
Friday, May 21, 2021

The Bay Area: The Land That Law Enforcement Forgot


Friends, Frisco is a tough place to be a cop -- just ask You Know Who.  And, as challenging as it was in the past, it's getting worse and worse, because its woke residents are insisting that the police stop enforcing the law, and the courts stop punishing lawbreakers.  Well, I certainly can't imagine any potential downside to those policies, can you?

I jest.  My latest article discusses the rapidly collapsing retail sector in San Francisco, which is a result of a spectacular (and entirely predictable) rise in shoplifting.  I draw some surprising political lessons from this unfolding tragedy.

Doubling Down on Failure in America's Cities

Recent news that Walgreens has now closed 17 of its 70 stores in San Francisco due to “out of control” shoplifting probably didn't wow many Americans, but it's additional confirmation of a fact that's become painfully obvious in the last few decades: Democratic and progressive policies in deep blue areas are increasingly making life for ordinary citizens unlivable.

In San Francisco, the problem goes back to a weak-on-crime limousine liberal philosophy that would have been familiar to Dirty Harry as he patrolled (fictionally) the mean streets of Frisco back in the early 70s. Then, starting in the 80s, Californians came to their senses and cracked down on violence and criminality. Even Kamala Harris got in on the act, rising in Golden State politics based on a reputation for toughness as a prosecutor and then as California's Attorney General.

Give them enough time, though, and the bleeding hearts will always return to their roots. In 2014, California voters passed a proposition that made it a misdemeanor, instead of a felony, to steal anything worth less than $950. The idea was, of course, that no one – especially not a person of color – should face imprisonment or be burdened with a rap sheet because of mere thievery.

The problem, of course, is that making the consequences for theft less onerous encourages the less honest and scrupulous among us to steal. San Francisco deadbeats seem to have gotten the message. Losses to shoplifting in San Francisco Walgreens and CVS stores are several times what they are at typical drug stores, and the costs of security in the Bay Area are sky-high. Increasingly, retail chains are reaching the obvious and inevitable conclusion that doing business in San Francisco is impossible.

Of course, left-wing weak-on-crime policies have had similar effects for decades, and in the last year the costs of “defunding” and demonizing the police have become more and more apparent. Crime rates in cities like San Francisco have soared. Urban residents thus face a lot more than mere inconvenience in their purchases of medications and toiletries – they face substantially increased risks of assault, mugging, carjacking, rape, and murder, because Democratic politicians are more concerned with the rights of criminals than they are with the rights and quality of life of law-abiding citizens.

A Republican or a conservative might be tempted to object at this stage, “Ah! But there's a silver lining, surely. The decreasing livability and increasing lethality of deep blue jurisdictions proves, as mere rhetoric never could, the utter absurdity and toxicity of 'progressive' policies”. Furthermore, once voters experience this epiphany, we would expect them to draw the appropriate conclusions and “throw the bums out”, replacing leftist, Democratic leadership with solid Republicans.

If life were fair, and people were sensible, this argument would hold. Well, life isn't, and people aren't.

The sad fact is, when naive and/or extreme Democratic and progressive policies lead to disaster, the Democrats and progressives, instead of being exposed as charlatans, rise to the occasion and find ways to redirect the public's ire. What that means, in practice, is that the left-wing Democratic politicians and activists – who are charlatans, but who aren't fools – concoct alternative narratives that explain the shuttered storefronts, vicious crime sprees, and frightful unemployment rates in their own backyards. These narratives pin urban blight on, you guessed it, the Left's favorite boogeymen: conservatives, Republicans, white people, the rich, corporations, Christians, gun owners, etc etc.

In the case of the shrinking retail economy of San Francisco, Democrats and progressives will inevitably fall back on that ultimate chart-topper of the left-wing hit parade: “systemic racism”. Surely, the argument goes, Walgreens' refusal to serve the mostly BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) population of the City of San Francisco is a reflection of their rapacious capitalism, rooted ultimately in their (conscious or unconscious) racism and their enthrallment to America's original sin of white supremacy. The result of Walgreens' departure from certain San Francisco neighborhoods will, after all, be to deprive people of color of necessary services, and anything that harms minorities is, ipso facto, a product and a proof of ingrained American racism. Case closed.

