Friends, hearty congrats to Dan Bongino, right wing commentator extraordinaire, who will be taking on the role of Deputy Director of the FBI. Wow! How far we've come in such a short time, huh?
Kudos to the "right wing" in Germany too, which won a resounding victory in the Bundestag elections, although, since the establishment CDU refuses to work with the "far right" AfD, Germany will probably end up with a lily-livered coalition. Too bad.
Further kudos to General Dan "Razin" Caine, who will be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, thanks to his new boss DJT. Let's hope Caine and Hegseth, together, can extirpate wokeness in the U.S. military once and for all, as well as refocus our armed forces on blowing stuff up. I mean, Greenland won't conquer itself...
Finally, good riddance to Joy Reid, one of MSNBC's most obnoxious leftist talking heads -- and that's saying something! Is MSNBC, or the MSM in general, taking a definite turn to the right? From what I can tell, the answer is a definite NO, which is exactly why we can't allow the Fourth Estate to get back in its comfort zone.
Dr. Waddy from Jack: A wealth of good news of a cold February morning.
ReplyDeleteBongino: a great choice and I'll miss him on air but I know he'll be bustling for America. This infusion of absolutely dependable no nonsense antiwokers into high leadership in law enforcement and the military is bound to bring many who have had to "go along to get along" to preserve their hard won careers in these demanding fields, IN FROM THE COLD. And their relief and gratitude at such deliverance will be a massive fillip to this vital return to governmental integrity and common sense purposed by DJT.
Dr. Waddy from Jack: I would bet it was an unpleasant job firing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, no doubt a dutiful man, but it is rock bottom NECESSARY to clean DEI out of our military. Kudos to SecDef Hegseth! DEI has spavined our forces, as the America hating far left fully intended it to do when it commanded Biden to dictate it. Morale is so important in the armed forces and morale is fatally struck by the imposition of principles inimical to those proven over centuries to be integral to superior fighting power. Advancement by MERIT is all and that's just common sense.
ReplyDeleteI like your photograph of Dan Bongino, surrounded by the sky. Do you think you can jazz things up a bit on the photo, with a radiant glow behind Danny Boy, and Jesus coming out of the clouds for the rapture event.
Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah, Behar has always been obnoxious, now she is just pathetic. A commentator on Fox was talking about Kamala. She said "She's still talking but who is listening? Most people simply don't care about her or anything she has to say. " Then she quoted a recent hilarious Harris word salad. Man, we dodged one when DJT sent her packing!
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack: Maybe its best if MSNBC continues to thrash impotently! Let it remind us of what could have happened had we tragically agreed to four more years of the antiamerican far left controlling the executive branch. The Cabinet now contains two former Fox commentators . Imagine MSNBC trash in actual Federal executive power!! Yeeeeech!
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack: Well, maybe a coalition is in store in Germany, for awhile. But the right appears to be gathering momentum. Germany and Europe would benefit from its ascension as do all countries turned from far left vicious fantasy to good old common sense!
ReplyDeleteIf DJT pulls our military out of Europe , let Germany become the Continental bulwark of any comforting defense that might be welcomed against unlikely Russian advance. Say what terrible truth one will about their 20th century evil, the Germans are a harrowingly hard fighting nation and of all lands , Russia knows that best.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't Trump fill the roll of Chairman of The JCS, with the title of Supreme Field Marshal. He can have a special uniform, and the insignia of rank would be a large gold star with a real diamond in the middle, with crossed chain saws underneath. In addition he could become President for Life, with a religious title such as Chairman of The People's Redemption Council. This is doable. Seize the Day!
Dr. Waddy from Jack: I watched some of DJT and French Pres. Macron's joint news conference. What's the old metaphor "the unseen- - - - - - in the room" ? It was very apparent. Both Presidents danced about that fundamental issue because it was impolitic to be frank about it I suppose: vastly nuclear power Russia will never stand for Ukrainian membership in Nato!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut I am much encouraged by DJT's assertion that the war would never have taken place had he been President just before it started. I take that to say "I would have had us declare, even if behind closed doors, that we would vote against Ukrainian membership, thus preventing it." I did hear him say at one of his many open (except to "gotcha" intruders like AP)news conferences " the idea of bringing Ukraine into Nato was a bad one". OK , I understand , it may be unwise to express direct, unqualified recognition of that onerous ,undeniable truth (no matter how much we would like to deny it) and to resort to euphemisms , as long as the result is the assurance to Russia that Ukraine in Nato is NIX. Given Russia's regrettably traditional Great Russian inhumanity in this war , we MUST nevertheless painfully acknowledge its objective reality, for the peace of the world only. Perhaps we can offer Ukraine some form of consolation from its historically PROVEN dread and loathing of Russia. If anyone can work such a deal in the present negotiations its the master of the art of the deal, our great President .
Ray from Jack: Nah, let's not revive that title (did you know that Wilhelm II was a nominal Field Marshall in the British Army?). The sociologies of the militaries in many countries can be a fascinating subject. Ours has had, I think, a fortunate development. Both Washington and McClellan (!) might have been able to assume royalty or dictatorship. That neither did set a salubrious tradition in our polity and civilization.
ReplyDeleteAt some point (eg. if the antiamerican far left had advanced to the very cusp of the totalitarian rule it sought) it might have been necessary for the military to save us; but so far, its tradition of ultimate subordination to the civilian authority has served us well.
Dr. Waddy from Jack: Oh sorry, cue ball Reid, not Behar. Same same though.
ReplyDeleteJack, we want patriots in federal law enforcement to feel encouraged, yes, but even more than that we want leftist hacks to feel DIScouraged and to explore their options in the private sector post haste. Mall security, perhaps? We've got lots of empty malls that need securing.
