune for our country. And it manifests an unmistakeable dismissiveness for the marxism (and all the demonstrated inhumanity that doctrine embodies)which propels the antiamerican left. How richly they deserve their staggering setback.

    Musk's dreams are mostly plausible and reachable because they are based in proven principles which WORK! Antiamerica advances a chimera of a yet unknowable future, wholly speculative , unbound by empirical evidence and commanded by a doctrine which considers its eventual triumph to be inevitable and which savages any doubt. The catastrophic consequences of its empowerment is fully documented by history. Case closed on that !

  2. To your point Dr. Waddy, the relationship is totally ironic given their different personalities.
    On the other had they share many similar experiences routed in their business pursuits and the support/backlash realized because of their vision for America.
    Let's hope the potential synergies align and allow their altruistic possibilities become reality.

  3. Dr. Waddy, Richie, et al from Jack: It is a real pleasure to see those two making merry after the travail DJT, his courageous family and Musk the apostate have have been through.It is a bemusing relationship.

    Yeah, they are two exceptionally dynamic personalities and if they can work together they offer us much true "progress", not the ersatz preemption of that term antiamerica has presumed to force on us.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The hijinks portrayed at that celebration, together with the hilarious burgeoning popularity of the DJT dance brings a welc ome touch of humor to our politics which one might find lacking in the snide salons of the antiamerican left. Yeah they lost but they have always manifested a high degree of haughtiness and self righteousness and its prevalence in their circles is fast becoming a maxim for an America which really is "waking "up to them!

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Dem Sen. Fetterman was quoted this am as saying "our party has been very condescending. . . " You betcha! Condescension comes naturally for a party which believes itself unquestionably just and unassailably prescient and correct.

    Before the election, when they thought themselves close to being awarded their "right" - four more years - and after their spectacularly successful reduction of our borders to meaninglessness, unrelenting wokeness carried to unprecedented absurdness and prostitution of our legal system to their partisan intent : after all that they thought four more years would seal the deal for good. That expectation gave them little incentive to "relate" to the unwashed other than to remind those masses of their continuing obligations to their longtime redeemers. And that gave free rein to their painfully disguised (eg. Pelosi)haughty disdain for all incapable of their enlightenment.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Mr. Patel , DJT's selection to reform the FBI, appears ready to take drastic action (eg. sending desk jockeys out in the field to catch criminals). That's good news, as is the "promises made, promises kept" mien of this incoming administration. But I hope they take care to protect the many honorable, dutiful employees of the deep state enmired in the dictates of far left supervisors. In that sense, if not others, civil service law and even public employee unions can be a benefit to the public in this monumental effort which is about to commence.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack:An article posted on today's RealClearPolitics - "DEI is DOA" - I hope its true but I think there is still much breath in the creature. It says: " . . . DEI is about imposing an ideological agenda which politicizes identity politics over qualifications. . . " That is very true as far as it goes but what is its ultimate purpose?

    For the emotionally captured far left, revenge for historical wrongs perceived by them to have never been righted, is a much desired end but its still not at the heart of the matter.

    That end is the eventual achievement of complete , unassailable power which will enable an elite cadre to deal with any issue in a manner which "seems" coincidentally and arbitrarily desireable to them at any moment. The record of Marxism in power in the 20th century makes this something we should expect of the neomarxist antiamerican left. One day it would be "world revolution", next day "socialism in one country" , next "let a hundred flowers (schools of thought") bloom, next "death to counter-revolutionaries" etc, etc, ad nauseum.

    The counterintuitive policies manifested in DEI are part of an overall effort to purposefully destabilize our polity in order to destroy our country's ability to rally and unite against an incipient neomarxist takeover which has been advanced by the antiamerican left since the '60s. That done, our future would be whatever the dictators choose on Monday or something else on Thursday.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re the pardon: In football the term "garbage time" means that time when the outcome of a game is guaranteed.A score by the losers in that period can have little consequence (except perhaps for gamblers).

    The Biden administration is in "garbage time" in most aspects. Yes, they could still be consequential; eg, bumbling us into WWIII but that probably won't happen (?). And some criminals will walk free. But then, .sweet forgiveness of thugs has been a Dem reflex these many months. Biden could steal a march on DJT and afford pardon or commutation to the Jan. 6 people whose political incorrectness alone put them in the slammer. But he probably won't.

