
Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Walking Joke That Isn't So Funny


Friends, we conservatives have a tendency to underestimate politicians like Kamala Harris, because we find it so hard to imagine why anyone would want to support them and vote them into office, but taking your opponent lightly is the best and most efficient way to lose elections, so let's not go down that road, huh?  My latest article tries to put into perspective why Kam-Kam would be a disastrous leader for this country.  I only scratch the surface, but see if you don't agree with one or two of my arguments...


In other news, both DJT and Kam-Kam agree that there must be a debate between them, but how many, when, and where is yet to be determined.  What fun!  Do you suppose that, if Harris underperforms, the Dems will replace her too?  Wouldn't that be a trip? 



    One of the best things anyone can do at this time is for all Christians to pray to God that Harris does not win in November.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: You observed that opposition to Biden came in considerable part from people who were appalled by Biden but were not for Trump. Perhaps then, since DJT is enjoying much sympathy now, he has reached a peak of personal popularity.

    So the job may be to make Harris's America hating radical left essence as glaringly obvious as possible, so that Americans become similarly appalled at the prospect of her ascension. Dukakis's detached and smarmy compassion for imprisoned sociopathic monsters was emphasized, to his perhaps decisive disadvantage, in '88. Are there examples in her record of comparablely counterintuitive and lugubrious dedication to the welfare of those for whom the law abiding public is a thing of savagely demonstrated contempt? Crime is an especially important issue now with the rise in unlimited criminal presumption under all Dem administrations, national, state and local. I've heard it both ways on her; she wants to legitimize the 2020 anarchists but was very undemlike in her willingness to prosecute minority offenders. (?)

    Certainly her Kalifornia origin can be realistically urged as a very typically Kalifornian acculturation manifesting devotion to the forceful imposition of "California Dreaming" of a perfect future by casually renouncing time proven verities like measured, careful progress.

    Always possible are gaffes stemming from her undisguiseably banal intellect. The debate(s) will be a critical confrontation. When she creates such
    loopholes; we must be quick to drive tanks through them. Fox will be an indispensable ally to America in discrediting her. We'll need them because of course the MSM machine is warming to peak efficiency in its antiamerican left partisan onslaught. America must be overwhelmingly offense minded and confident in its superiority. The fundamental and historical essence of this election continues apace. Dems are Dems, always: some are just more "Slick" about it. Her election would be permanently disastrous, no less than that, and must be met with unrelenting resolve to redeem our America from such avoidable degradation. We must come through in Nov. by voting enmasse.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Kalifornia is an island of lala in a sea of common sense America. Harris is a faithful product of this demonstrated dysfunctional setting.


    Morally speaking, Harris and Trump are in the same camp. For example, both support LGBTQ rights. Whoever wins, will take the LGBTQ agenda into their administration. On that note, VP selectee Vance said "Christians have a seat" at the GOP table. What Christians? Must be those churches that have already embraced LGBTQ into their so called "theology' such as United Church of Christ, and others. What does the Bible say about all this?


    By way of further explanation, the Republican Party recently changed its platform to allow for abortion. It also has a 21-member LGBTQ advisory board, and one of the speakers the first night of the GOP convention was a pro-abortion porn star and founder of a chapter in radical feminist protest marches.

    Trump can help the nation in some ways, but American is no longer great anymore, at least morally, and has probably been on life support since the 1960s, if not longer. Even if he does win, most public schools, colleges, and universities will still have four more years to pollute young minds with the woke, DEI, CRT, and cancel culture outhouse philosophy, with generous dollops of Marxist ideology. Churches will continue to become weaker with more secular agendas, such as "God loves us, so let's have fun" and kind of forget the stuffy Bible stuff. Why bother when you can rap with the pastor and have game nights that reflect our pop culture.

    Most Americans, including so called professing Christians will still "worship" idols like professional sports celebrities. There will still be more immodest attire, more tattoos, gambling, and so on. You name it! Hollywood movies with maximum violence for violence sake, and sex obsession will continue to make giant bucks. The leftist media will continue to spew gossip and hypocrisy instead of honest journalism. All this will be compounded by social media nothingness.