ReplyDeleteRay, I can do some amazing things with AI-generated images, but alas it doesn't like prompts involving real people.
Jack, Germany USED to be a military powerhouse. I wouldn't assume that most German males nowadays know how to make a gun go "bang"...
Ray, Trump as Generalissimo is an image we might be able to furnish you with... Stay tuned! I like the way you think.
Jack, we'll see what security guarantees, if any, Ukraine gets. I bet Russia would be willing to pinky swear that it would never dream of invading Ukraine again. Would that help???
DeletePresident Trump is more of a Caudillo type, in my opinion.
Nick, Reid's exit was a business decision. Her ratings have declined over the past year, and she provided a poor lead-in to Jen Psaki/Chris Hayes, and later Maddow. Also, she was controversial, so it was harder to sell advertising for her.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Germany, AfD did well, but there are some red flags for them. Their strength came from the East, which is the poorer region of Germany. Thus, in many respects, they are similar to many MAGA supporters -- lower income, lower educated, rural. In addition, all the support from Musk appeared not to have moved the needle. They were predicted to get 20-21% of the vote and got 20.8%. Merz' projected tougher immigration policy takes a lot of steam out of AfD, meaning they could start losing relevance by the next election.
Finally, one of the big stories was The Left Party. There were early predictions that they would be doomed. But they got 8.8%, fueled by younger voters. That bodes well for Germany in the future.
Dr. Waddy from Jack: Oh, I see forever young Jane Fonda has received a 'lifetime achievement " award. She certainly deserves one :
ReplyDeleteHer salient "achievement": major public aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war. She even took over for NVA AA gunners for a time. This had the following benevolent effects: It probably got some of our vacationers in the Hanoi Hilton treated to additional torture, gratis; it got alot of Americans killed by very much comforted and encouraged VC and NVA AAAND (da da!) it eventually helped provide the myriad boat people with free cruises in the sultry South China Sea. What a life! Right on Jane!
Dr. Waddy from Nick: The surpassing toughness of the German soldier was and maybe still is, a reflection of German culture , I think and it predates the Nazis. I know there are cultural differences between say Prussians and Bavarians , still they made an intensely formidable combination , which Russia probably still fears. Basic training is designed to transform people who have no experience of military life.
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack: Much of the negotiation on Ukraine - Russia may dance delicately around the vital issue - no Nato in Ukraine. Face saving ancillary measures may be bandied ab out in order to keep things moving. It's worth noting: Russia did not invade until it was certain that Ukrainian membership in Nato was a strong possibility. With that hash settled they might even honestly proffer a promise not to invade again. I imagine they would very much like not to tangle with the Ukrainian forces again. Yeah, maybe Putin dreams of restoring the Soviet Union but I'd guess he knows now it can't be done.
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack: The military is a culture in which peer pressure is intensely powerful. My guess is that now the majority,the real soldiers, will give sincere DEI collaborators during the late Marxist occupation to understand they are not welcome !
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack: Rod notes that AfD did best among less educated, lower income, rural folk from former East Germany. But those people had suffered totalitarian rule from 1933 to 1989, an adult lifetime for most people. The Stasi , the Gestapo - no difference . Of all Germans they know and probably loathe totalitarianism most, regardless of the atavistic doctrine which informs it! I doubt they would support incipient Nazi's, no matter their grievances .
ReplyDeleteAlso, lower income, less "educated" , rural people have been one of the main pillars of MAGA and that may have saved our country from the presumptuously unfounded dreams of neomarxists. That anyone with a trace of informed perception would support that proven hellishly inhuman system is hard to believe. If this were 1917, people of good will could have creditable dialogue about the possible virtues and justice of Marxism. BUT, after the unimaginable evil wrought by Marxists in power in the 20th century, only a sociopath could embrace that utterly wrongheaded theory. The people of East Germany endured it for onerous, hope destroying decades after their deliverance from the Nazis and they no doubt harbor only unrelenting hostility to either equally condemned Gehenna .
Rod, I realize (with regret) that Joy Reid's ouster won't fundamentally change MSNBC's editorial line...but I'm hopeful that a change of ownership might. And, believe me, I would love for the CDU to make the AfD irrelevant by solving all of Germany's problems. You're probably correct that Germany's migration policy will get a lot stricter, but I fear the two establishment parties may have difficulty getting on the same page on that and many other issues. I wouldn't count the AfD out just yet. In fact, it might still join the government before the next election, if the CDU comes to its senses. I agree that Musk didn't have much impact. That doesn't surprise me.
ReplyDeleteJack, the German military tradition is second to none, but I question how much relevance it has to modern Germany and contemporary Germans. A lot of contempt for Germany's past glories has been drilled into the younger generations. I suspect it would take a lot of doing to gird the German people for a major military effort nowadays.
Yes, I think Russia has had a wonderful object lesson in the high cost of imperialism. I'd wager they'll wait a long time before picking on another neighbor, unless maybe it's a pathetically small neighbor like Georgia. But, as you say, the real question is what kind of security guarantees will the Ukrainians AND the Russians find acceptable? Darned if I know.
Jack, note that Germany's "neo-Nazi" party is the one calling most stridently for respect for freedom of expression. That tells you something.
Eastern Germans are an interesting lot. They have been sympathetic to the AfD, yes, but also to the extreme leftist parties in Germany. All in all, they don't grovel at the feet of the established parties (the CDU and the SPD) as do so many Germans living elsewhere. Perhaps they are the smart ones! They can see that Germany needs a fresh perspective.
A caudillo, huh? Maybe, but until Trump puts on a uniform, Ray, I'm just not inclined to genuflect.
Dr. Waddy from Jack: I am given pause by your creditable observation on E. German political proclivities.