
Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Ron's ReSanctification?


Friends, reports are circulating that DJT could pull the plug on his nomination of Pete Hegseth as SecDef and give the post to -- wait for it! -- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, his erstwhile ally and erstwhile rival.  Hmm!  I have no idea if any of the allegations against Hegseth are true, or if they're the usual inside the beltway smokescreen, but there's no doubt that DeSantis would be a very formidable presence at the Department of Defense.  He's a capable administrator and someone who knows how to get results out of an ossified political system, and that could go a long way.  I trust that, at the end of the day, we'll end up with a Secretary of Defense who will Make America Fierce Again!


Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe has pardoned his son Hunter -- gee, I never saw that coming! -- and there's speculation that he might spray the entire Deep State with a fire hose of pardons, in order to forestall any prosecutions that might come out of Trump's DOJ.  That would be a mighty interesting development!  It certainly wouldn't make the dastardly Dems look good, although no doubt they're bargaining that, by 2026 and 2028, the voters will have long forgotten about it.  They're probably right. 

Meanwhile, the good folks at MSNBC (maybe the makeup lady qualifies as "good"?) are fretting over the future of the network, as corporate maneuvering plus ultra-low ratings signify that the gold standard in progressive "journalism" is teetering on the brink.  To that end, check out the last article, by a pal o' mine, who suggests that now is the time to kick the lefties when they're down and, if possible, finish them off -- politically, of course.  I couldn't agree more.  We need to press our advantage while we have it, and, if we can blow up some of the institutional props that keep leftism viable, let's go for it, I say! 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Pete Hegseth is a great guy and would be Nemesis to "wokeness" in the military. When Gov. DeSantis was suggested as a plan B if Hegseth doesn't make it , my first reaction was that DeSantis has done heroic, pioneering work in confirming politically very significant Florida as a key part of common sense America and I'd hate to see any backtrack if he were to become SecDef. But, he does have far more administrative experience than Hegseth and his antiwokeness resolve has been tested and proven.

    We need a SecDef who will embody and mobilize the outrage within and without our military towards presumptuous, military hating leftists blithely misusing our forces as proving grounds for radical social experimentation while they sneer in monumental ignorance at factors such as readiness for war. Since the military are respectful of authority and obey orders, the vindictive far left delights in forcing them into compliance with their dreamy dictates. The injustice this does to all those in particular who have embraced the challenges and the systemic disappointments inherent in a military career (eg. check out the inter-war stagnation in advancement meted out to such as future Generals Eisenhower and Marshall - now think of how they would have fared under "woke" scrutiny)is all undeserved. That is celebrated by the antiamerican radical left, for whom the door was opened by "military loathing" Slick Willy. And it must and can be defeated!

    I would not want to see Pete Hegseth rejected.But in civil war casualties are inevitable and must be replaced. DeSantis would do a great job as SecDef. Under either one of them, let our Defense establishment become the vanguard of the purgation of antiamerican wokeness from our public life, rather than a reluctant subordinate to America haters.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I would hope that, should DeSantis become SecDef, a worthy , reliable successor is at hand for him in Florida. The redemption of Florida was not an easy task and it must not be betrayed. And I would hope the same redeeming prospect obtains in the special elections for our thin House majority. The full power of still powerful wokeism and lawfare will undoubtably be directed to retaking the House. We have not won yet!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Are we really to believe that MSNBC is "shocked, shocked!" at revelations of the tawdry records of some of its obsequiously featured commentators ? Really!?

    They are probably incapable of reform and who cares anyway? There are so many outlets for common sense now available . Let them crash and burn and good riddance.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Supposing the Allies had said in the winter of 44-45 :"well we've reached the Rhine, that's good enough, the Krauts are beat "- or - " we destroyed them at Leyte Gulf, its over". Luckily people with full understanding of the incredible resilience and destructive power and the proven possibility of the Axis's eventual return to incalculably inhuman dominance, insisted on their COMPLETE defeat.

    Similar resolution, motivated by full perception of the still viable threat to American civilization posed by this once incredible, now quite obvious, domestic threat to all we cherish, to all the hard won redeeming features of our Western experience must be carried through now. And all the more so is this conviction endorsed, by the incipient and unapologetic totalitarian record of the far left in power and the redeeming setback we gave it in the last election

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I should think the real impact of the pardon will consist in this" Well we've thought for awhile now that these Dems consider themselves justified in whatever they do, formally lawful or unlawful, de nada! And this once again affirms it; we've been right all along about these people. Not much we can do about this pardon but lets file it and keep the lesson ready for the next big decision!"

  6. Jack, as I opined on the radio today (the show won't be broadcast until Saturday), in a sense it doesn't matter who becomes SecDef, just as long as he/she is aligned unreservedly with Trumpism and with the agenda of extirpating wokeness. Trump is basically reminding the Senate that you can have the Trumper behind Door #1, or the Trumper behind Door #2, but what you can't have is another establishment hack! No way, no how!

    Anyone who considers MSNBC a "journalistic" enterprise clearly hasn't been paying attention. Carrying water for the Dems is the whole point!!!

    Jack, I disagree with the analogy only insofar as, in the case of the modern Left, we can afford to offer it terms short of unconditional surrender. Let them keep Sleepy Joe as their Emperor... I see no harm in it.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I remember how astonishing and appalling it was to see the military come under the command of the Clintons. They had just achieved a redeeming victory in the Middle East. The curse of Vietnam and the terrible in justice it did to military morale had seemingly been laid to rest. And then a draft dodger beats a WWII hero in the election. What da!?

