
Saturday, November 9, 2024

Wily Wiles


Friends, this matronly lady doesn't look like the spearhead of fascism...and she probably isn't.  Susan Wiles, who effectively ran Donald Trump's 2024 campaign, has been named as his Chief of Staff.  I've read up about her, and she does not appear to be an ideologue or even a MAGA true believer.  She's a loyal, highly competent Republican who happens to like Trump, and Trump happens to like her.  Does this mean that we're in for four years of bloodless moderation?  Not necessarily.  It means the Chief of Staff won't be propelling the Trump presidency in any particular ideological direction, but maybe other people will?  Trump, for instance?  It also means there's a good chance that his second administration will be a lot better run and more stable than his first.


In other news, the blame game is well underway on the Left, and Nancy Pelosi says it's all Biden's fault for not getting out of the way sooner.  There's much truth to that, but what about Biden's enablers -- like Pelosi -- who made excuses for him long after his diminished capacity was clear to objective observers? 

Many of us are wondering how many lefty bureaucrats will jump ship in D.C. to avoid DJT's wrath, and how many liberals will follow through on their idle boasts and flee America to find progressive sanctuary in Canada, or Cuba, or Venezuela?  My expectations are low in this regard.  I don't see many leftists behaving as though their rhetoric was for real and America truly is about to succumb to fascism.  Instead, they're overwhelmingly adopting a "wait and see" attitude, and possibly they're sharpening their pitchforks for Insurrection 2.0, which of course won't be called an insurrection, but instead will be labeled a "peaceful protest".  So many unanswered questions at this stage! 



    Going to be beyond interesting when those Federal ICE Police start rounding up illegals of all sorts in cities all over The U.S., and especially places like Portland, Oregon, where Families of ICE Members were harassed, and in some cases, openly attacked at their homes, during the first Trump administration.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Wow! Again Doc Waddy - a very prescient call on your part - DJT swept the battleground states! I think he has achieved as close to a landslide as is possible in our intensely divided country. What a great day for America.

    His clear popular vote majority puts our otherwise usually wasted Presidential vote here in the People's Republic of NY in a different light. We were part of that significant margin.

    If Hillary had won in 2016 we might well have been finished by now. Scotus would have been hers for sure. Great thanks again to DJT. BTW, speculation about about an immediate exit for Sotomayor and a lame duck radical replacement for her is interesting. We are insulated from disaster by our 6-3 advantage but if Sotomayor might be leaving soon anyway, 7-2 would be even better.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I watched Pelosi's touching post election lamentation that "I wanted to sat 'good morning' but plainly it is not". How richly she and her imperious ilk deserve such a morning. To be so resoundingly gainsaid by a nation must be a devastating experience.

    Her assertion that Biden's late departure was a key factor is self serving. It should be obvious that the far left policies of her party, far too well grimly understood by the American majority, were the compelling reason. But I could believe that that withered harridan is actually and honestly incapable of considering that the policies she has championed could be so ill begotten. We can expect of her unchastened continued advocacy of all of the counterproductive antiamerican leftist hate filled outrage which has led the Dems to this dolorous pass.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The Russians have apparently deliberately preserved one of the small cities in the "Golden Circle" close to Moscow in all its Stalinist grotesqueness. I have read travel guides to Russia encouraging tourists to go there to behold crumbling "communalka" apartment buildings and the like.

    Let those worthies stung to the quick by DJT's unendurable redemption NOT emigrate. Instead, let them devote their energies and resources to erecting a monumental "Far Leftist Land" theme park in (where else?) NY state. Surely obsequious Gov. Hochul would gift them one of the sprawling NY prisons recently emptied with the compassionate release of thugs into the happy hunting grounds of the law abiding public. That would be appropriate since the left specializes in turning entire countries even unto prisons. And such an edifice would provide a welcome "safe space" for radicals driven to despair.

    Staff portraying inhabitants would be strictly segregated into proscribed and exalted groups and unrelenting wokeness would be required of "all ye who enter". Warm clothes would be de riguer because of the absence of fossil fueled heating. You get the idea. . .

    As the fame of this monument spreads, Woodstock style encampments would spread along its periphery, serenaded by 90 year old musicians happily reprising tunes excoriating America.

