
Friday, July 24, 2020

Neither Gone Nor Forgotten

Friends, some of you are probably wondering what has become of the one and only "Jack", who frequently favors this blog with his witty and insightful commentary, but of late has been MIA.  Well, fear not -- the thought police haven't dragged him away (yet).  Jack is experiencing technical problems, so...please stand by.  His regularly scheduled pontifications will resume in short order.  :)

We miss you, Jack!


  1. Until Jack returns, I am eagerly awaiting your next article.

  2. DR. NICK

    One week from today will be August 1, 2020. So? Well, that means that in just a shade over three months the Presidential Elections will be held. So? That means that if Biden wins, The American people will no longer be free beginning in 2021. Sound like a right-wing paranoid rant? Sure, in the heads of those that think Uncle Joe (not to be confused with Uncle Joe Stalin) will save the country and all that nonsense, it means the beginning of a type of zombie left brain funk paradise.

    If Trump does not win, we can kiss our Constitutional Republic goodbye. So freedom from a full onslaught of Marxism is what November 2020 is all about.

    Those who think a Biden victory means a return to normal don't know the difference between abnormal and normal any more anyway.

    With that said (and I could have said it better), it would be interesting to see what DR. NICK thinks about our chances of survival under a Biden regime, and how to combat it, preferably legally.

  3. Those in America's ethnic or racial minorities who think they have found a home with the American Taliban left will, should it achieve the consummate control it has sought so long now, realize to the very full, their terrible folly in "Jack time". Show me a marxist regime anywhere which has answered the slightest doubt, the mere hint of disagreement of any minority (or for that matter, majority) with anything other than savagery. American minorities would, once they are no longer useful would be greeted by Hitler's classic sentence "and now you are of no use to me" and would be subjected to an onslaught unthinkable in present day America. The American Taliban left sees reckless militant factions in the U.S. as a revolutionary class to be used and then discarded,summarily,wisely and murderously.

  4. As an until recently democratic entity, Portland, yes ,should be let to stew in it's own juices. But what, pray, of the so many in that benighted burg who are of good judgement, who have deep roots in their home (which was once liveable) some of whom now insolently refuse to surrender to the totalitarian Amerkkklan Taliban left which so delights in their city? That is where the Feds have rightfully stepped in,just as they did in the South (large S) in the '60's. Our gutsy President, true to himself and his promises, has taken concrete action! And I trust the obvious promise of his antimarxist determination upon marxist hellholes like today's NYC, will deter the american taliban's presumptuous assault on our freedoms. If not, he is ready and we MUST be, to back him as he so richly deserves!

    1. JACK ATTACK and Jack-al

      I certainly would NOT compare our American Left to the Taliban. The Taliban are, after all, religious, even if they are fanatics. Of course as Muslims, and in terms of Islam they do not consider themselves as fanatics.

      Our American Left is Marxist in outlook, although most of the morons in BLM or Antifa I doubt would be able to tell you who Marx was, much less Engels. In addition, most of The American Left are atheist, or certainly anti-religious, whereas Taliban Muslims are very religious.

      No Taliban as such here in these United States of America.

  5. Ray, you are sensible to ponder what a "Biden regime" could look like. We all know it would be bad...but how bad? And would there be a chance of America recovering its senses in time to make a difference? I think the short answer is yes, because Presidents are not nearly as consequential as the media would have us believe. Indeed, I think the Left's domination of the media -- broadly speaking -- is far more dangerous than its potential to win an election here and there. The media's tentacles reach everywhere. Biden would be a figurehead at best. I will think on these issues more, but suffice it to say that I am of the opinion that a Biden win in itself wouldn't be fatal to America. A left-wing Supreme Court would be much worse.

    Jack is right that the Left is merely using racial minorities and doesn't have their best interests at heart. To be fair, though, the Left is merely using everyone. Every individual and every group is ultimately subordinated to the cause, and would be happily sacrificed thereto if need be. I've long thought that minorities could find a happy home in the GOP, which really does believe in equal opportunity and basic fairness. Alas, it has not made that case very convincingly to minorities. It has instead conceded them to the Left all too often. We have also taken the Left's anti-racist bait all too often. We patronize minorities (and women) just like the Left does -- we're just not nearly as good at it.

    Jack, I'm a little confused -- you say that Portland should be left to its fate, but you also support Trump's decision to send troops into major cities, including Portland. Which is it? Either we do battle with the forces of chaos in our biggest cities, or we leave it up to their Dem mayors and police chiefs to find a way out of their self-imposed predicament. Politically, I suspect we're better off letting the big city leftists stew. Nonetheless, raising the stakes in the battle for law and order could ultimately accrue to the right's advantage. It's a dangerous game, though. If one chooses not to see it as a game, but to take the view that it's Trump's duty to save as many lives from criminal and anarchist depredations as possible, well, that's a reasonable perspective too.

    Ray, good point about the Taliban. Taliban fighters would make quick work of the dimwits and libertines protesting in our streets. But Jack has a point that the Left follows what amounts to a secular theology. There's a lot of similarity between the fanaticism of the leftists and the fundamentalism of religious zealots, no?