    I for one believe that there is really not all that much difference between our politicians. In reality, we kind of have one party you could call The DemoPublicans, run by a bunch of self-centered, egotistical power brokers, who will pimp for any cause, and will say anything and everything to advance their own careers, the United States of America be damned!

  6. Ray and Dr. Waddy et al from Jack: Your assessment of present day American integrity is plausible; and it is appallingly so for even being plausible.

    Leftist tommyrot since the '60s and apology to and for it has worked perhaps mortal degradation of our civilization. I lived in Singapore 50 years ago and even then they had, in highly justified fear of the amoeba like spread of squalid western drug dependence, moral relativism and celebration of dysfunction, firmly resolved NOT to countenance it. To the many Chinese there, China's cataclysmic 19th century descent into endless degradation and consequent national victimhood was a telling memory. Singapore's uncompromising, forceful intolerance of drugs and crime made it a safe city incomparable to any typically immeasurably shamed half anarchic American city which especially today wallows in intensely dysfunctional Dem rule.

    The current travails of the Catholic Church in America are celebrated , encouraged and supported by the antiamerican left, which knows that that institution has triumphantly resisted the marxist "fundamental transformers" they empower in so many of our vital institutions, in other settings (eg. Eastern Europe).

    One of the vital benefits deriving from the rise of DJT and Maga has been the renouncement of pusillanimous rino style apology to an grimly determined American left which receives any accomodation with cynical and dismissive dispatch. But has this change come in good time and is it capable of reaching as deeply into our national essence to work an antidote to the incalculable damage casual acceptance of , yes, sometimes depraved behavior, including violent crime, has done already? Perusal of one evening of today's network TV entertainment would have astonished and infuriated Americans of 50 years ago. Your expectations for our civilization may well be lamentably realistic.

  7. Dr. Wady from Jack: As always, Slick Willy sets a fine example for Dems. Ya gotta give him credit, the snake got himself elected twice. He was somehow intercepted coaching one of his female "friends": "just deny, deny, deny baibee!" Kamalafornia wisely follows his lead and in doing so provides guidance as to what some of her vulnerabilities are. We should hammer away at them lest she succeed in passing the "big lies" by constant repetition.

    "I'm no reflexive California leftist, why, I think for myself and here's how I've proven myself just one of the crowd in good ol' America." " 'Border Czar', well, Czar being a Russian term I never thought of myself as any such thing. Yes , as our envoy I did attempt sweet reason with the intransigent rulers of nations south of us and then watched in frustrated shock, yes SHOCK ,as our border was breached with massive abandon . " " Oh yes, knowing how much they learned from me , my staff regularly departed for well deserved advancement ." "Why this dutiful son of the great common sense American interior is just what I want in a running mate". "Abortion is a dread necessity which should never be chosen for convenience or political conviction, oh Lord no!"Etc., etc., ad nauseum.

    She will of course be seconded in such casual deceit by an MSM for which such unprofessional conduct is now a reflex. Unrelenting repetition of redeeming"verities" which will fly off into the ether should she win is one of her premier tactics. DJT is just the guy to call her on it, unapologetically, realistically and with verve.


    Any sane (whatever that means these days), person should still vote for Trump. Although we live in a pagan society, Trump will improve our chances of survival as a nation in areas of foreign policy, and economics for starters.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I expect also that Kamalafornia will take a position which subtly subordinates her membership in the proscribed majority in California as a slick way of both deCaliforniaizing herself and appealing to her america hating left base. "I run as a proud Jamaican American woman for an office far too long outside our experience." She has a narrow row to hoe; she may perceive that common sense America has finally "woken up" to the totalitarian intent of the antiamerican left which orders her party : "oh no, I'm not about that and most dems are not either, that is they don't go for it or in other words it turns them off or its not their thing or well, you know don'tcha, don'tcha America!" On the other hand she must assure those who correctly believe her a soldier (as it were) for the "fundamental transformation" and punishment of a fundamentally evil America that she is only "fronting" for the length of the election sham, be it Nov. or Jan. If she takes the oath, then the deluge ,as her side basks in the indescribable relief of having repulsed satanic interloper Trump. "Why it should have been Hillary but we'll take Kamala, she's solid!"

