
Monday, November 25, 2024

Maximum Disruption


Friends, we live in exciting times.  Old verities and ossified institutions are falling by the wayside, and I couldn't be happier!  Rumors that MSNBC might be sold by its parent company, Comcast, have Elon Musk and Joe Rogan speculating on what it might be like if the former bought the cable news network and turned it into...something that doesn't spew toxic leftist propaganda.  I, for one, would love to see this happen.  Indeed, it can't come soon enough!  MSNBC has turned millions of our fellow countrymen into woke zombies, and it's about time someone -- maybe Elon -- came to their rescue.

Although the leftist monopoly on higher ed is mostly holding, there are subtle signs that the winds of change are beginning to blow in academia.  Witness this innovative new college in Austin, Texas:

Finally, now that the Democrats have blown it in '24, they have to circle the wagons and come up with a strategy for success in '26 and, more importantly, '28.  A surprising number of them seem to think the best path forward involves...the exact same path as before.  I'm referring, of course, to Kamala Harris, whose presidential ambitions remain unsatiated, and who is thus considering another run for the presidency.  I say: YES YES YES!!!  A thousand times yes!  Please, Democrats, double down on Kam-Kam.  I don't see what could possibly go wrong...



    And better yet, Kamala's pick for her VP should be AOC, a winning combination for sure.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The possibility that widespread public disgust with far leftist totalitarian control of the American academy was a significant factor in DJT's victory is very encouraging. The antiamerican far left has pushed us too far and multitudes are realizing it.

    The American academy is, I think, the institution most dominantly captured by the neo Marxist far left. It has proven to be a very telling exemplar of what history bids us consider essential characteristics of all far left regimes: vicious intolerance of any views contradicting their principles in the slightest degree, leftists in institutional power are blithe to usurp the instruments of coercion already inherent in the fields they corrupt. In the Academy they use reflexive intellectual and academic ridicule and professional discreditation to intimidate heretics and apostates in both the undergrad and graduate levels and in faculty too; it rejects the free flow of views as wasteful and indicative of malice; its plain and ever more freely expressed mission is to indoctrinate in order to advance "revolutionary" ideals and intent.

    I would guess the majority of Americans have little contact with the American academy (although its ever more presumptuous product - many radicalized secondary and elementary teachers and administrators - have made their obnoxious far left devotion to preparing our children for lives under totalitarianism ever more obvious ). But it may well have overreached far enough to generate genuine alarm among so many outside its normal reach who now accept the reality that our country harbors a powerful many faceted faction dedicated to forcing "fundamental transformation "on an America which does not need or want it.

    Let the American academy's shameful degradation serve as an unmistakeable warning: what the antiamerican far left has done to our "universities"(and in doing so has rashly convinced ever so many more of us of its bad will) it WILL continue to do to our schools, churches, military, law enforcement and the rule of law itself, government, sports and, if it is not confronted, the totality of our public and private lives.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: What comic nonsense it is to think of Harris having any chance of ever being elected President. It takes people with real "gravitas" , like DJT and Nixon, to tough out a comeback. She is a cipher.

    Of course it would be fun to watch her run against ,say, JD in '28. He would humiliate her in debate. As astonishing as it is , I would think AOC has a better chance of nomination than her.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The far left gets all "matter of fact" when things are going their way - "well,,, elections have consequences". But they are also decided by consequences and this one indicates widespread revulsion for the politics ranted by MSNBC. That's what happens when you attempt to pass off such as Al Sharpton as creditable commentators. The free enterprise system which they despise may well be their undoing as they go down the same "bad investment"drain which finally engulfed one Phil Donohue after he wore out his welcome with his imperious sanctamoniousness.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I can't say much about Rachel Maddow because I can't stand her so I avoid watching her. At least she has no reason to gloat, after her apparent fashion, now. There must be a place for her somewhere in this amazing world of almost unlimited variety in broadcast. After all, even Dan Rather has managed to hold on in the airways, albeit in a fairly remote location. Not a big market anymore for traitors I suppose.

    That the MSM (especially the legacy networks, which have disgraced themselves beyond measure)could be someday discredited and reduced to the status of professional wrestling has always been one of our fondest wishes. Now, it looks like it COULD happen; that's almost too good to be true but it IS true. They really blew it by their fanatic devotion to anything which appeared to disable DJT, for whom their insane hatred exceeded even that they directed to Nixon. They appear to have "set their (professional) lives upon a cast" and the "hazard of the die" (re Shakespeare)may well be more than they can survive. It may have been their undoing and if it hasn't done them in yet it remains for DJT and Maga nation (or "TAB "- "Take America Back" nation) to keep the heat turned up all the way. We must do what winners do, especially when they have a fanatic foe on the run; follow up unrelentingly on victory and make it permanent!

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack : We may well be about to witness a fascinating "date with destiny" for a party which sits , well, terribly important in our history; the dems, disgraced now beyond measure by their acquiescence to the antiamerican left (witness the reduced but still hate filled "squad"), in our very country of all things, against a perhaps still halfway common sense rump in their party.

    Will they continue to radicalize, despite America's alarmed rejection of their already astonishing descent into neomarxism? And its important for them to note that America has not yet fully "awoken" to their threat to all we cherish; they have not faced the fully realized wrath of an America incensed at such a presumptuous effort to undo it, to force "fundamental transformation" down our unwilling tracts .