    No, don't leave, you poor dears. Stay and do us this service.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Pelosi is the outstanding exemplar of the overt , snobbish contempt of the coastal elites for flyover country and its oafish, brutal and unenlightened population. Her return to San Fransisco would be most welcome.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: If I remember correctly, Wiles was the subject of favorable commentary several months ago by a colleague of yours at this site. This is a favorable start for what could be a very redeeming administration.

    The Dems bet it all on relentless lawfare and excoriation, enabled and justified by their hatred for common sense America and the traditional verities it embraces, including measured and not counterintuitively imposed progress. Now their worst nightmare, a DJT restored, motivated and far wiser is their lot. Given their always frail psyches and results probably close to as bad as they could be, a hyperbolic political spectacle may still be in the offing from them in their unendurable outrage.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The antiamerican left has done an incalculable wrong to the myriad displaced people fleeing wretched lives in dysfunctional societies in encouraging them to think they could get away with violating US immigration law. So many of those unfortunates, many of whom have only the vaguest understanding of our political and legal processes, are about to experience the despair of being returned to settings where not only are they not wanted but where they may be treated to much increased victimization.

    Our radical left has cynically and heartlessly used them for its own political gain. Should that left ever achieve the totalitarian power it seeks it would enslave them right along with everyone else. Marxists in power are not noted for displaying gratitude. Now these rootless and weary ones are caught between a rock and a hard place, as if their lives were not trying enough.

    Our law must be enforced; it was established by a democratic process including debate in which their plight in their home countries was fully considered and workable provisions for helping them as much as possible were enacted. The contempt for our laws and our lawmaking process which is a mainstay of the antiamerican left has been in this instance a source of unforgiveable evil violating the lives of so many unlucky people.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack : I just read an article in RealClearPolitics which says that the antiamerican left simply cannot admit that all its crazy policies are WRONG. That's a good observation but lets take it a step further to pinpoint their actual fear:

    That is: if they are so mistaken as to have brought such a whuppin on themselves, then why should they even continue as a political force in a democratic common sense America? Perhaps its time for them to go the way of the "Know Nothings " of the 19th century. Oh they would never on their own adopt such a conviction but they are petrified by the possibility that the deplorables will catch on to it.

    And then what would become of them.?! What about the" poverty "blackmailers, the tax payer empowered storefront "community organizers", the man haters, the "university " commies and all their ilk whose very livings would dry up ? Why, they'd have to seek real jobs and that would require degrading intercourse with everyday "garbage". Horrors!

    1. RAY TO JACK

      As you already know, The Left (Marxists) NEVER admits to being wrong, individually or collectively. I'm sure you remember one of the most successful spies in history, the late Kim Philby. If not, look him up. His masters, the Soviet KGB rescued him just in time. Later on, he said that there was nothing wrong with the Communist system. It was perfect, and the only problem were people who led things in wrong directions, but the system/ideology itself was perfect. So, the Marxist ideology which drives the American left, is embedded in millions of brains
      by U.S. education (mainly higher) and is like mold in old buildings that simply cannot be removed. People like Walz (for example) really do believe what they say things like "Trump's hateful agenda" and so on. When I want to get cheered up, in a secular way, I always spend a little time reading George Orwell, a man who actually recovered from Leftism, very rare indeed.

  9. Ray from Jack: History firmly supports what you have said. That anyone can still find virtue in this detested doctrine is hard to understand unless it be explained by willful perverseness. Marxists are fully equal in demonstrated incalculable evil to the nazis. America is catching on to the appalling power marxists have garnered up to now in a still perhaps too tolerant America.

  10. Ray from Jack: I do not in saying this impeach the very many people of good will who support the Marxist captured Dem party. Many of them are far too busy living productive lives to pay attention to politics. And some of them simply and understandably disagree that their once creditable party can have sunk to such depth.

  11. Ray from Jack: Philby was an apologist for the worst economic and political system ever to plague mankind.Well, he had already worked profound evil, what's a little more? It's the old excuse isn't it? "We just didn't get it right the first time. Give us 100,000,000 more lives to toy with." How appalling it is that so many Americans have bought it. The only way to prevent them actually carrying through on such madness is to deny them the power to do so and we took a big step on Tuesday. Now? FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW THROUGH!!