The sad part, from the dyed-in-the-wool critical race theory perspective, is that Walgreens could have done the right thing: it could have absorbed the losses associated with shoplifting in mostly BIPOC communities, viewing it as a form of reparations for the long history of injustice and oppression visited upon hapless minorities. It could have passed along the cost of those tacit reparations to its (mostly white) customers in other, less sticky-fingered neighborhoods. No harm done.

But instead Walgreens chose to punish the good people of San Francisco for their trivial infractions of outdated, racist laws. Shameful!

The fact is, therefore, that, while Democratic and progressive policies have utterly and consistently failed to solve the problems of urban America – instead, they have exacerbated them – the likelihood is that Democrats' unbroken (since 1964) control of San Francisco politics will continue, and it may even be further entrenched. Meanwhile, Democrats' iron grip on urban American politics in general seems destined not just to persist, but to extend itself gradually into our increasingly diverse suburbs. Democrats will not be punished for their failed policies, in other words – they will be rewarded! That's because registered Democrats, who predominate in urban areas, accept almost unanimously the pack of lies about American racism, and the wickedness of conservatives, that Democratic politicians have been feeding them for decades. The real world performance of Democratic policies is, to these diehards, irrelevant.

This realization can only serve to depress those of who believe in conservative principles and in good governance, but there is a slim ray of hope. If urban America and the Democratic Party are beyond salvation and immune to reason, as it appears they are, moderate and independent voters are another story. These relatively open-minded, and unquestionably decisive, voters may not find the Democratic/progressive false narrative about urban blight compelling. When Democrats propose to these ordinary Americans that, against all the evidence of our senses, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and New York are models for what a truly progressive America could and should be like, they may just recoil. If so, then conservatives will have a chance to propagate their own narratives, and to expose the last several decades of Democratic rule in urban America for what it was and is: a travesty of epic proportions.

Dr. Nicholas L. Waddy is an Associate Professor of History at SUNY Alfred and blogs at: He appears on the Newsmaker Show on WLEA 1480/106.9.


And here it is at WND: 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Looks like several views at work in the radical/liberal crowd: "Well ofcourse such compromising of criminal law and its enforcement will mean sharply increased rates of unrestrained crime and victimization of the innocent.That's what we want!We are Marxists. We want the obvious contradiction(a word so very important to us, historically, don't you remember?) to become unbearable to the lawful and the resulting hurly burly to tear the country apart. Then WE'll take over and as you should know, we do know how restore ORDER, with dispatch!" OR " This is the price YOU pay for the social justice which eases OUR consciences" OR " We'll just move into pastoral populations,'relate' to them and teach them how to live right .Yahoo! "

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack:There has of course been a comprehensive refutation of the spineless surrender to street thugs mandated by Pelosi clones :NYC under common sense courageous Guiliani. In my prison librarian career in the 80s and early 90s I read the NYC papers daily and it looked like the city had dissolved into a welter of anarchy ignorantly enabled by Aquarian apologists hardly emergent from their '60s haze.By 2000, when I ventured to take my 10 year old daughter there, I was amazed bythe immediately obvious positive change. San Francisco needs a Guiliani and his or her advent might now seem as improbable as did that of the man who worked the miracle in NYC. He did it of course by enacting "The Broken Windows Theory" which held that toleration of that crime held to be "minor" by the S.F. detached and protected elite, like the"petty" thievery which plays hob with
    ith the orderly commission of business and understandably drives that enterprise way from settings inimical to the principle of voluntary exchange of creditable currency for agreed upon product. Such enduring common sense is of course inimical to the apologetic Marxist seduced Pelosi /Schumer/Squad ( enabled yes by pore 'ol Kumbayaa 60s and 70's Joe) for... well, .. they know not why but they FEEL it.