    Many people of good will do not think the dems capable of such a surrender to a historically catastrophically condemned doctrine and its underlying wrongheadedness from its very start. A final reckoning may still be down the road. Others are pleased to see it, thinking it the path to "justice " by which so many around the world were seduced and subjugated before they fully realized (too late)the terrible mistake they had made. Among the latter, some are of the near sociopathic mien which empowered beauties like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

    No doubt there are some in the dem fold who are by now fully alerted to this. What will they do; what can they do? Can they disenchant their fanatic "revolutionary"faction ? I think not; that faction cannot abide contradiction of its exalted justice and unassailable righteousness. Their minds are slammed shut!Without it they have no reason for activism in our polity. They'd have to find another unimpeachable cause; as the sometimes prophetic author Eric Hoffer predicted of all "true believers". But many of them are aging "boomers" who are loath to face the fact that their impassioned presumptuousness was, well, naive. Good luck!

    There must come either abject surrender by dems of good will to the totalitarian and ingrate radicals, for the purpose of opposition to unbearable Maga or there must be a schism. In saying this I do not rule out the possibility of a disingenuous "uniting" force and personality which convinces hopeful dems of compromising with both ends of their spectrum - radical fanatics and people of positive intent based in a continuation of American civilization. The Clintons made merry with such an image; at least adventurous Slick Willy did and he got elected twice. Hillary could not mask her grim vindictive far left intent; she lost she lost and so did her feckless disciple Kamala. Sorry you two, men still vote and we don't willingly do so for man haters.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Red: University of Austin: How very much wronged our country has been by the reckless far left when the establishment of a new school which bases itself in free inquiry, academic integrity, unfettered and unthreatened discourse and research, and recognition both of our Western civilization 's good points and its shortcomings (sheesh,has there ever been another civilization which has countenanced, with monumentally shortsighted "guilt" , the kind of unbalanced, suicidal excoriation of our history and accomplishments the far left has fostered and imposed upon our impressionable students and seeks to thoroughly incorporate into our political culture?), that, when this courageous institution is deservedly termed "innovative" . Gads, how far we have fallen. How ungrateful of us to allow this tragic and insolently presumptuous misuse of a civilization which has afforded us a miraculous measure of material well being and all the wonderfully enhanced quality of life this brings, together with historically unprecedented personal freedom, (a blessing so many other peoples crave with a terrible thirst ) and works of art and architecture precious beyond measure .

    That said, University of Austin and other universities which have, for example, yet faithfully maintained the redeeming traditions of the Christian university, give us hope that the truly bizarre, now 50 year long usurpation of the American academy by totalitarian proponents of the most spiritually and intellectually deadening doctrine ever to plague humanity, Marxism, may yet be driven from that establishment. Starting with those supported and EMPOWERED by a tax paying public which is becoming ever more conscious of the far left's contemptuous and prospectively murderous disdain for it, we can take our higher education back from the dissembling totalitarians.


    Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. Ahh. Now AOC as a running mate might be closer to the mark, Ray...

    Jack, the sad part is that the baleful influence of academia extends far beyond its ivy-encrusted walls, since almost every member of our political, social, and economic elite has undergone higher ed indoctrination. Luckily, in some cases that attempt at mind control fails, and occasionally it even backfires. Thank God for that!!!

    Jack, Harris is a dud, but she came perilously close to winning in '24, and I would not rule out the possibility that she could win in a subsequent election, IF the objective circumstances were favorable. A recession, for instance, might do the trick...

    Agreed: it does seem "too good to be true" that we've got the MSM nearly licked. Maybe it seems that way because it is? Possibly the MSM will find ways of transferring its malevolent influence over public opinion to more modern media, like social media, podcasts, and the like. There's plenty of room for the Left to improve its purchase there.

    Can the Dems paper over their differences and unite long enough to defeat our candidate for president in '28? I don't doubt that they can, but will they? Who knows. I wonder, though, whether the media will be able to hold the REAL leftists in the Democratic Party at bay for much longer. Bernie was a team player, and his supporters were ultimately willing to be bamboozled, but can the DNC count on that level of compliance indefinitely? I doubt it.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Raymundo!!!

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your cautions about assuming too much of our victory are well taken. My view as a 77 year old includes taking things one day a time and these days since the election have been SWEET. We can be certain we have dealt them a staggering setback but I agree, they may be fully capable of a comeback. They did it in '92, though '88 was not quite the whupping they got this time.

    So very much will happen before even the midterms. Churchill's wonderful ". . . end of the beginning. . . " comment may say it best. Maybe this theretofore unthinkable era of dissolution in our civilization has been dealt a decisive blow but we cannot know that now and should never assume it until antiamerica has been unmistakeably disempowered and its advocates reduced to holding forth in sweltering county fair tents as backups for flatulent fourth rate jesters.

  11. Jack, I would rate it as highly likely that the Dems will retake the House in '26...but that victory might not afford them much solace, and it would grant them very little power. If we want to consolidate our mighty victory in '24, we must look to '28, and perhaps even more importantly to pulling the rug out from under the MSM, Hollywood, left-leaning Big Tech, etc.
