
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Gazan Riviera


Friends, Trump's territorial ambitions know no bounds!  He's now proposing that the U.S. take control of the Gaza Strip, level it, and build the equivalent of a world class resort on its shores.  I guess that does sound better than living in crater-encrusted squalor, but what of the people who currently live there?  That thorny problem might require some Trumpian legerdemain...  Wow!  Possibly Trump thinks that, by asking for the Moon, he can at least get...Detroit?  Let's face it, any neighborhood in Detroit would be an improvement on what the Gazan people are facing now.  One thing is for sure: the lefties and the Fourth Estate will be tearing out the few hairs they have left.


In much more important news, the Senate has confirmed Pam Bondi as our new Attorney General.  This means that the Trumpian Revolution that has hit D.C. like a ton of bricks will now be venturing into the legal and prosecutorial realms.  In short, if I were a Dem who has previously gotten his hands even a little dirty, I would be thinking wistfully about exile in some Trump-hating Nordic socialist paradise right about now -- assuming that Scandinavia isn't on Trump's "to-conquer" list, which might be excessively optimistic! 



    I can express my opinions on Gaza, and Jack will probably express his, but the point is: What is YOUR opinion on all this? Otherwise your post is, so far, is "tongue in cheek" so to speak. Please tell me what YOU would do if YOU were President of The United States.

    In any event, if our DemoCRAZIES take control of our government again in 2029, anything Trump does in that area (Gaza) will be reversed
    in no uncertain terms in favor of the so called "Palestinians".


    As I'm sure you know, the film industry in Israel is run mostly by left-wing Israelis, who appear to be very sympathetic to the plights of the "Palestinians", and sometimes with a certain of amount of morbid humor. One such film is "A Rooftop in Gaza" which you might want to watch.

  3. Dr. Waddy and Ray from Jack: Well , vicious perfectionists have always run wild in the "tolerant" societies which countenance them. That this is true even in always beleagured Israel is regretable but, I suppose , even then, par for the course. Democracy is an ever ongoing experiment and sometimes it yields untoward results. Its principled stance is often misused by the cynically corrupted against its sincere believers .

  4. Dr5. Waddy from Jack: Pam Bondi's ascension. This is a joyous day for America and I am glad for the anxiety so many on the far left now "feel" because of it. The chickens are coming home to roost! Not only will antiamerica be largely prevented anymore legal outrage but it may well have to pay for what it wrought during its post 2020 sojourne in power

  5. Dr, Waddy from Jack: I would guess DJT is playing games when he asserts such a counterintuitive intent as to occupy Gaza. Thats ok ; keep 'em on their heels! Amoral power players cannot endure being played.

  6. I agree, Jack -- it's hard to believe that Trump was suggesting literal U.S. sovereignty over Gaza. Today the administration is talking more about a financial stake in the rebuilding process. Okay, fair enough. In that case, Trump should have expressed himself yesterday with greater precision.

    What would I like to see in Gaza, Ray? Mainly, I would like to see the U.S. taxpayer disengage from the whole conflict. Israel doesn't need endless billions in military aid to defeat Hamas, or Hezbollah, or even Iran. They've got that under control. But if we are to help the Israelis and/or the Palestinians, I'd rather help them make peace than war. In Gaza, I believe the best solution is either Egyptian suzerainty or some kind of compact of Arab states that swoops in and imposes order in a more conventional sense than Hamas ever could or would. Now, neither the Egyptians specifically or the Arabs generally want to take on such a challenge, and you can see why, so I would throw pallets of cash at them until they relented. The best the Gazans can hope for, in my view, is a competent babysitter. The West Bank is a somewhat different challenge, given the penetration of Jewish settlements throughout the territory, but there the Jordanians might be the best hope.

  7. Dems don't have to worry about Bondi because you actually have to commit a crime to be convicted. There will be "investigations" and appearances before the judiciary committees, but no one is going to jail for doing their jobs. The administration can't go after the Bidens. They can't even go after Joe when they argued that he suffered from dementia while in office.

    I also wonder if Bondi knows what she is doing. Alvin Bragg and Letitia James are not subject to her jurisdiction, so why she is planning to investigate them is a big question.


  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Well, AG Bondi (how wonderful to see a lawful person with that title) got right to it didn't she! The way I understand it she has directed "sanctuary cities" to stop disobeying our immigration laws and Federal criminal law which proscribes aiding illegal immigrants.or any fugitive from the law. This she demands, at hazard to these municipalities of losing all Federal funding (in which denial the support of the President is integral). One day is all it took to take an action which we have hoped for in vain for years! Add AG Bondi to the list of hombres brought into decisive Federal policy making and law enforcement by the election of one good man.