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Above I meantto continue: "... for agreed upon product, to be intolerable."

  4. Nick,

    Concerning your observations on crime and the general state of the law in Democrat controlled areas, I have a simple rule: "Liberals must be kept out of government and politics for the same reason that tone deaf people are kept out of orchestras." It's not to say they're bad people, it's just that nature has not seen fit to equip them for the task at hand, and so asking them to partake in the task is cruel, to them, to us, and to everyone who must suffer their ineptitude.

    Yes, I am an advocate of limiting the franchise, in a variety of novel ways.


    1. Lee

      I understand your premise. Let me just say that the words "Democrat" and "Liberal" don't mean much more in the U.S. anymore. For example, JFK (with all of his flaws, and they were many) is now regarded by most historians and political science types as a "Conservative" or what passes for one these days. As you know, what we have now are a bunch of people running the government who have been indoctrinated with various forms of Marxism in our education system. Of course the new elite are really in the High Tech "Mafia" who like to control everything, and who probably could care less about anything but money and power. We also have large numbers of people in the general populace now who are borderline stupid. Yes, many are "good" people, but their grasp of government in general is almost nonexistent. They probably care about eating, sex, drugs, and video games much more than current events. There are also "Democrat" types who run big cities who are (in my opinion) mentally unhinged as well as incompetent. I suspect your "franchise" would be extremely limited.

    2. Lee

      I'm sure you have heard this before, but entire societies can become "sick" just like individual people become sick, mentally and physically. I could elaborate on this, but I'm sure you get my drift. Our society sure as hell is not an exception to that.

  5. Ray,

    Well said.

    Though I am deliberate in using, "liberals," as they are the tone deaf who ruin the harmony of the orchestra through their ineptitude, the Marxists are saboteurs deliberating taking a dive to ruin the performance.

    “The pious and the moral weep over these scenes as a sepulchre destined to entomb all they revere and esteem. The politician, who loves liberty, sees them with regret as a gulph that may swallow up the liberty to which he is devoted. He knows that morality overthrown (and morality must fall with religion) the terrors of despotism can alone curb the impetuous passions of man, and confine him within the bounds of social duty.”- Alexander Hamilton

    If Liberty, and by Liberty we must take to mean freedom to fulfill the GOOD, is to be preserved, then when a nation has become so suffused with malady as ours is at present that it imperils the whole body politic, then it is incumbent to constrain our less disciplined fellows for the sake of, "...confining him within the bounds of social duty."

    I have been advocating that what passes for our leadership must come to terms with this sooner or later, or admit their own crushing mediocrity. I have no confidence in their honor, but I do still hold out hope that we may, at the utmost extremity, appeal to their vanity.


    1. Lee

      The quote from Alexander Hamilton tells me exactly how much our leadership has deteriorated since his time. Also, we used to have giants like Webster, Clay, and Calhoun in our Congress, and now we have fools like "The Squad". Very depressing, to say the least. I'm sure you know that John Quincy Adams (one of our smartest presidents) served in Congress with distinction, after his presidency. Now we have former Members of Congress, who believe that time serving as Members of Congress qualifies them for the presidency.


    2. Lee

      Years ago, some writer said that there were many people who rose to their highest levels of incompetence. Was that "The Peter Principle" or something? Can't recall, exactly.

  6. Dr.Waddy et al from Jack: Lee:Good gravy!I hope leftist pundits don't read your Jefferson quotesbecause they would tout them to support views he could not have imagined and would not have supported (Marx had yet to make his hellish advent but Rousseau?)Morality is as dross, dust to the left except to be disingenuously used to savage opposition. Despotism and "social duty"urged to justify it; that's their meat!

  7. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Lee: Sorry, Hamilton not Jefferson above:
    A "nation suffused with malady. . ."; "incumbent to constrain our less disciplined fellows" Oh THAT the left would do with relish and a vengeance too.To them the malady is the insolent resistance to their irrefutable wisdom and the"constraint"? Well now this is the left after all. Its record is inhumanly evident!