  10. Ray and Dr. Waddy et Al from Jack: Ray, I agree. Anyone not wanting to live in a Marxist America should vote for DJT for the sake of America. But I respectfully hold that he rates support for being a potentially great President. He "transformed" one third of the Federal government at its summit back to lawfulness instead of the antiamerican left tribunal Hillary would have made of it. He did it in the face of nearly murderous savage leftist denunciation both of him and of honorable jurists (the legal profession is very demanding and to reach the highly creditable level his Scotus nominees had, especially in their courageous defiance of the current fashionable , presumptuously summary, antiintellectual and , vindictive leftist corruption of our painfully evolved legality was an outstanding accomplishment) . That alone commends his first term and not to the detriment of other redeeming actions of his such as the strengthening of our southern border in the face of withering domestic and international excoriation. That and his resolute endurance and persistance in the face of the terrible ordeal the antiamerican left has forced on him in a vain attempt to ruin him, promises an even more redeeming second term for him and for our America.

    The guy is a gutsy hombre who has voluntarily given up a luxurious life, at a time in his life when most of us want nothing else, to champion the real America against a mortal threat. No expansive ego could compensate one for enduring the detestable personal, financial ,legal and emotional (I mean, he IS after all, human,yes lefties?)travails visited upon him by a thoroughly hate filled antiamerican left stung to its very quick by his insolent dismissal of their unimpeachable justice!

    And oh yes, he bounced back with the spirit which inspires a happy warrior like him, from an experience which would have reduced most of us to quivering gelatin. A .223 bullet is approximately 1/4 of an inch wide. Had that sociopathic brat, obviously suffused by antiamerican leftist inspired insane antipathy, used a wee bit wider caliber, he would have done the deed, close as he got in the event. DJT?! Don't make no never mind to him. This guy is tough like a MF.

    In extolling him I do not mean to gainsay many who have creditable doubts about him. He IS a character and his rise from frivolous notoriety was astonishing in the extreme. His bluntness doesn't bother me at all but I can see why some find it offputting. Nonetheless, a vote is a vote no matter what motivates it and nothing less than American civilization is at stake this time.

    The antiamerican hate filled left has been terrified to its very core by the Trumpian heresy. If it wins in Nov. it would be guided by a Presidential prosecutor in a medievally vindictive and self righteous suppression of it (I mean, today you don't have to immolate a person to destroy them).

    Me? I think DJT is destined for American greatness in going to the wall to conserve and preserve a,yes, humanly flawed but nonetheless invaluable America at a time of great hazard . Voting is always a thrill and voting for him in this intensely, historically critical election (like 1864 or 1932) will be ever so much more so.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      Wish Trump would stop giving that clenched fist salute, which is by the way, a Communist salute, if you look it up. Why? He has no advisors who could tell him what kind of a salute he is giving?
      It should be a salute for Democrats instead.

      Trump is now pushing the ticket on a "Believers Coalition" to "engage the American faith community and motivate Christian voters". Say what! This must mean those "Christians" who fully support and approve of the marriage of two Gay men at Mar-a-Lago. Two Tennessee Log Cabin Republican officers to be exact.

      Take this for what you want, but to me, this kind of nonsense smacks of political opportunism, which is asking for Gay support and Christian support simultaneously.

    2. RAY TO JACK

      I'm still voting for Trump, but my point remains that some of the stuff the Trump campaign comes up with is convoluted logic. You know that to a great many Christians, the LGBTQ agenda is morally repugnant.

      If nothing else, Trump should minimize this kind of nonsense, and CONCENTRATE entirely on what he is going to do for the country in broad general terms, as much as possible. The border is clearly a priority, so in that case he needs to specifically state exactly what he is going to do to make it really secure.