    The pardon may at least have the effect of redeeming our public life from the tawdry disgrace of Hunter Biden. The less we hear of him the better. The pardon may also mitigate ,in the eyes of fair minded people, to some extent the frantic outrage in which antiamerica will indulge should Pres. Trump pardon or commute the Jan. 6 demonstrators

    There is nothing new in Biden's regrettable action. We are already fully aware of the comprehensive lawlessness of the antiamerican left (except of course when THEIR ox is being gored ; in that they are just like the true criminals they embrace) and its obsequious servants. Its "garbage time" and Jan. 20 can't come soon enough.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I do not mean above to suggest that fair minded people might be moved by the pardon to countenance the mayhem the left will foment . I mean to say that among some people of good intent it may simply dissuade them from condemning DJT's possible largesse toward the Jan. 6 people.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack:Much commentary has appeared today holding that DJT should pardon all offenders charged and/or convicted with crimes committed during the Jan. 6 demonstration, especially in view of the Biden pardon. I agree that he should consider it.

    The antiamerican left should be made to endure the consequences of the whirlwind they have sown. That presumptuous offense includes their refusal to bring similarly draconian judgement to bear on Antifa and its auxiliaries for their fiery and murderous assaults on several cities in 2020. With sophomoric delight they made several Seattle neighborhoods into reenactments of the Paris Commune, the residents of those areas be damned. They should have met the fate of the Paris Communards; that is, summary forceful expulsion and arrest.

    The Jan. 6 demonstrators were moved by utter disgust with the presumptuous tyrannical wokeism of the antiamerican left and its possible effect on the 2020 election. Their action got out of hand, possibly due to purposeful dissembling by professional far left agitators on the scene. Generally speaking, most conservative activists
    are amateurs who have to take time out from earning positive and constructive livings; far leftist "community organizers" have no such strictures, they have plenty of time to become pros at sedition. Wrongheaded government and philanthropic largesse provides them a living.

    Hoist the left on its own petards I say; show them no political quarter! They would surely do the same to us. We have them at a distinct disadvantage now. Let's give them to understand that we hold them fully accountable for their amoral, incipiently totalitarian tactics and will not shrink from politically and culturally offending them. No more apologizing to those people!

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Sites like RealClearPolitics and American Greatness have posted several articles speculating as to how the Dems may recover from this staggering embarrassment - defeat at the hands of a man and his supporters to whom they have directed arguably the worst calumny, "official" lawfare oppression, personal excoriation and even implied physical threat (eg. Charles Schumer on the steps of the Scotus building) on record.

    But one comment was to the effect that the Dems may not recover and that they will go the way of the Whigs, the Federalists and the Know Nothings. And it raises this question: what do even the halfway sensible Dems think they can offer us? Look who they have installed in our White House: the Clintons, the most tawdry couple ever to defile our mansion, definitive exemplars of that faction of the boomers which arrogated Aquarian prescience and righteousness; then Obama, who wanted merely to "fundamentally transform" us whether we wanted it or not; and then Biden ('nuff said about him) plus their patronizing attempt to foist a cipher , a dishonest reflexive far leftist on us this year.

    What reason might common sense America have to trust executive stewardship to a party with a record like that?! And what, beside
    mindless resolution to force their views on us despite all "unenlightened "opposition, can be the far left's motivation? Nothing!

    Oh they won't give up. After all , far leftist agitation and blackmail is their living, so many of them.Some of them have been at it since the '60s and they know nothing else. They won't willingly embark on the irrecoverable slippery slope unless we open the door (Washington once said "to a fleeing enemy open all doors" )and give them a boot! America has yet to be redeemed from their malign influence but we've taken a big step. We must follow through!

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Today's RealClearPolitics posts an article from The Bulwark, by a Dem, who goes into considerable detail as to how the Dem party can avoid continuing catastrophe.

    He concentrates on strategy throughout although he does make a brief, passing suggestion that "we must redefine our values". That could well mean simply rewording them without changing their far left substance.

    No, his dominant theme is the adoption of structural and tactical remedies: "its time for real structural changes (to attract) voters who have stopped listening." And he holds forth at length with "constructive" measures to effect this needed change.

    One hopes his advice might move many Dems.because it neatly skirts their essential problem: policy which is completely unacceptable to so very many Americans. The dems' message is by now, after nearly 60 years of presumption, misrepresentation and imposition on their part , abundantly clear and open. They consider themselves an unimpeachably just, inarguably correct elite which deserves to rule without opposition. They disdain contradiction as being not only implacably mistaken but consequently thoroughly reprehensible .

