
Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Friends, me and Brian O'Neil got back in the groove today with another fine Newsmaker Show.  Naturally, we discussed the remarkable transformation of the race, with Joe Biden's (somewhat mysterious) exit and Kamala Harris's abrupt coronation.  "The King is dead!  Long live the King!"  We also ponder the polls and Kam-Kam's potential running mates.  In addition, Brian and I hash over J.D. Vance's controversial comments about childless women, the potential for a debate between Trump and Harris, the Democratic Party's emerging consensus on "reforming" the Supreme Court, the putatively blasphemous Olympic opening ceremonies, and the looming conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

When we get to "This Day in History", we consider the heyday of the mafia in the 1970s, the logistical and organizational dimensions of the Holocaust, the incredible career of the Marquis de Lafayette, and the horrific Battle of Passchendaele in WWI.


 Did we just set a new standard in broadcasting excellence???  Silly question!  We do that every week.




In other news, we're starting to get a sense of how Kamala Harris will run her campaign for president: in a highly scripted, insular fashion.  The last thing she wants is to engage with the media, which will of course give her a pass as long as possible, but will eventually want to sink its hooks into her.  It will be most interesting to see whether Harris can hide in her metaphorical basement as effectively as Joe Biden hid in his actual basement four years ago. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I'll listen to the broadcast tomorrow; I do not mean to presumptuously reprise as exclusively my own, any position expressed therein.

    Oh my, the inevitable onslaught of the manhaters against unforgiveably and unapologetically male JD is at hand. Imagine his consummate perfidy in maintaining that parenting is an intense experience which affords one constructive by definition enlightenment largely unavailable to the childless. And to make it more heretic, he dares to suggest that such experience affords one benefits applicable even to public life, some even (gasp) indispensable. We have of course since the '70s beheld the withering disdain urged by the manhaters for parenthood because of its degrading cooperation with men. Oh let the Inquisition convene; let JD be shown the terrible instruments of persuasion and deserved repression!

  2. Jack, we ought to be having a mature, profound conversation, as a nation and as a civilization, about the terminal decline of parenthood, marriage, fertility, etc. Instead, the Left derides anyone who even dares to ask searching questions as "weird". I applaud Trump AND Vance for raising these issues, and I hope they continue to do so.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Far leftist weirdness is the fruit of their casual, reflexive discarding of time proven norms. They seek the utter collapse of Western Civilization and assume they would be free to pick up the pieces. Their fantastic eagerness to discredit parenthood confirms their willingness to destroy ANYTHING they see in the path of their unimpeachable wisdom and justice and its "inevitable "triumph. But they may well pile up their ship on that rock and JD and DJT can be harbingers of it! Imagine going through such sturm und drang to restore proven verities . . . but it is reality, no matter by what astounding humbug it came about.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re your latest Newsmaker broadcast: Oh I think the antiamerican left is working itself into a rare old lather about JD Vance. His unapologetic objectivity in gainsaying their frantic emotionalism is, well, emotionally unbearable to them. Soon they will have blown up a whirlwind of viciously vindictive antipathy toward him comparable to that they have long harbored against heretical DJT. No doubt readily available marxist lawyers are already busy building lawfare cases against him .

    It may be dawning on them that the Trumpian heresy may insolently persist beyond Trump to threaten their ascension so much the more. DJT has cast a "long dark night of the soul " on them by raising doubt of their heretofore assumed inevitability in forcing"fundamental transformation" (and punishment severe enough to destroy any chance of another roadblock) on an unforgiveably errant America. Now his appalling contagion may have spread to another and if this newcomer has DJT's tenacity that bodes much ill.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re the antiamerican left's persistence in maintaining that Jan. 6 comprehensively and finally condemns Maga and DJT. I think the Prince of Preemption, Slick Willy, may be losing his touch. After Gingrich forced financial restraint on him he bleated "wha of course: ah've allus bin a small govmint man". Jan. 6:
    the antiamerican left was SHOCKED, SHOCKED and is still SHOCKED at such unpatriotic mayhem. "We absolutely condemn all such antiamerican criminality " say they who still celebrate Capitol building bomber William Ayres and extend sweet forgiveness to the 2020 rioters. They have way outused the Jan.6 issue in their disingenuous way; Slick Willy should have called them off by now, I mean he ain't called Slick for nuthin'. Probably too busy courting winsome adolescents

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Those avant garde types who worked the Wokelympic opening spectacle are evanescent, effete beings who wend their way through life in a smoky haze of bemusement and delight in visiting their world disdaining corruption on feckless rude mechanicals bound by the strictures of positive living . They may be observed regularly at Malibu, Newport, the Hamptons and the like.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I take Washington's acceptance of Lafayette to be yet another example of his monumentally successful self effacing diplomacy , both domestic and foreign and his keen ability to assess character. I can't recall him having raised any incompetent political generals to the fore as did Lincoln (though largely necessarily) Charles Lee might have been an exception but he did have much prior military experience and Washington figured him out in time. But Lafayette, Knox, Greene, Hamilton, Pulaski,Von Steuben and yes, Arnold for a long time, were well taken choices for advancement from obscurity or for the vital succor of some European powers.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The infernal zeal and determination which monsters such as Heydrich and Himmler directed to the efficient immolation of innocent millions renders proof of the yet still appalling, still enduring, still "inspiring" curse of antisemitism. That proof is to be found in the present open advocacy of murderous Jew hatred and celebration of a cause which trumpets intent to physically exterminate Israel and its Jewish people at American "universities". It is an effective analogy for the insane antipathy manifested by the German Nazis. The American academy is disgraced beyond measure by its countenance and enablement of such horror. It cannot have sprung full blown from the foreheads of some American intellectuals. It has to have been nurtured deep within the American academy and have motivated preparation for the pretext which Israel's necessary defense in Gaza conveniently presented. Consider the taxpayer $$$$$ which supports the state universities so debauched, the financial aid given to the murderous brats who celebrate Hamas and the potential myriad millions the Dems would give in the forgiveness of college expenses to
    hordes of antiamerican leftist doctrinally so entranced graduates !This is one of the most bitter of the fruits of the neomarxist contagion which sickens America, perhaps to its eventual death. Lets start it down the slippery slope in Nov. by disempowering it's Dem apologists!

  9. Jack, it's just plain surreal that only one of our two major parties believes in parenthood, and procreation, and the existence of two genders...but here we are.

    True, Jack -- Vance will take up the Trumpian banner whether or not Trump wins in '24, which means the movement has legs!!! What's more, Vance may be a more effective champion of populist conservatism than Trump was. That remains to be seen.

    Jack, so much has happened in the last few weeks that I'd like to think we've finally turned the corner and moved on from all the January 6th nonsense, but in truth TDS will probably be the cornerstone of Harris's campaign, and no doubt "insurrection" will be among her talking points.
