
Monday, July 22, 2024

Musical Chairs


Friends, the selection of a running mate is the first substantive, high stakes decision that a presidential nominee has to make -- and, for Kamala Harris, it could just come just days after she becomes the presumptive frontrunner for the nomination, giving her very little time to weigh her options.  Who might Harris pick?  Who should she pick?  The smart choice would probably be a moderate, Southern white male Governor, but Harris isn't smart, so except something completely different.  Keep your eye on "Mayor Pete", our fearless and mostly clueless Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg.  He's Midwestern, white, male, and a military veteran...but he's also gay, which makes him palatable, and even exciting, to leftists.  In the end, though, when one asks "Who will Kamala pick?", the answer is a simple one: whoever the people who picked her tell her to.  That ain't the voters, that's for sure! 



    Any comments on what a Harris presidency would do to The United States of America?

  2. No doubt Dr. Waddy! "whoever the people who picked her tell her to"

    However, I can't help thinking... Who in the world, would WANT to run with her? (not that it matters to the machine either!)

    I couldn't come up with a plausible name until you shared your deductive VP powers! A.E. Neuman might just fill the bill! LOL!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The dems are DETERMINED to seat "A" woman, any woman, in the Presidency. Such is their concept of justice. In their desperate resolve to bring it about they have offered us some real doozies ehh? Hillary, who loaths the male half of America (aw c'mon Hill, we're not all like him) and a vacuous cypher itching to Kalifornianize an America which is just "not with it".

    Lets hope Biden resigns and gives them leave to bust glass ceilings as they would have done at the Javits Center in 2016. That catharsis done, let her make way for a legitimate American leader on Jan. 22. What crucible in any way comparable to the one DJT has endured in fine form has she passed through? She couldn't even handle the token duties she was given as VP. Then again if deceit is a qualification she practices that with verve. "Secure border" indeed!

  4. Dr. Waddy and Richie from Jack: In keeping with their devotion to "tokens" perhaps the dems will see the Kentucky Governor as the down home antidote to formidable JD Vance. Just saying. . .

  5. Dfr. Waddy and Richie: As I recall there was a campaign advancing the candidacy of Alfred E. Neuman. Aging boomers all: do you remember it? I think he was found in noncompliance with election rules which require that a sentient being run. Perhaps the dems will yet find one.


    At this point, it looks like Harris is going to be nominated at the national convention. Radical "surgery" will then be performed on the November 2024 election process. Harris will be declared the winner and The U.S. will become an even more "Woke Republic" until 2029.

    If Trump wins in November, (which I hope he is), I believe other attempts will be made on his life, which leaves Vance as his successor.


    Meant to say (which I hope he does).

    The main point of my comment is that The Left is not going to give up power very easily. Hardly a profound statement, but I think that The American people (both sides) still believe that this is all a rough, but typical election, and all will work out. Is the general public that gullible? Yes we are!

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Mayor Pete for VP ehh? That sure does open up doors. If being Chief Executive of South Bend Indiana commends you to be placed one step from the Presidency then mayors across the country stand to ascend thereby. I mean, his monumental mayoralty is his claim to unassailable worthiness ,yes? . . . oh. . . no? What an achingly politically correct, virtue signaling ticket that would be. OK, lets see what they got: bring it! What a bold new tactic that would enable: scold your way to victory. "If you vote against us you will find yourself on our list of . . . . ist bigots and will be summoned before our Inquisition in good time".

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: How could we creditably expect anything other than obsequious compliance with the covertdictates of an Olympian elite from Dem "decision makers"?. They are enlightened and trained little Marxists even though most of them don't know Marx from Groucho , never have heard of Commie depravity in the 20th century, never have heard of history for that matter.

  10. You're fucking retarded lol

  11. Ray, I have an article on that topic coming soon...although it concentrates more on what she has done, and has said, than what she would do, which is difficult to predict. The most likely scenario is that she would be a dutiful servant of the mainstream of her party, but the outside possibility is that she's a neo-Marxist firebrand wrapped in a cloak of reasonableness. Could go either way. So could Trump, if we're to be honest with ourselves. He COULD be a dictator, or he could be an effective but conventional president, or he could be a failure because of constant obstruction and harassment. Fourth possibility: he could be dead!

    Richie, funnily enough, being a presidential running mate is almost never a poor proposition for a politician. Worst case is you lose...and develop way more name recognition and credibility. Best case is you win and you're "a heartbeat away" from the presidency, which, as Mr. Crooks demonstrated, isn't just a throwaway line!

    Jack, it will be interesting to see whether Kamala's womanhood (granted, an indefinable quality) turns out to be an asset or a liability. It will, in some sense, be both, but she runs the risk, because she's female, black, AND from California, of falling into the far-left trap. She may also be perceived as "mean" or shrill. I would say being a woman candidate for president is a very mixed blessing -- probably more of a blessing for a Republican than a Democrat.

    Andy Beshear would probably be about the best choice that Kam-Kam could make, but could she stand his moderation and bipartisanship? Would he be, in the final analysis, controllable and predictable? I don't know him well enough to say.

    Ray, one interesting dynamic has emerged, because of Biden's self-abasement: if the election is contested, it will be Biden, not Harris, in control of the executive branch, and it will be Biden, therefore, who will, or won't, use the powers of the presidency to tip the scales... Does that increase or decrease the odds of hanky-panky? I dunno.

    Jack, a lot depends on who Kam-Kam gets along with on the Dem side. The scuttlebutt is that she doesn't get along with very many people at all! For what it's worth, so far I haven't seen any sign that she feels she needs to tack to the center. That may not be her style. Maybe she thinks it will be all about turnout and scaring the crap out of Trump haters. She might even be right.

    Anonymous, could you be more precise? Which of us is "retarded"...or did you mean all of us? Inquiring minds want to know!!! Retarded minds, even more so.

  12. "Anonymous" from Jack: OOOOHHH, you used a proscribed term: "Re.....ed" Your credibility and moral authority are summarily and comprehensively discredited! You may begin the long road to redemption by being specific about what you meant in expressing such heretic presumptuousness. I do not refer to your casual use of the time honored Anglo-Saxon adjective; it but seasons your fundamental political incorrectness.


      It used to be "retarded" but then it became mentally challenged, and then intellectually challenged. I like the last politically correct term, because basically it took "retards" and made them intellectuals.

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I've always thought the first elected woman President will be a Republican. I've been lucky so far. I agree with you about a possible GOP nominated woman being blessed by being embraced by the GOP. That is because with the GOP she will have had to earn the honor rather than it being an expected entitlement.

  14. Ray, I've known plenty of intellectuals who were, in their own way, retarded. But then who isn't, in one fashion or another? We all have gifts. We all have weaknesses. What I can't stand about political correctness is its unwillingness to call a spade a spade, and a crippling disability a flaw...which it is!!!

    Jack, that's a very good point. We should all bear in mind that, when Biden picked Kamala, he had ruled out the vast majority of candidates for the job, i.e. men, and was under strong pressure to pick someone black, due to the BLM insanity. Ergo, Kamala was the "best person for the job" only when every other person, save two or three, maximum, had been eliminated from contention.