    Their real message got through this time and it appalled so many who had once regarded them with favor (eg. labor). I think its next to impossible that they will change their true far left substance and their totalitarian intent. Its their reason for existing. Some nominal Dems will have no choice but to abandon this thoroughly compromised , now terribly wounded vessel. But the radical core will ride it to the bottom; they are viscerally unable to accede to the democratic principles which are anathema to them.

  13. D r. Waddy from Jack: In an article posted today on RealClear Politics, the redoubtable Byron York points out that "party identification" in this election manifested the highest percentage for the GOP, in second were "Independents" and third were the Dems. He maintains that this astonishing change was the result of Biden administration policies ( eg. open border, unlimited gov't spending , aggressive wokeness etc.) He says that many disenchanted with the increasingly obviously far left captured dems simply refrained from voting though some may have reluctantly switched to a GOP now guided and inspired by a man accorded virtually subhuman discredit by the dem party.

    Does this manifest a final realization by a decisive margin of Americans that the Dems have proven themselves to be irrevocably subjugated by a lunatic far left fringe"outside the pale" of common sense and time tested American traditions like democracy?

    Could well be. With Biden, in 2021, the grimly determined revolutionary left perceived that our President was a feeble minded man who saw them through a 1965 style "Kumbayaa" lens as benevolent idealists. Emboldened by an expectation which was for a time understandable, that they had extinguished the Trumpian heresy, they made bold to go for final triumph and used pore 'ol Joe as their front. DJT's remarkable comeback was unlikely in their view and who else of equal insolence had the GOP to offer? Biden made a faithful factotum and Kamala was seen as easy to dominate if necessary.

    Their failure in empowering grimly vindictive Hillary was a devastating experience. In 2020 they saw it as having been proven just a bump in their road to final triumph and their intense relief made them reckless. "Why these ignoramuses will never catch on to what we really want to do until its much too late." In 2024 they reasoned:" we have immeasurably advanced our cause with our enablement of the invasion of illegal immigrants who promise us unlimited support, as unwashed and malleable as they are. Four more years will seal the deal!"

    America figured them out this time!. It was understandably difficult for such a long time to accept the fact that our country contained a very powerful and forceful crowd which actually intended to destroy America and replace it with a totalitarian leftist "paradise". But the far left kept pushing, kept testing the barriers to find loopholes through which to drive their tanks. They have pushed too far; their hubris has brought them within achievable distance of permanent marginalization in our polity.

  14. Jack, I agree about Musk's gifts -- and thank God that, despite the lefties, we still live in a country where the sky is the limit (and maybe not even the limit) for men of his ilk.

    Richie, it sometimes seems as though the only thing that Trump voters have in common is that they feel disrespected by and alienated from the Left. Was this, in reality, an anti-anti-Trump election? Maybe so.

    Agreed: "condescending" is a very apt way to describe the modern Left! In fact, condescension might be at the very core of what leftism has become.

    Good point, Jack, that arguably the only ongoing relevance of Biden's cavalcade of pardons might be that it will help to justify whatever pardoning Trump chooses to undertake.

    Hmm. Should Trump pardon all J6ers? I dunno. I tend to favor the view that every individual (and his crimes) should be considered distinctly. No one who assaults a police officer, for instance, should get off scot-free. Maybe commutations would be more appropriate than pardons?

    Jack, the only good news for the Dems is that their future political prospects and their inherent virtuosity and wisdom likely have little to do with one another!

    As you suggest, Jack, with any luck the lefties will respond to this setback by retreating even further into their cocoon of self-righteousness. The last thing we should want is for them to start "listening" to the American people or, indeed, anyone but themselves.

    "Permanent marginalization"? Well, we can but hope!!!

  15. Dr. Waddy from Jack: You are very much right about people who assault police.

    A choice between pardon and commutation would afford DJT room to take into account varying degrees of offense or "offense". The principle of individual personal responsibility for one's behavior: you are right again; that is so very vital in our administration of justice. Each case must be taken separately, though the gross political nature of especially but not only, these sentences, is a legitimate rationale for reconsidering all the convictions or sentences attendant upon this event. Its a maxim in our legality: procedural error must be considered in evaluating the comprehensive justice of a criminal proceding and it may condemn the verdict or sentencing. Yes, it can be manipulated by the amoral; perhaps that is why some national legal systems give it far less credit.

  16. I see DJT has recently said that J6 cases will be evaluated on an individual basis. Good for him!