    A Clinton staffer was quoted : "I saw some Air Force jets go over today and I thought, wow, these are OURS now and we can do what we want with them"! Some disdainful staffers refused to speak to military men and Hillary planned to make waiters out of Marine officers. I'm sure she knew just what she was doing and intended the contempt that manifested. Military morale was unforgiveably harmed.

    To get along in the service you must develop a thick skin and take "the insolence of office" in stride. But "enough is too much!" After 12 years of Obama/Biden emphasis on wokeness, recruiting difficulties and cynicism abound. Besides having a negative effect on our readiness for war, this manifests detestable ingratitude fully comparable to that demonstrated by the Clintons in their disgraceful tenure.

    I cannot but believe that there remains in our services a majority who will welcome a return to the proven verities which have sustained our forces in the past and a renunciation, coming from the very top, of the presumptuous oppression wokeness has worked on those who protect our miraculous national well being. DJT demonstrates in his Defense choice(s) already an unshakeable determination to work this vital change. That is yet more cause for celebration!

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack : MSNBC: I agree: not only are they in the "bag" for the left but they regularly display characteristic far left presumptuousness and arrogance about it. It would be good to see them in the unemployment line. They are consummately unprofessional. At least I can stand watching them now and again. It's fun to see them squirm and you can learn a lot about them and their crowd by watching them prevaricate. Yes, my favorite, Fox, is very much slanted to our side. But that was a balancing reaction to the outrage produced when the MSM careened left starting in the '60s, when good 'ol Cronkite counciled us in his avuncular manner that we were losing in Vietnam after Tet, when our forces had actually crushed the VC. America had to recoil from that then astonishing descent into America hatred, sooner or later.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: No I didn't mean that Cronkite hated America. But he and plainly anti American victory in Vietnam Dan Rather (I knew guys who were "in country" in Vietnam who said Rather was lucky he didn't get fragged in Vietnam; those guys knew about his purposeful misrepresentation of their efforts )opened the door for up and coming grads of '60s + compromised "Journalism" schools and Watergate threw wide the portals for all manner of ambitious leftist poisoned boomers.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Hakeem Jeffries was on today pontificating about the need for cooperation and rejection of partisanship in the House.

    Had he even a slimmer margin than the GOP has now, he would simply have sniffed "well now, elections have consequences don't they" as he used the Speakership to head up the - da da dahh dahh ! - gallant resistance to Trumpian fascism.

    We need not fear Dem vindictiveness, should they achieve the majority sometime, when , eh, we take advantage of their continued minority subjugation. Were we to honor their every whim now , out of sweet forgiveness, they would in power demonstrate consummate bad will. We have the existentially threatening intent of the antiamerican left captured dems at bay. Now is the time to start closing in for victory.

    I see Jane Fonda is now quite active in combatting global warming caused by a perfidious America ready for a return to common sense, readily achievable energy independence. But she must be entering her dotage; I mean, what opportunity for "in your face" public treason does this issue offer her ? Heck, nobody even uses antiaircraft guns now and we know how skilled she is in that art.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: On MSNBC some passionate far leftist sounded the battle cry of the now beleagured far left which faces the actual enactment of antiwoke measures that have heretofore been only the stuff of maalox moments and tempetuous 3am dread for the poor dears. "The rule of law", she bleated , "must be defended and our law enforcement forces must never be the servants of partisan politics" (or words to that effect).

    They have learned little from the election, yes? Clintonian preemption worked best when it was consummate country carnival huckster Slick Willy doing the bean shifting. But when 3rd rate Kamala attempted it, it fluffed. Common sense America saw right through her "front" that she had had a centrist Epiphany and would , to the end of her days, be sincerely and respectfully open to ALL views in our "diverse" nation.

    Now the far left who yet Captain the severely breached vessel of far left presumption of unimpeachable wisdom and good will, as it tosses on the unendurablely insolent sea of common sense challenge, would yet have us believe they are miraculously converted to stalwart defense of the painfully evolved legal system which is our cumulative English and American historical heritage!

    This, in the face of unprecedented popular determination to reassert proven American legal, political, social and cultural verities in our society, polity, economy and legality, confirmed by this election! They still cannot grasp that they have been "made" by common sense America. They are still unable to accept the grim fact that their ruse was and is seen as just that! They will not be a patriotic, good willed opposition respectful of American values. They cannot bring themselves to see that their exalted fundamental view of America - as a nation thoroughly discredited by myriad evil "isms" which they presumptuously hold as condemning upon very accusation , and deserving of punishment, reeducation and "fundamental transformation" on the historically catastrophically anathemitised model of marxism ,has been "found out".

    Now that they see themselves as imminent subjects of scrutiny by the very governmental agencies, reformed that is, they so presumptuously directed against DJT and his supporters, they fall back on the oh so tired tactic of preemption into the false convictions which clearly informed their very defeat in the election. Ain';t '94, y'all and there is only one Slick Willy and he's too busy stalking ingenues just now.

  12. Jack, I recall my disbelief at the fact that Americans elected a draft dodger, as you say, over a WWII vet -- and Slick Willie even went on the "peace train" to Moscow! No doubt lefties are feeling the same sense of incredulity now. Truth be told, what matters to most voters is the "bottom line". They'll vote for almost anyone, including a complete charlatan, if he/she offers them a better life.

    Jack, I'm glad I'm too young to have witnessed Dan Rather reporting from the jungles of South Vietnam. I'm sure I would have thrown my shoe through my television screen.

    Unless Jane Fonda starts attacking electrical substations -- and we can't rule out that possibility -- my guess is that her perspective on climate change won't amount to a hill of beans.

    The lefties as defenders of the "rule of law"??? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. That conceit was always pretty hilarious to those of us in the know. The Left has never believed in anything except its own transcendent wisdom and moral superiority.
