
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Bad to the Last Drop


Friends, Sleepy Joe is intensifying his efforts to manipulate oil and gas prices in the lead-up to the midterm elections.  He's spraying oil from our strategic petroleum reserve all over the place in a manic effort to convince you that, actually, Biden-flation ain't so bad.  Is it a dereliction of duty for the Commander-in-Chief and a misuse of a strategic asset?  You bet.  Will Biden face any consequences for doing it?  Well, now -- that's up to you, Mr. and Mrs. America...


There's more news today related to Biden family corruption, and it concerns the "loan" that Hunter Biden allegedly received from a Chinese energy company.  Again, what are the chances that any prosecutor, anywhere, ever, will ever look into these charges?  Slim to none -- unless, that is, Joe Biden becomes a liability to his own Dem confederates, and that day might dawn sooner than you think!


Finally, the federal prosecutor who was supposed to get to the bottom of the Trump-Russia hoax and hold guilty parties accountable has come up empty yet again.  One has to wonder: was the investigation a setup from the start, i.e. was Durham slow-walking and sabotaging his own efforts?  As a swamp creature, that might be what you'd expect him to do, after all.  It sure would be nice if the mendacious attempts to stymie the Trump presidency were exposed, and those responsible faced justice, but we Republicans and conservatives are used to disappointment on that score.  So...chalk another one up for the swamp! 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Pino Biden's handlers have a view perhaps beyond the election. During the '73-4 Arab oil embargo we were reduced to hanging on every pronunciamento uttered by one Ahmed Zaki Yamani ,the Saudi oil minister and his medieval potentate, King Faisal, for relief from our travails. Just imagine! The Strategic Oil Reserve was meant to free us of such shameful thralldom. I'm sure OPEC will be well aware of every barrel thrown away by the America haters and all who seek to encounter us will be much encouraged. To throw away, at the behest of dreamers, the national strength our energy storage and production gave us would be unthinkable for any other country.

  2. Ray to Jack

    I think it is safe to say that J.B. is a SPECTRE agent, don't you?

  3. Ray from Jack: Nah, rather, he's from VACUOUS.

  4. Ha! You jest, Ray, but as Jack points out we are increasingly vulnerable to a REAL "oil shock", since our strategic reserve has been frittered away. Let's hope the terrorists aren't reading this blog -- although how could they not???

    1. Ray to Nick

      Don't underestimate Muslim countries. Some still have plenty of oil for themselves, and if Allah permits, super missiles for the future conversion of the world to Islam. Imagine a Super Arab Missile arsenal poised to hit targets all over the world. Convert or be vaporized!

  5. Ray to Nick

    Only windmills and solar panels can save us now. Get ready for that ersatz coffee. However, only Captain America can save us now, and only if his electric car is fully charged.

  6. Ray, I suspect it's only a matter of time before most major countries have nukes, plus the missiles needed to deliver them hither and yon. The good news is, if we acquire the so-far-elusive skill of minding our own business, it might be others who acquire that unhealthy greenish glow, and we could be sitting pretty. Step One: ditch the warmonger Biden.
