
Sunday, May 2, 2021

A Texas-Sized Rebuke


Friends, there's very good news out of the Lone Star state: voters have chosen two Republicans to participate in a House of Representatives runoff election.  Special elections for the House are more important than ever these days, because the Dems are clinging to such a narrow majority.  In Texas' 6th district, the Dems had a rare pickup opportunity, which they have now officially blown.  What's more, in a district that Trump won by only 3 points, Republican candidates outpaced Democrats by more than 20 points.  That's what we call a favorable trend, you see.  Dems, are you sweating yet?


In other news, the mainstream media is seeing its ratings sink ever lower.  Hooray!  The day that America turns off the network news and cancels its subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post is the day we know that our battle for the country's soul has been won.  Down with "journalism", which stopped being journalistic a long time ago! 

Henry Kissinger, that wise old toad who brought us our famous dalliance with Red China in the 1970s, is now warning of the dangers of future US-Chinese conflict.  Of course, modern China and the old Soviet Union are two completely different kettles of fish, but Kissinger is right on one point: China's economic strength, and our economic dependence on China, makes the PRC a potentially much more imposing foe than the Soviets.  Could there be such a thing as "mutually assured destruction" in economics, though?  Perhaps...


Finally, it looked like the legendary Trump-hater Liz Cheney had survived a leadership challenge back in February, but now the House GOP establishment is souring on her.  She seems determined to keep twisting the knife in Trump's side, at a time when the party wants to refocus on winning in 2022 instead.  I have little doubt that Cheney will be forced into retirement by the voters in 2022, but in the meantime how much mischief can she do? 


  1. Nick,

    I suspect that with Trump gone you'll see many moderates will find voting GOP much more amenable, particularly in light of the breakneck speeds with which the Democrats are hurtling leftward. Despite his monumental achievement in teaching us how to fight, and realigning the party along popular working class and nationalistic lines, Trump was often his own worst enemy, with many voting against him, rather than for Biden. I still think that the left is now in a sort of political end-game and playing for keeps in a manner unheard of during peace-time; they're letting gravity take over, and no amount of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, moderate political gamesmanship can stop it.

    We are still obligated to avail ourselves of the ballot box.


    1. Lee

      Right you are (no pun intended) about people who voted for Biden (or not at all) because they hated Trump so much. And in many cases, they voted against their own interests. I know several people who could not stand anything about Biden or his policies, and those of his party, and yet they voted for Hillary Clinton and then Biden because they didn't like Trump's personality, or his mannerisms. They "slit their own throats" so to speak. All the people I know who did this were "educated" and yet let their emotions guide them at the ballot box instead of their intellects. In any event, I think there will probably be many candidates running on the GOP ticket in 2024, and they won't necessarily care about a Trump endorsement. In fact, a Trump approval might actually hurt them.

  2. It is very important to know that what is going on now is The Left version of the McCarthy "witch hunts" of the 1950s, such as the blacklist in the film industry, teachers being fired for "subversive" activities and so on and so on. Ironic, that the FBI is now performing for The Left as they did for The Right 70 years apart.

  3. Dr.Waddy et al: One view from the People's Repub lic of NY :Texas is the capitol of the real America! Yeah, they have their crazies inthe stews of Austin but otherwise they are solid. I'm glahd that some real Americans are returning to the fold because of Trump's defeat but: to them :what DO you think it takes to realistically oppose the AMORAL American left, whose object is annihilation of our way of life? Diplomacy, reason, compromise? Trump contemptuosly, courageously and realistically demonstrated the only stance effective against the totaltarian left: complete resistance! Now that the Obsequious Dems have some power, don't you see what tney are about? zStaywith us; otherwise you are cynically used and will be cynically discarded in good time by the dictators!

    1. Jack,

      I agree, Texas or Florida seem to be the two nerve centers of state level resistance.

      I also agree that Trump showed us a path forward against the Left, but disagree that the path was complete resistance. If it had been, then he'd have heeded General Flynn's advice, invoked the Insurrection Act, declared martial law, and re-run the election. As it stands, our last marching orders were to make a lot of noise and nettle them.