      Quite frankly, the U.S. Military needs to secure it. It's an international border, and if the Border Patrol is federal, so is the military, and the military has many more resources than the Border Patrol.

  11. Ray, prayer never hurts!

    Jack, you said it: we on the right must define Kamala Harris and refute the MSM narrative that she's a heroic, brilliant, forward-looking stateswoman. Her record as a (San Francisco) prosecutor could be very helpful in this regard. She will have declined to prosecute countless thugs in her day who went on to ravage their communities. Some of these criminals must become household names!

    Alas, I disagree that California is all that removed from the rest of America, in terms of its lunacy. As California goes, so goes the nation -- and it's happening, bit by bit! Still, the Lala-land brand is still toxic enough that her California roots could be critical to preventing Kam-Kam from seizing the brass ring.

    Ray, I agree with your assessment of the two parties to a very large extent, and the election of ANY Republican, including Trump, is very unlikely to reverse our moral and cultural decline. Having said that, Republicans don't PROMOTE the LGBTQ agenda. They often acquiesce to it, but they don't highlight it or even defend it publicly, except occasionally when pushed. In this way, as in so many others, a vote for the GOP is a vote for a slower, more graceful collapse of Christian civilization -- maybe even slow and graceful enough that all of us won't be alive to see the exciting finale. Fine by me!

    Jack, I heard a leftist the other day claim (with a straight face) that Kamala's outreach to Central American nations to try to deter "irregular migration" was a rousing, and unacknowledged, triumph -- and, anyway, everything was much worse under Trump. And therein lies Harris's main dilemma: does she try to argue that her administration was a success, and turn the public's disdain for all things Biden-Harris around, or does she pretend that the last four years never happened, and she is a new kind of leader who will do things differently, and better, than old man Biden? Or does she just stoke the fires of TDS and hope for the best? I dunno, but my instincts tell me that taking credit for how great everything is ain't gonna cut it.

  12. Ray, I disagree: any sane person should hope that Trump beats Harris, yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean voting for him. In my home state of New York, who I vote for matters not in the slightest to who will actually be president. What matters is how, oh, a couple of million persuadable swing state residents vote -- so, if you want to control America's fate, start making friends in Phoenix, Milwaukee, and Atlanta.

    Jack, the truth is that, in terms of governing, Biden is the devil we know, and Kamala is the devil we don't. She will claim to be moderate, to win the election, but whether she would govern as a centrist or even as a (small "d") democrat is something we can only speculate about. I say: let's not take the risk!

    Jack, I sincerely hope that DJT lives up, in his second term, to your high expectations, or at least that we get to find out whether he can. Of one thing I'm sure: Trump is better than the alternative. And that, for tens of millions of Americans, including many who roll their eyes at Trump, is quite enough.

    Ray, the upraised fist is hardly a leftist monopoly. I'd say Trump might want to trademark the gesture, in fact, given recent developments... His mug shot, and his reaction to being shot, were both iconic and undeniably Trumpy. His machismo may be a turn off to many, but it also gives him a chance to make inroads into minority communities in a historic way.

    Is Trump a sincere Christian? I dunno, but I wouldn't use one's view of LGBTQ issues as a definitive test of one's religious faith. Many heartfelt Christians these days believe that mercy and love for LGBTQ individuals and the wider gay/trans community is a Christian duty. They may be wrong, but Christians have a long and rich tradition of being wrong, but that doesn't mean they don't BELIEVE. That's a separate issue.

    As for the border, I wonder if Trump means what he says about mass deportations? That, if it happened, would be a major change from his first term, and it would elicit howls of protest from the media. Of course, everything Trump does will make the media lose its sh**, so maybe he would be best off going for broke and ignoring the talking heads altogether.


      I am very interested in your statement of: "In my home state of New York, who I vote for matters not in the slightest to who will actually be president." You have said that before, so if possible, I would like to know why you say that, please. I could venture a few guesses, but I would like to hear it from you.

