
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

If It's Wednesday, It Must Be Waddy

Friends, don't miss out on my latest appearance on the Newsmaker program on WLEA 1480, hosted by Brian O'Neil.  We discuss Earth Day, North Korea, and one of my favorite topics: President Richard Nixon (and the historical parallels between Watergate and "Trump-Russia Collusion").  Enjoy!


  1. Dr. Waddy: Good point about the left's clueless predictions.Their purpose, I trust, is ever to disrupt and dissemble, to make way for their manifest righteousness in all matters, rather than to offer well founded cautions. Some of them are taken so very SERIOUSLY by people many of whom are of good will. If only we can prove to them of what vicious poltroonery the far left consists. In countering the left's determination to use the courts to either outlaw or bankrupt those enterprises of which it disapproves, the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act can serve as a model. Those who would simply have deluged the gun manufacturers with unrelenting litigation were stymied by that. A Republican Congress and President ought to enact similar legislation to protect our beneficially reviving and thriving fossil fuel industry from Marxist dreamers.

  2. Poltroonery! Wonderful word. It should appear on the official seal of the Democratic Party... Legislation to disallow frivolous litigation is a great idea. It probably won't pass if the issue is politicized, but in quiet moments in DC, when the media is distracted by strippers or tweets, it might just be feasible.