  4. Dr.Waddyfro m Jack: A recent nationally published editorial held that dismissive doubt of the objectivity of the MSM has risen to dominant proportion. You areconfirming a veryfavorable trend. When the left's MSM toadieshave joined professiona! wrestling in hilarious and vacuous banishment to the third class, smoke filled settings of carnival opera bouffe, as is presently promised, we will prosper!

  5. Dr.Waddy et al from Jack: Texas and California! What graphic exemplars of the appalling cultural divide which obtains in our bitterly divided nation they are. Each would be, in the view of the other, the loathed, ridiculous, antithesis (although NY would substitute quite well for CA in the view of Texans I would guess). In the '60s one side just decided it would be fun to start all over again. We were rootless and terribly naive due to our inexperience of the terrible travails our parents suffered and we were egged on by the theretofore despised leftists of their age - the sneering Arthur Miller , Pete Seeger types. Oh it was a heady time it was; I mean Dylan and "Eve of Destruction" and all! And we had a most unprecedented and misleading effect on the culture and society simply and only because there were so damned many of us! And that mathematical fact and the misconception it generated, that we had acheived some kind of "Aquarian" (whatevah). spiritual breakthrough led by the Beatles, has persisted to this day, to very fell effect. Meanwhile, most of us boomers grew up but not enough of us to yet overbalance our dreamy cogeneration. Common sense America is fed up with the consequent reflexive iconoclasm which unjustifiably roils our polity and our national life. Texas and California bring this now existential conflict, in which the nation's life and meaning are contested, into strikingly symbolic perspective.

  6. Lee from Jack: Your point well taken. Complete means complete. Trump's defiance of the presumptuous left was enough to send them into paroxyms of outrage; his election alone triggered frantic antipathy. Trump may have been restrained by political considerations which do not deter the left. I think a reelected Trump may well manifest the lessons of his first term .Either that, or the ascension of onewho strives to build on his accomplishments (chief among which, along with his Scotus appointments, was his thumb in the eye of political correctness)

  7. Lee, I totally agree: many in 2020 voted against Trump, not for Biden. Many of those squishy-soft moderates will find it easy now to drift back into the GOP camp. They're ideological dummkopfs, of course, but we'll take their (occasional) support anyway.

    And I concur that the Dems were going for broke with H.R. 1, DC statehood, court-packing, etc, but they appear to be facing the worst possible outcome to their gambit: failure, in a narrow political sense, combined with the total exposure of their radicalism. 2022 is looking brighter and brighter.

    Ray, Trump is so toxic that one has to question seriously whether it would be wise for the GOP to consider renominating him, but even worse than Trump '24 might be a party ripped apart by its rejection of Trump and Trumpers. The Dems are exulting in our divisions and in the hard choices we have ahead of us. They have a point!

    As for the FBI and the DOJ doing the Left's bidding, as it did the right's bidding (arguably) during the Red Scare, we might bear in the mind that in the 50s our "purge" of left-wingers went nowhere in the end. They burrowed a little deeper and waited for the opportunity to reemerge. We can do the same.

    Jack, I agree that Trump evinced the SPIRIT of resistance, persistence, brashness, etc., but words and actions are not the same. He had countless courses of action open to him to advance the ball of conservatism and liberty, and he was constantly talked out of pursuing them. Bold talk alone won't get us very far. I see Lee agrees with me. Trump had already let the Left run rampant for four years by 2020, so in many ways the damage was done, but the bottom line was he COULD NOT accept defeat. He did accept defeat. He telegraphed from the start his willingness to accept defeat. None of that is okay.

    Jack, I concur that the declining credibility of the MSM is all to the good! We can add the increasing laughability of Facebook and social media to the list of positive trends. Americans should see Big Tech for the handmaiden of progressivism it has become.

    Jack, it's intriguing how many Boomers have ended up in the Republican, conservative camp. Why, you yourself have taken a mighty long, winding ideological journey... So perhaps there's hope for us all? Even woke teenyboppers?

    Jack, you have put your finger on one of the key questions of 2024: if Trump runs, what changes could we expect from him in a second term? Would he tack to the center and become even more solicitous of establishment approval, or would he "go big" and plunk for populism, nationalism, and more direct confrontation with his enemies? Or will he simply bloviate so much and so often that we can't tell either way? (My money's on the last option.)
