
Sunday, February 2, 2025

A Nearly Spotless Record


Friends, this week's Newsmakers show, featuring, among others, ME, was a broadcasting tour de force.  You'll want to listen in as I reflect on the extraordinary accomplishment of our aviation industry, which went 16 years without a single fatality in commercial operations.  All good things must come to an end, however, and, as you will know, we had a midair collision at Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C.  I reflect on this, as well as Trump's newly-confirmed cabinet officers, the quick victory that DJT won over Colombia on the issue of deportations, the debate over birthright citizenship, the abortive "pause" on federal funding of grant programs, the new efforts to secure California's secession from the Union, the prospects for a resolution of the Russia-Ukraine War, and the growing threat to U.S. dominance in artificial intelligence from China.  It's well worth a few minutes of your time, if I do say so myself!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re the Newsmaker broadcast: I wonder; perhaps this new Cabinet will be an incubator for candidates for national candidacy to carry on the cause when DJT must step down . Noem, Zeldin? It will be vital to defeat any dem resurgence but we will also have to prevent Haley and perhaps Rubio from trying to bring back "moderation". Of course JD is a prime candidate.

    I'm sure SecDef Hegseth is aware of the irony against which he is set now. Ever since the volunteer military was established it has carried on the tradition of its insistence on advancement through accomplishment and merit. It has fought well wherever it was deployed (eg. Desert Storm , the Iraq surge, the exile of the Taliban to those unforgiving "hills"). As such it has offered outstanding opportunity to minority members and they have responded well to it.

    Then along came the ignorant and presumptuous DEI dreamers and dictators. "Oh no, you are by definition purposefully held back if you are in an 'oppressed class' and any perception of fairness is illusion. White supremacists can be overcome only by power, not persuasion. Besides, diversity, (uhh, only that diversity which we hold to be good, diverse views are unwelcome ) only makes us stronger, as long as it is mandated. And it will have a salubrious effect on the society as a whole , if it is enforced in the military. These old "treads" in the military are out of it! Why? Because we 'feel' so. "

    SecDEf knows from experience what baloney that is. He has his work cut out for him and I trust he will be backed up when he takes hard remedial action to return our forces to the task the vast majority of them cherish: war fighting and defending the U.S. One thing is for sure, the incomparably vicious far left cannot cow him! He already risked his very life for the country in the service. Think he'll let these far left pukes, who see our military as a cage full of compliant lab rats for casual social experimentation and retribution get him down?!

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Zeldin , he fought the good fight for the Governorship of the Peoples' Republic of NY, the established environmental policies of which exemplify full devotion to the empirically unsupported dictates of the far left in that vein. He knows what it is to go up against these neomarxist incipient totalitarians. And as EPA head he will have the power to confront them on the national stage. He took on the largely thankless task of opposing them in the still subjugated Peoples' Republic. Let him now enjoy representing the national majority in putting these vicious dreamers to rout.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack : That Colombian socialist tinhorn , who no doubt lives a sumptuous and voluptuary life in his palace, thought to try DJT. He was quickly humiliated because , as is true with all bullies, including especially , sanctimonious far leftists, he cannot endure confrontation with a real hombre like DJT, who does not shrink from using the big stick to teach respect to thugs.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The birthright to citizenship for any born in the U.S. has been cynically misused by the unprincipled and the desperate. Its time that it be qualified, with due attention to the desperate. Naturally antiamerica will oppose any deviation from the "sacred" language of the Constitution which they normally conveniently dismiss. Their intent is to enable a decisive mass of unfortunates largely unschooled in our political ways, for their use in helping them to unopposed sway. At that time, these supporters would experience the betrayal always worked upon hapless devotees of the far left. By that time it would be too late and they would be returned to peonage. And there would be no U.S. to come to their rescue.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: We can be confident that both DJT and Rubio oppose further aid to Ukraine. Already DJT is working the "art of the deal" with his challenge to Putin. An end to what Russia understandably sees as an unendurable affront and threat to its national security , the very possibility of Ukraine in Nato ,must be brought about under any reasonable guise which works.

    Then we must offer Ukraine massive aid in recovering. Nobody can blame any country for wanting protection from Great Russian savagery but we did them a terrible wrong by leading them to think Nato membership was a possibility.

    I forgive DJT for not ending the Ukraine war by 1/21 at the latest. I'd guess he has been busy.

  6. Above when I said "due attention to the desperate" I meant with compassion for them. Jack

  7. Jack, I'd say that Trump has numerous potential heirs in this cabinet of GIANTS. And no, I don't mean the New York Football Giants, who are pygmies compared to the inner circle of Trumpers. For Vance to fall from grace, he would need to do something awfully dumb, or split with Trump on a major issue, and I can't see either of those things happening, but four years is a long time and I'm no Nostradamus.

    I learned today that "birthright citizenship" already has exceptions: babies born to foreign diplomats, for example. I say: let's drive a truck or two through that gap!

    Trump may oppose further aid to Ukraine, in theory, but I haven't heard anything about a "pause" in such aid. That's a noticeable omission for an administration that has paused almost everything in sight! Nor has Ukraine been constrained to alter its aggressive strategy of attacking Russia. From Trump's tweet on the subject, he appears to be talking tough against Russia to increase the chances for a favorable deal, from Ukraine's perspective. Maybe behind the scenes he's rattling Ukraine's cage with even more alacrity? Or maybe, as Jack says, his plate is full. Anyway, I would like to see a high profile envoy take the bull by the horns. I recommend RFK. He can start by making Ukrainians and Russians "healthy again", i.e. less dead.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: How bizarre this is; now its the far left defending the originality and plain wording of a Constitution for which they usually have , ehh, cavalier views. "Why it means just what it says and allows no exceptions in granting physical birthright citizenship.

    But there is an exception (gee didn't they do their legal research?). There must be some legislative or executive intent behind that and perhaps at the time of its enactment , a Constitutional argument was raised and will be on record. Of course the left depends mostly on feelings and maybe they just didn't "feel" like doing their "due diligence".

  9. Jack, I can't wait to hear what SCOTUS has to say on this subject!
