
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Public Enemy Number One?

Yes, that's right -- the picture you see here is "fake news".  President Obama isn't really under arrest, but maybe he should be...  I'm learning that Obama administration policies, which pressured police departments and school districts around the country to reduce arrests of minority youth, may have played a part in allowing Nikolas Cruz to slip through the cracks and pursue his deadly rampage in Parkland, Florida.  Certainly the number of times that the police were called to deal with Cruz -- never once arresting him -- is mighty suspicious.  I've long thought that being a police officer in this country would be a truly thankless job.  After all, many Americans, and quite a few politicians, view the police as the enemy, and they view law enforcement itself as a form of oppression.  I say let's crack down on those who pose a real threat and who violate the peace -- but let's NOT infringe the constitutional rights of decent Americans.  Are you with me?


  1. Dr. Waddy: Great picture and appropriate too, since his Marxism is a criminal creed. The dynamic described in the articles is one very familiar to law enforcement and corrections personnel. Those at the level of contact with the thugs often find, when they take resolute action, that their supervisors are spineless "go along to get along types". Fearing for their hard won careers, they choose ,rather than be true, to leave their subordinates swinging in the wind. Laws and regulations mandating equality of outcome in law enforcement are often promulgated by people widely separated from the battlefield. To call Broward County to account for this could be a positive move, bringing to their legal persons the consequences of their wrongheaded assumptions and their shameful acquiescence to political correctness. People who do crime should do time - PERIOD and should not be protected from their deserts by hopelessly idealistic social experimentation at the cost of common sense and the well being of the law abiding.

  2. Exactly! It's about time we stopped protecting people from the consequences of their own actions. This is presumably why liberals are so keen to blame guns -- they no longer acknowledge the possibility that anyone (except possibly a white Christian male conservative) could be held responsible for "alleged" misdeeds.

  3. Dr. Waddy: By their lights, for those groups exalted by the left there shouldn't be any consequences anyway for their crimes except vindication for them. Proscribed groups, however, have it coming to them and they will just have to live with it. That they would dare to resist this undoubtable truth further condemns them, so says the elite.

  4. Yes, one wonders whether someday the left will simply promulgate a "Code for Whitey" that specifies what crimes only apply to Eurocentric scum like ourselves... It would save time, no?

  5. Dr. Waddy: Well, we certainly did see such thinking in full action in the 20th century. I mean, there had to be a high degree of efficiency involved in killing 100 million of your own citizens. That there Gulag couldn't have just shot up out of the tundra by its own damn self now could it? Its about the only thing Marxists can do efficiently! So its probable that they adopted handy time saving negative assumptions about entire peoples, I'm sure.

  6. Oh yes, the left has lots of tricks for incarcerating people it finds disagreeable. One method: make everything illegal, but only arrest people you don't like. Works wonders! The other trick, with which you're well familiar, is to convince yourself that the law simply says whatever you want it to say. Don't like President Trump? Then whatever he says and does must be illegal... No, unconstitutional! Probably against the laws of physics too! Rationales can be cobbled together later, as needed.