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I actually read an article from The Nation which was posted on RealClearPolitics. It held that the Dems have concentrated on "short term mobilization" and have ignored "long term civic organization" and that it was a major factor in their loss. I can just see it :" Monthly meeting of the county Marxist society Tuesday at the Senior Center. Meeting starts at 6pm sharp with "The Internationale".

    What rings very true in this observation is that the obvious attitude of the antiamerican left captured dems is: "vote for us and then go fly a kite. We'll take care of things; we know best"

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: On Fox, just saw a frantic antiamerican left dem urge her party to cut its ties with corporate America and disempower its "establishment" wing. Why lets have a good old schism!

    BY ALL MEANS, YES. DO SO! Encourage corporations now considering readopting common sense to end their bizarre sojourne in the arms of wokeism! Come right out and say to those of good will who remain in your tragically compromised party "Hit the bricks! You have to know we despise you and have been gaming you all along".

    I can just see it: a rump neo Democrat party which inclines at least to the common sense and loyalty that party once manifested and - dah, dah, dahdah - the full blown neomarxist Democratic Socialists of America. This would be the true multiparty system very much wished for by many for so long. It would be an amusing side show and would give all those "progressives" (progress toward what?)now cast into darkness something to do.

  14. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But I suppose it could depend on how many dems decide simply to join us. The close House vote suggests that alot of dems who may have voted for Trump out of revulsion with the unmistakeably far left dominated national dem party voted dem in local elections. But no matter how we cut it we've done great, really great. Better than '94 and '16.

  15. Ray from Jack: When our military or law enforcement are met by force, that force must be requited by their lawful authority. And they must be freed of counterintuitive strictures which make their jobs virtually undoable and put them at utterly unreasonable hazard of their careers, their freedom and their lives. We should be ashamed that we countenance the fully intended damage such injustice, perpetrated by forces which loath them, wreaks on their vital morale as they do their challenging duties.

    Now is the time to reverse such outrage. A Bill of Rights for law enforcement and the military would be a good thing.

  16. Ray, you ain't kidding! The deportation gambit will define much of Trump's presidency, I suspect -- at least as far as the MSM is concerned...but possibly no one will be watching or listening to or reading that drivel?

    Jack, thank you for acknowledging my prognosticatory acumen! Perhaps the most important realization to emerge from this long campaign is the fact that I'm super-smart! Ha ha.

    True, Pelosi's verdict on the cause of Harris's defeat is self-serving, but that doesn't necessarily make it false. I agree with her that a better Democratic candidate could have won.

    Jack, I wholeheartedly endorse and approve the construction of Liberal Land, based on the specifications you laid out, with one exception: there should be a giant wall built around it to prevent the inmates from further troubling polite society.

    Jack, you're right that many of those who will be deported are to be pitied, but in my opinion very few of them were ever political refugees in any meaningful sense. They were overwhelmingly motivated by the (understandable) desire to increase their standard of living.

    Ray is right: we will be able to count on one hand the number of Dems/progressives who come to regret any of their "principles" and beliefs. They will conclude that their only mistakes were tactical. In the main, in fact, they will conclude that their noble efforts were subverted by Trump's "lies", plain and simple.

    Jack, I wouldn't say that Dem organization is lacking. Indeed, it's the only thing that kept them in the fight. Where they went wrong was in essentially dismissing the legitimate concerns of the electorate, and then lecturing them on what their concerns ought to be. They lost touch with reality, which is hardly surprising because most of them are allergic to it.

    Jack, a Dem schism would be the best thing that could possibly happen to America, and we should do everything in our power to encourage it!

    Jack, I have no doubt that most members of law enforcement are THRILLED by this result, and they must look forward to a golden age of law and order under Trump. Having said that, the woke/DEI culture has captured quite a few law enforcement agencies, and this will be tricky to undo.

  17. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yes, an unscalable wall around the Far Left theme park preventing the escape of any foolish enough to hazard it would be in keeping with the honored Marxist tradition of using walls to keep people IN. A sign saying "All hope abandon, ye who enter here " would be appropriate but unlikely in view of customary commie disingenuousness. Perhaps Charon and his three headed dog could be persuaded though to embark on a nostalgic reprise of their dramatic but mostly forgotten role in "The Inferno"