  13. Dr. Waddy, Ray, et al from Jack: This is a very productive dialogue! Ray, I agree; the military should close the border tight on Jan. 21. DJT should make it clear that that is his intent. I've seen misuse of the clenched fist gesture in my unoppressed state workers' union. The left has long thought it their exclusive right. But, it did get a very favorable reaction from the audience and surely too from Trump nation. I think Churchill's inspiring "V" gesture was originally a somewhat obscene expression. We could say that DJT preempted the raised fist from the left when he spontaneously and revealingly raised it. Good, I say.

    Dr. Waddy: Kalifornia is undoubtably a cultural pacesetter but its forward stance may also lead it to be the first state to pitch over the precipice. America would benefit immeasurably from the reduction of Kalifornia and NYC to bizarre curiosities, " Autonomous Regions" if you will. Their influence on America is malign and destructive. It is effectively symbolized each year in the tawdry and presumptuous Super Bowl halftime show.

  14. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Mass deportations to counter mass illegal immigration; there may be a grim justification for that. But I think immediate comprehensive deportation of illegals with criminal records earned in or out of the US, with the enforced warning to them that any return will be treated as armed invasion by our military, could be an achievable effort. Mass deportation unavoidably brings to mind some of the most horrid episodes in history.

  15. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The recent emphasis on righting wrongs which were directed at the so called LGBTQ community manifests a familiar consequence of earlier civil rights efforts. Legal guarantee of equality , especially before the law, is established. But the campaign continues, now strictly requiring of all the comprehensive exaltation of the formerly affirmatively oppressed group. Any expressed doubt of this tactic is viciously attacked as being grossly mistaken and morally condemned.

    In the case of the LGBTQ community, open public behavior offensive to the sensibilities of many people ( the discomfort of whom is apparently deemed dismissable by the otherwise oh so easily offended left ) is expected to be celebrated. The gratuitous performance of "drag shows" (a heretofore harmless form of entertainment once available to adults mainly in sweltering fair tents and other sequestered settings) in public libraries for the stated purpose of "educating" children on this vital custom, is an example of this phenomenom. Parades displaying sex acts are also offered for the public's edification.

    We need to emphasize Harris's undoubted conviction that such forced counterintuitive embrace is just and that she can be counted upon to advance it vindictively in a wide and arbitrary range of settings including hallowed public places. Any Scotus appointment she might make would of course incorporate this fully into their decision making.

  16. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I agree with you completely about our home state of NY. It is a one party dictatorship arrogantly controlled by an overwhelmingly populous concentrated entity, NYC, as unlike the rest of us as a foreign country. They disdain our views and our ways (almost every county legislature has denounced the unconstitutional restrictions on gun ownership and use forced on us by NYC); disgraced NYC bred Andrew Cuomo summed it up by sneering that we are "simply a vocal 'minnahritty' " , "not real New Yawkas" and that we should leave the state. Our individual Presidential votes are meaningless because teeming NYC always outvotes us. NY state is a prime example of the wisdom of the Electoral College. Without it, all Presidential elections would be dictated by Kalifornia and NY, just as we in common sense upstate NY are subjugated by the dems in lala NYC. Majority rule is a sound democratic principle but it can produce injustice. NY is a good example.

  17. Ray, my sense that my vote for president, given that I'm a New York resident, has no practical effect, is based on the fact that this is a solidly blue state. The electoral college chooses the president, and there is virtually no chance that New York's electors will vote for anyone except the Democrat. Ergo, I can vote red until the cows come home, and it won't have any effect. Of course, this begs the question: why do people vote, and why should people vote? If the answer is: to decide who represents/leads them, then I respectfully submit that voting, 99.999% of the time, doesn't work -- as far as the individual, casting a single vote, is concerned. So...why do it? I'd love to know your opinion.

    Jack, I couldn't agree more that this country would be better off if it dispensed with some of its wokest and looniest regions, and maybe someday it will. As we've discussed before, though, cultural/ideological boundaries don't coincide with state boundaries, so, if California were to secede and become the DPRC, the sad truth is that a lot of decent folks would be dragged into the mire with it (unless they fled in terror).