    I can't wait to see what she has in store for the Critical Legal Studies types, who think our laws are infinitely malleable to their totalitarian intents and that precedent and other painfully established standards of Western legal thought and evolution are . . . "dust, dross!"in the face of their incidental and arbitrary wisdom.

    Bragg and James may be brought to justice by their blithe contempt for , eg. Constitutional equal protection of the laws and probably many other Federal Laws for the which they say , in reply to challenge: "why, what are YOU going to do about it , huh?!" Progression of matters initiated in state courts very often goes to the Federal level and AG Bondi will be ready to meet them. NY can try, like Wallace and Burnett and Faubus did to resist a power which could and did send Federal combat forces into their states, but it will fluff. It has had obsequious Federal support so far. That's over!

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Well. we can' t fault antiamerica for any lack of organization now can we? Supposedly the frantic and passionate far left demonstrations of "resistance" to the rapidly progressing reestablishment of justice in our country's government sprang up in EVERY state for the luvva. Really? Wyoming, Alabama, West Va. etc aside from the scruffy few in which the far left prevails?!

    What was very impressive in the public spectacles thus enacted in DC was this: the virulent HATRED expressed or supported by all participants for any who dare to doubt or insolently oppose their irrefutable justice. There was Schumer, a man with a permanent sneer on his face , comically pecking and expostulating some all encompassing mindless and presumptuous "revolutionary" chant. There was some towering baldy from the Squad , labeling Musk a Nazi (really ? nothing more original than that old tired leftist saw? ). And others, freely spewing the murderous antipathy just under the surface with all of them toward any who resist their gospel. And urgings from lawmakers themselves to "take to the streets! Oh my , they are upset and they might as well be so; they have met more than their match!

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack : What terrible injustices the residents of Gaza have suffered at the hands of the Hamas which first terrorized them and then brought puissant Israel down on them in its own defense.. How could they possibly have resisted thugs as desperate as to attack unconquerable Israel?!

    What would benefit these intensely unfortunate souls? First, to cleanse them of any Hamas presence. Second, assure Israel it will never experience another Oct. 7 coming from Gaza. Gazans don't have the means to do this; they must be helped, so the civilized world must resolve. Why hasn't the oh so righteous UN flown to their aid in this? Too busy succoring far left Jew hating monsters (eg. American campus radicals)ehhh. . . ?

    1. RAY TO JACK

      The standard scenario, as you suggest, is that the so called Palestinian, Muslim Arabs are victims of Hamas.

      With that said, I strongly urge you to read "Palestinian Society Is Complicit in Palestinian Terror" by Devin Sper. Mr. Sper is an Israeli-American, who lived in Israel for 10 years, has served in the IDF, and maintains his own website. He has many interesting articles on his site he has written over the years, to include the one I recommended above, which is a quick read.

      Let me know what you think after you read it, okay? Also, that Oct. 7 incident is just one in a long list that Israel has experienced from various Muslim terrorist organizations who were forerunners of Hamas since 1948.

      On that note, my opinion is that the Gaza Arab Muslims should be driven into the Sinai Peninsula, never to return, or be allowed
      to return to Gaza, ever. When I say that, don't forget that Israel occupied Gaza, and then gave it to The Palestinians, and Hamas
      decided to make it a base for war against Israel (for years), instead of developing it for peace.

      Again, suggest you read the article by Devin Sper, plus many others he has written about this area.

      As far as Trump's resort idea for Gaza goes, he needs to forget that, and develop the place as a huge joint U.S.-Israel military (ground, air and naval) complex, so the U.S. and Israel can maintain a real peace in the Near East, by force of arms.

    2. RAY TO JACK

      Also, one of Devin Sper's articles that I think is key in understanding the current situation in Israel and environs is "Palestinian Founder Worked With Nazis in WW II, The Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism". The background on this is historically accurate and not propaganda.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The appalling grotesqueness of the consummate HATE twisting and deforming the faces of many of the speakers at that DC "resistance" spectacle had perhaps to be seen to be believed. These people are totalitarians through and through and they have the characteristic murderous mien of that breed everywhere.

  12. DEr. Waddy from Jack: Well, the fully to be expected far left lawfare onslaught has begun. I'm sure team Trump is as ready for it as you can be; I mean London knew the Blitz was coming too. Much damage to our lawful administration, our legality and America will be done by these dissemblers in the course of their vindictive snit. And , as a handy ancillary benefit antiamerica is blithe to work destruction on our polity and our culture in the course of releasing its self righteous whirlwind (remember Mao's Cultural Revolution of the '60s? He believed in ongoing "revolution" . BTW, some leftist commentator referred to the dems' recent agonized carnivals as , get ready - "struggle sessions"! That term is straight out of the Chicom cadre text book for "convincing "people that they are oppressed when , gee, they don't necessarily consider themselves oppressed).

