
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Is You Po'?


Friends, as America teeters on the edge of a fiscal and economic cliff, it's worth asking ourselves: what's waiting for us at the bottom of the abyss?  Will the survivors of this economic apocalypse envy the dead?  Now now, I say -- the coming recession won't be the end of the world.  There is hope.  

That's one of the main topics of this week's Newsmaker Show with me and Brian O'Neil.  We talk about the economic peril facing both the United Kingdom and the U.S.  We also talk about the Biden Administration's corrupt and self-serving efforts to paper over our economic weakness by artificially lowering the price of oil and gas.  

When we turn to "This Day in History", Brian and I discuss the Battle of Yorktown and the debt our country owes the French, Black Monday in 1987 and how the stock market bounced back, and the scurrilous yellow journalism that prevailed in the days of the Founders -- and apparently still does!

Oh boy!  What a lineup.  I'm tempted to listen in myself!




In other (good) news, fewer Americans are listening to, and trusting what they hear from, the mainstream media.  Gee, I wonder why? 


  1. Ray to Nick

    A shortage of food and gas will be good for The American people. In the end, they will find that driving around in their Super Belch Fire Quadtorque Bulge Mobiles (SUVs), with their big junk food butts, and listening to hip hop trash music, was not as enjoyable as they thought.

  2. Ray from Jack: May you be forever lauded for the hilarious hyperbole you coined between the words "super" and "mobiles". Nuthin against Suvs meant but that was transcendently mirthful!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: So Pino Biden thought it meet to advise the head of government of a great democracy eh? That takes some crust it does. He is not in the running for executive of the year. And talk about presumptuous blather: the Cuomo pair have seen fit to grace us with their uncannily characteristic pontifical Cuomo speak after our unendurable hiatus from its consummate benefits. Chris Cuomo ads for his broadcast s are redolent with a typical Cuomo combination of preaching and a preemptive admonition should you dare to find him unpalateable. The newspaper picture of deposed Prince Andrew of NYC was hilarious: the gaping maw, the thumb and forefinger displaying the pedagogic ring as he decreed upon us his return to public life.Those two have astronomical egos.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I agree that we owe France a historical debt for our victory in our war of independence. I think we paid that obligation great faith in WWs I and II and in keeping Stalin from considering the acquisition of an Atlantic coastline.

  5. Dr.Waddy from Jack: I remember being astounded by that October '87 crash. Having heard much appalling memory of the Depression, I thought it imminent.

  6. Ray, I may not own an SUV, but my butt gets a little more American-esque every year. As such, I resent your trivialization of my conspicuous consumption! I mean, is there a higher purpose to life on earth? I can't imagine what it could be...

    Jack, is Emperor Andy plotting a return to the throne? I was unaware. Let's hope Lee Zeldin can hold him, and Kathy Hochul, at bay!

    An interesting perspective, Jack: France accidentally saved us in 1781, and so we returned the favor by accidentally saving them in 1918 and 1944. Who knows, one day one of us might do the other a good turn on purpose! (By which I mean that liberating America in 1781, and France in 1918 and 1944, was in all these cases ancillary to the main purpose of going to war.)

  7. Ray to Nick

    I would recommend a Mercedes-Benz SUV for you. However, Benz has gone out to other countries to make "Der Benz", such as China and Mexico. Supposed to be quality control, but I have my doubts. Anyway, I think a Toyota Tacoma would be good for you, for when your butt gets really huge. Of course that can be avoided by going on a diet of bread and water.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Oh yeah, Ass. Press did a big article and his picture as described. He will grace the airways with a political podcast, dah dah de dah!: "As a matter of fact. . . with Andrew Cuomo". Gloria Mundi! He granted Ass. Press an audience inwhich he mused that high office might his again but opined that the Senate might not suit him as would an executive role (where his consummate merit would be best exalted). He lauded his selfless and unceasing labor and sacrifice as a (ehhh) public servant and sniffed of his critics and insolent doubters that they need not attend upon his performances. Naturally; they are"just a vocal minnahrty" after all. I thought he had exhausted his talent for grotesquerie but . . . "he's back!" I think his triumphant requital will be as was that of unbearably sanctimonious Phil Donahue awhile back: a well deserved royal flop.

  9. Ray, FYI, I drive a 2005 Cadillac Deville. It's a good car for a dinosaur, and large enough that almost any ass will fit in it. FY further I, my ass isn't actually that big, and I play a lot of tennis so there's hope that it will stay fit and trim.

    Interesting, Jack! I hadn't heard anything about it. In NYS, as you know, all things are possible, and I include a Governor Zeldin in that formulation.

  10. Dr.Waddy from Jack: A Governor Zeldin has become a distinct possibilty. Gad's Bread do we deserve relief from unhampered presumptuous dem fiat!Its example sets a not to be ignored warning for the rest of the country of the unrelenting oppression which will be our lot, coast to coast, should these vicious dreamers take full power. But oh, for some release now for our long wronged state.

  11. Jack, a Zeldin win would be GLORIOUS!!! I can pretty much put up with living in a blue state, so long as it's not a one-party state. We're teetering on the edge, as you know.