    Jack, you are probably right that mass deportation is politically unrealistic, and I rather doubt that Trump has any sincere intention of pursuing it. That begs the question what "mass" means, though, because Trump might seek to expel phony asylum seekers, for instance, and there are certainly over a million of those.

    Jack, the gay and trans communities have been found by the Supreme Court to be "protected classes" based on the Civil Rights Act's prohibition of employment discrimination based on "sex" (somewhat tortured reasoning, if you ask me), and public opinion has turned decisively against the persecution of these groups. We've made the world safe for gays, ergo, who now wear their sexual orientation on their sleeves, but what we haven't done is made the world safe for the minority of Americans who dissent from the celebration of alternative lifestyles. Their prospects grow dimmer by the hour.


      Thanks for responding to my voting question. Your point about voting Republican in a blue state is totally understandable, and I should have known that, but decided to ask anyway. Makes sense.

      As far as voting doesn't work, I really don't know how to answer that question right now. Give me time to come up with an answer that makes sense and is half way intelligent.

      Pending a better asnswer, I tend to believe that casting a vote does count. However, I do have second thoughts when I look at people like Pelosi, and Members of Congress in other states, and also at the local and state levels, I do have thoughts. Lots of MC in DC just seem to be coming back seemingly without end, and becoming "career" politicians. Look at how long Pelosi has represented California. Is the game rigged? There are many others in other states.

      Perhaps casting red votes in deep blue states and vice versa could mean that votes might not count. Have some friends in California who are Republican and they vote, but don't think it matters much. More later on this.

      No matter what, I sure hope that voting of some kind wins the election in favor of Trump. With all of his flaws he is certainly preferable to Harris.


      The problem of "career" politicians is of course a red and blue
      state(s) issue.

      At the end of the day, however, I am sure glad the people who set this country up (with all of their flaws) at least save us from a dictatorship (I hope), by have 13 and now 50 "sovereign" entities plus some territories. And another safeguard is city and county governments across the nation.

      You can see I am trying to be optimistic, against all odds. Ha!

  18. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Voting provides every citizen ( at least as far as America would have citizenry afford it, not how antiamerica would award it to anyone it wishes)a power, miniscule as it is, to participate in government. Perhaps, to wield more influence than that it is good that that require additional commitment and advocacy. Participation in the crucible of politics in a democracy tempers one, as the crucible does to metals, with experience of hard realism and perception of what works and what doesn't work. The prolix ordeal of candidacy for high office is a profound test of character, both in revealing the past and testing a fortitude high office demands. It is no wonder that the young and untested often fight for fantastic causes. And though it may not seem so when one considers the appalling power now wielded by incipient totalitarians in our country our still mostly democratic process does help to blunt the onslaught of frantic radicals and their convenient reliance on the unproven future for inspiration. Kamala says, to this effect: "let's reject those who live in the past and live in the future." Ok, Kamala, exactly what does the future hold in store and HOW do you know it? We do know the past and have learned to conserve and preserve some of that good it has manifested through the painful evolution of our democracy.

    Yes, such participation does involve sobering resignation to the sometimes critical importance of frustrating and initially counterintuitive factors such as physical attractiveness, ability to lie convincingly, serendipity, verbal agility in order avoid damaging sound bites and at times, humility, even genuine humility. Two of our greatest politicians, Washington and Eisenhower , exemplified the latter quality.

    So, perhaps those who pay the price for power deserve that which they garner beyond their vote. To my mind voting is a redeeming thrill but it is disturbing to live in a NY where it often has no effect on how we are governed. To work a change in this onerous virtual verity in our state requires much more effort than voting alone. And perhaps, in order fully enact sweeping change that is as it should be.