    I can just see dem strategists standing in front of a list of Obama and Biden appointed Federal District Court judges with their darts ready. This, so as to pick a judge willing to misuse his or hers or ? jurisdiction to heave a monkey wrench into the gears of Maga. They are going to send a lot of business the way of our lawful Scotus and I hope Scotus gets mighty tired of it and "bids" them go back to their geographic places and be good. This, while they shoot down the majority of the far left's frantic hyperbolic grievances. Why antiamerica has even gone back to that nasty old epithet of Nazi for us. Awww. . . I wish I had Maalox stock just now.

    This is all in the way of cold civil war; Maga knows it and it knows the electorate responded well to its assertion that we have been at just that for decades now with a far left determined to force unneeded "fundamental transformation" on an unwilling common sense country. DJT Inc. will do the job we empowered them for: " VICTORY, in spite of all terrors. . . " . There is no shame in being profoundly terrified of the murderous, life negating , hellish Marxism antiamerica still intends for us.

  13. Rod, so you can only convict someone who has actually committed a crime? That's not what you lefties say about all those people clogging our jails. Why, they're just victims of society! Besides which, you most definitely CAN convict an innocent person of a crime, if the jury system is imperfect, which it is. Anyway, are you saying no Democrat has ever committed a crime? That seems excessively optimistic, even for you, Rod! What's more, trials can be a punishment in themselves, as indeed Trump's trials were intended to be, and were, although the political ramifications were not what you had hoped. No, I'd say you're dismissing the potential for DOJ prosecutions of Dems and lefties all too blithely.

    Jack, I agree with your sentiments, but threatening to prosecute sanctuary city officials, and to restrict federal funding flowing to their jurisdictions, is not the same thing as doing it. We'll know that Bondi and Homan mean business when some Dem politician gets frog-marched off to jail, or when some non-trivial amount of funding gets cut AND the courts allow it to happen. So far, there isn't a single Democrat in the nation that fears Bondi or Homan. Actions speak louder than words...

    "Taking to the streets" ought to be encouraged, if you ask me, because now law enforcement has been unleashed to deal with disorderly behavior, and the more activists that go to prison, the fewer we have to listen to shrieking in press conferences!

    I agree with Jack that many Palestinians in Gaza are victims of Hamas, but I agree even more so with Ray that most Gazans clearly support Hamas and quite a few cheered the events of October 7th. This is, of course, precisely why no one wants to govern these people, except Hamas. "Collective punishment" is an ugly concept, but sometimes in history it's hard to find a way around it.

    Jack, we most hope that the Dems' frantic protestations, and possibly their violent protests, coupled with their unending lawfare, will turn off more Americans than they attract. The legacy media can be relied on to beat the drum more feverishly and more loudly than ever...but is anyone listening???


      Thank you. And we should also remember, as I am sure you certainly do, that the so called Palestinians, and Gazans in this case, are still Arab Muslims who have lived in that area ONLY since the 7th Century (A.D.) when Arab armies from what is now Saudi Arabia rode in there. Prior to that, the people already living there were very different racially and religiously. In any event, there were certainly people calling themselves Jews living there from centuries before the Arab invasions.

  14. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I must doubt that most Gazans truly support gangsterish Hamas. I cannot believe their elections are not dominated by Hamas intimidation. Secret ballots? There is nothing in their cultural experience to assure them of that. Naturally then, they regard elections as a ritual, in which decisions far beyond their ken are confirmed .. And people so close to the fringe of destitution in such a rigorous climatological and cultural setting understandably have nothing in their view to gain from honesty.There is nothing in their cultural tradition to assure them that they are free from consummate oppression should they freely express their views. So I doubt perceived support of Gazans for murderous Hamas,which has brought hell upon them, is sincere.

  15. Jack, no doubt Hamas does rule by intimidation, but I don't believe there's ever been a poll that indicates anything other than fulsome support for Hamas among Gazans. I would love to be proven wrong, of course.

  16. Ray from Jack : I am aware of the vicious hatred demonstrated toward Jews by Haj Amin al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, during WWII and of that monster's admiration for Hitler and the "Final Solution" and of the existence of a Palestinian Brigade in the SS I think . I will read the article you cited on the Nazi roots of Palestinian resistance.

  17. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I have much doubt about the accuracy of polls showing Gazans supporting Hamas. In that gangsterish setting what assurance do they have that any expression contrary to that might not get them immolated by Hamas?

  18. Jack, I know another group of people who often served in the SS: Germans! Does that mean the Germans of today are a bunch of Nazi maniacs? Hardly. That was then. This is now.

    This article suggests I may have exaggerated the level of Gazan support for Hamas:
