
Thursday, October 27, 2022

Another One Bites the Dust


Friends, I couldn't care less about Kanye West and the stuff he makes that passes for "music", but I do care about the infantile nature of cancel culture and how it is eating away at civilization itself.  Sometimes the scope and nature of these "cancellations" is downright batty, as you'll see here.  More importantly, what kind of person only wants to see people who they like, or listen to voices they agree with, or enjoy music from artists who share their political views?  The answer: an immature, shallow, and self-righteous person -- that's a no-brainer.  Man up, America!  All this virtue-signaling and cold-shouldering has to stop!


The U.S. economy actually grew in the third quarter!  Imagine that.  All signs point to a looming recession, nonetheless.  An interesting side note: one of the few growth industries left is government aid to Ukraine... 


Has there been a flood of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. since President Biden took office?  Nah.  Only 1.8 million.  That's not even enough to merit 30 seconds of coverage on the major networks.  A total non-story!

Finally, you'll find plenty of Russia-Ukraine and U.S. political analysis in this fine article from Sputnik News, which features plenty of commentary from Yours Truly:


  1. Ray to Nick

    As a history professor, you already know very well that cancel culture is nothing more that a takeoff on the old Marxist bullshit of making someone a non-person. Nothing new here, just more Marxism in action by a different name. When Marxist dictatorships killed "enemies of the state" they didn't say they were executed, but former Comrade so and so was Liquidated.

  2. Dr Waddy et al from: Oh how the American far left like would like to poo poo the notion that the wickedness of past leftist totalitarian regimes can be predicted of them. Their every action today in the US bids us be certain that they WOULD be every bit as inhuman

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Would that medieval scholars were loosed on today's woke to try their reasoning according to the standards of the"disputatio". "Reductio ad absurdum" could be easily worked on the emotionally based pronunciamentos of the far left.

  4. Ray, the only thing that surprises me about cancel culture is that the Left hasn't taken it much, much further...yet. I genuinely thought that, after January 6th, there would be a wave of mass firings of conservatives and Trumpers. And, frankly, if there had been, I suspect they would have gotten away with it. I live in fear that these people will someday get better at translating thoughts into actions.

    Jack, the Left relies on our utter ignorance of the mass slaughter(s) committed by Marxist regimes. Truth be told, most leftists are themselves ignorant of these facts, which makes it all the easier for them to blithely hurl themselves down the Bolshevik rabbit hole.