  19. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Perhaps people of good will, who would never tolerate affirmative oppression of gay people but don't want some public manifestations of gay sex imposed on them with the presumption that their discomfort is merely always despised "discrimination", are a minority. But even they would appreciate being able to enjoy the Olympics or the Super Bowl without being subjected to sneerful proselytizing withal. But has not the left which flies to the aggressive and comprehensive support of the "LGBTQ community" always reflexively championed minorities, the definitive underdogs? Apparently they believe that justice for heretofore unfairly treated groups necessitates vindictive reeducation even of those of good intent not responsible for injustices. One may be reminded of clerics who bade suppressors of the medieval Albigensian heresy slaughter all within cities thought to countenance the heretics. That way they could be sure of punishing the guilty and God would redeem the innocent. And of course recent Marxist totalitarians have embraced this tactic (short, naturally of any perception of Divine will) with catastrophic self righteousness. That is hardly a commendation of such now proven destructive virtue signaling.

  20. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In the early '60s Malaysia cast Singapore out of its federation because of the political and economic dominance of ethnic Chinese concentrated on Singapore island over ethnic Malays in the country as a whole. Perhaps America would be justified in doing the same to CA and NY state. Their counterintuitive influence is doctrinal rather than racial but perhaps equally obnoxious due to their teeming populations and their capture by the woke antiamerican left.

    As a resident of NY State, a really nice place to live aside from its incipiently totalitarian government (too much? Consider their stated intention of forceful imposition of unworkable, summary, draconian laws mandating complete abandonment of inexpensive, readily available, and relatively clean natural gas, to no supportable avail in combating perceived humanly caused GLOBAL warming ), I realize I could be a very unwelcome despised class inhabitant in such a proscribed and probably vindictive, state. As is typical in such situations, my speedy departure would be much desired in order to afford easy, cheap access to my property,

    Perhaps the US could work a process which protects residents of these outcast areas who remain loyal Americans (sorry, but one who supports "fundamental transformation" of our country into something definitively contrary to America, is not loyal, I hold) from the vindictive wrath of the totalitarians who would , being freed of the Constitution, make haste to destroy any who insolently disagree. Those at hazard from the dictators could be afforded US extension of the benefits of US citizenry , minus of course the electoral franchise (lest that enable widespread leftist fraud) for a prolonged certain period. Also just would be Federal aid in selling their property and businesses and moving to America.

    It would of course be prudent of America to retain close control of these partly autonomous entities in order to prevent their alliance with foreign threats to America and to limit their intercourse with our country. But if their majority would have it so, let them stew in their assured subjugation and dysfunction until, thoroughly chastened, they appeal for reunion.

  21. Ray, even though I don't expect my vote to have much (or any) practical impact, I still cast it. I do so partly because I view it as a civic duty, and partly because my vanity is satisfied by knowing that my vote will be RECORDED and become part of American and world history, even if my candidate loses. It's a small consolation, but it's something.

    And you're right, Ray, that the strength of state and local government in this country does counterbalance the dreadfulness of our federal government, to a very large extent. If we someday succumb nationally to a blue dictatorship, a lot of local and state officials will will resist, even if only passively, and they will carve out a little sovereignty for us beleaguered conservatives that we might build on later, when the leftist behemoth tires itself out.

    Jack is right that the rigors of democracy, and the often disappointing results that voting achieves, teach us about the real world and its limitations, and that's a good thing.

    Interesting thought, Jack, then some of our bluest and most dysfunctional areas could be expelled from the Union. I like it! Why not? Let them stew in their own juices. If it's the Union doing the expelling, then we need not disgorge whole states if we don't want to. We wouldn't necessarily have to accord these blue areas full independence, either. We could make them the equivalent of overseas territories. There are all sorts of innovative constitutional arrangements, in short, that could reorder the power balance and purify the Republic of evildoers -- although, if you want my opinion, it's the Left that's far more likely to think outside the box to safeguard its dominion.

  22. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Actually, as for NY , exiling NYC alone would probably do the trick. Yes, the lower Hudson Valley is much corrupted by proximity to the antiamerican left amoeba to its south but it would soon be cured by , gasp, common sense upstate.

  23. Jack, I'm all for dividing NYS in two! Let's do it!