  8. Jack, you pose a fair question: is the chaos unleashed by leftist misrule a sign that it has failed...or that it's working as intended? I incline to the former, but the latter can't be ruled out entirely.

    It was a small miracle that far-left NYC voted in Mayor Giuliani. I suspect such common sense will never again prevail in the Big Apple in our lifetimes. As for Frisco, forget it! That city should start praying for another earthquake.

    Lee, you're right that empowering leftists leads not just to the endangerment of liberty, but to the loss of life and limb. You might say that preventing leftist rule is...a matter of national security!

    Ray, no one can deny that many people in modern America are deluded by dark Marxist fantasies, are stupid, or both. What test or standard would you impose to weed them out of the franchise, though? That's where things get hairy. Your thoughts on this Lee? I'm sure the lefties are batting around similar ideas, e.g. how to define an "insurrectionist" and how to disbar him (permanently) from voting...

  9. Nick,

    I'm inclined to return to norms of enfranchisement predicated on rational self-interest and civic responsibility, rather than any sort of honor or trust system. Honor and trust are fine, between men, but they furnish the soil bed for vice and corruption when built into a system. I always thought that property ownership was a fine baseline litmus test for the franchise, voluntary military service would be another at perhaps a 5 year term, and I suppose finally exceptions of outstanding service to be awarded on an individual or familial basis by Congress or the President.

    Recent immigrants should be made legal residents and entitled to all the protections of citizenship, but barred from voting with the sole exceptions of outstanding or military service.



    The Left is correct with respect towards the responsibility of governments to promote virtue and social duties, but their conception of what constitutes virtue and social duty, and what they consider acceptable means of promotion, are twisted.

    Lockean "Conservatism", or really anything rooted in the Enlightenment, is hollow and as impractical as Marxism. What little good came from the Enlightenment it borrowed from the Ancients and the Medieval Scholastics.


  10. Dr.Waddy and Lee too: I have coincidentally, been reading about Newton, Locke and Voltaire; also I take note of Dr. Waddy's previously expressed reservations about the Enlightenment. Heretofore I had thought Rousseau and Kant a bridge from the beneficial Enlightenment to the the potentially destructive thought of Hegeland through that to the catastrophic urgings of Marx ( I once thought him innocent but when I learned of his vicious antisemitism and suggestions of forceful imposition of his ideas,which I had theretofore thought Leninist, Stalinist and Maoist perversions) I changed my mind. Now,I have doubts about Locke and his celebrant, Voltaire and am motivated to rethink about the Medieval Scholastics! Deduction from timehonored truths still makesmuch sense, I think.Enlightenment skepticism may have had very unfortunate consequences.

  11. Lee (I assume that was Lee opining on potential qualifications for the franchise): your proposals are emminently reasonable, and would undoubtedly result in better informed and more conscientious we can be sure that your advice will never be followed, as long as the current crop of politicians continues to prosper in an atmosphere of much more promiscuous "democracy". Personally, I could live with a wide variety of systems to determine who gets the vote, or who gets more votes than others, but the truth is that, in the end, any such system is merely a human artifice and is, as such, corruptible and imperfect. Just imagine what would become of the franchise, for instance, if we let the admissions board at Harvard decide who "deserved" the vote, and how much of it... As you say, "their conception of what constitutes virtue and social duty" is totally out of whack. No, I think it's much more likely that our democracy will steer itself into the ditch of demagoguery and dictatorship, rather than purify itself at the 11th hour. Pity.

    Jack, don't take my view of the Enlightenment as gospel. Truthfully, I know little about it. You could school me on most of the philosophes. They were, in the final analysis, a pretty diverse bunch. Their political conceptions were all over the map. I don't know if all of them presupposed the perfectibility of man and society, but if they did I would reproach them for it. That attitude leads nowhere but to perdition.
