
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Black Eminence


Friends, things are moving quickly in Dem lala-land, where everyone and his brother are talking about the future of Joe Biden, and what becomes of the party if Sleepy Joe can be put out to pasture.  I still believe it's most likely that Biden will ride out this storm and be the Democratic nominee, but, if he isn't, then the heir apparent is none other than...Kamala Harris.  Some Biden backers are (predictably) using this realization as a threat designed to keep other Democrats in line: fire Joe, and you get Kam-Kam, i.e. ABANDON ALL HOPE, you lefty losers!  Meanwhile, according to the betting markets, Harris is already more likely to be the Democratic nominee than Joe Biden is.  What???  My suggestion, that Harris should be given the heave-ho so that Biden can run with an understudy in whom Democratic bigwigs and ordinary voters would repose some confidence, has been roundly rejected by Team Blue.  They appear to be more afraid of offending black people than they are of losing an election!  Personally, I think black people are grownups, and they would understand the need to refresh a presidential/vice-presidential ticket that isn't viable.  Anyway, if you want my two cents, I believe Kamala, for all her faults, probably would be a more formidable candidate than Joe Biden.  At least she's demonstrably alive.  That's always a plus.  The bottom line for me is that the whole Democratic Party, and its cheerleaders in the media and in our other leading institutions, have gone from complacent to frantic in just a few days.  Frankly, this doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in their political judgement, or their collective grip on reality.  It's been obvious that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were unpopular for quite some time, and Joe's mental and physical deterioration is not exactly a state secret either.  To say that the Dems have backed themselves into a corner here would be a gross understatement.  Their enabling of old man Biden, and their stubborn loyalty to a dunce of a Vice-President, looks like a clear case of political malpractice, especially in retrospect!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your measured prediction that Biden could weather this storm and be nominated is still plausible. But I must say, this present tizzy is beginning to resemble the days immediately leading up to President Nixon's departure. Each day wrought further cracks in the dam until very suddenly his support caved in . Biden appears to be on the ropes but perhaps may yet fight his way off.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I'll unload this thought while I have it and hope I am not reprising a position taken in the articles, which I have not yet read.

    If the Dems jettison Biden in any way he becomes a handy foil for them; in their desperation to win they would not hesitate to use him with ruthless abandon. I don't think he has ever inspired much loyalty so they would probably not run much risk in doing so. A possible tactic for the dems would be good ole Clintonian preemption ("wha, shore , ah've alluz bin a small govmint man; didn't you know that ? Shoot. . . "). This might be especially attractive for them if Kamalafornia proves to be as hapless a campaigner as she was in the CA primaries; it could be effective if used by beleaguered dem Congressional candidates who could after a win be brought back under Shumer/Pelosi dictatorship.

    This would be ONLY for the campaign mind you; after a win they would surely return to antiamerican form.: "Oh yeah, the border is a mess but it was Biden's doing; uhh, no more of that reckless spending , sure enough, that ran against our grain anyway; yeah we may have let our worser angels throw ya into the arms of Trump but don't take a chance on him, just don't ok? Yeah, he's thrown us for a loop but we wised up, realized our error and cleaned house in a way no party has ever done. Aw c'mon, stuff happens ya know." You get the idea; Slick Willy will be glad to coach them in deceit; probably be lots of exposure to nubile interns in it for him.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: If some Dems are using the possible ascension of Kamalafornia to mobilize resistance to her I hope its being well documented for our use in the campaign should she be their uhh, "standard bearer". This is the person they imposed on us one step away from the Presidency four years ago.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: You hit it on the head when you noted that the Dems have backed into a corner; yes, they richly deserve to see their vicious onslaught on American decency since DJT emerged go down in flames. That so many of them are reduced to desperation now is a very favorable sign. We must keep turning up the heat on them until the decisive day.

    There may still be time for them to pull this out but they are running out of options. Selection of Biden's successor is their last chance; they must generate a surge of enthusiasm and if it starts now it could fluff too soon. Besides there is still a strong possibility that DJT will defeat anyone they nominate on his own merits.

    The Dems face the distinct possibility of a terribly devastating electoral defeat carrying with it the promise of catastrophic policy and the terribly enervating frustration of their frantic onslaught, their best effort, to destroy a DJT who excites their most fundamental antipathy. Too, they may well have driven home to them the dread realization that their presumptuous protototalitarian overreach since DJT insolently challenged them in 2016 has opened too many American eyes to their commie intent. l

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Where would those dems who would be reflexively offended if their compromised party were to deny Kamalafornia either of continuance on the ticket or the nomination itself; where would they go; ridiculous Cornel West?

    For the VP spot they could tap anyone who has all the required politically correct unassailabley exalted bonafides and some qualifying experience(like, say, an Ivy League presidency), but the top spot? Now Tim Scott is a great prospect but he's a man of the common sense so much disdained by antiamerican dreamers: a black conservative, the ultimate apostate.

    For either spot, NY AG Letitia James needs more seasoning in lawlessness and vicious bigotry in the cauldron of NY before she goes for it. AOC needs to grow up and learn Clintonian disingenuousness. She's way too honest with her hate filled radical screed. Stacy Abrams must console herself with the reality that she will achieve executive office only by appointment.( I do think Oprah would be an effective VP candidate but. . . ) So who?

    Always ignored inadvisedly is the Clinton garbage wagon. It just won't go away and will no doubt play a disgraceful role in this hurly burly, even perhaps unto another desperate attempt by Hillary to achieve vindictive sway before finally accepting the reality that she is not very likeable and brings with her always her "husband"s well earned opprobrium.

    Ehh, Mrs. Obama?! That is an ominous thought. Few ambitious people would have the fortitude to turn down a legitimate chance to become President and I'm sure that "fundamental transformation" of an America which only recently earned her grudging semiapproval is still foremost in her mind. Maybe she would prefer the leisurely, perhaps decisive influence they yet retain.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Always in the antiamerican left mind is their perceived inevitability of their complete totalitarian triumph in good time. DJT unforgivably upset their marxist-leninist conviction in this (which in their minds justifies use of ANY oppositional method) and his unendurable heresy in this goes a long way toward explaining their insanely demonstrated hatred of him and their fanatic resolution to deny him the power to enact any more futile delay. Winning this election is unalloyed necessity for them and their "sensitive" psyches cannot countenance the possibility of rejection. "Why, who would vote for him? Nobody I know!"Poor dears.

  7. Yes, hard to say what the future holds for Sleepy Joe. An awful lot of rats are abandoning ship, but in politics if you ride out a problem you can often survive almost anything... Complicating matters is the fact that Joe's public appearances keep underlining his limitations. If only he'd stayed in hiding and refused to debate, he'd be in a much stronger position. Of course, if the more you see of a candidate, the worse they do in the polls, that ought to be a red flag!

    Good question whether the Dems would tack to the center if they jettison Old Man Biden. Your guess is as good as mine, but I wouldn't think that would be so easy with Kamala. She's been a solid progressive for many, many years, and her California roots and her black/feminist alignments don't lend themselves to Clintonian triangulation... I wonder what sort of a running mate they would dredge up for Kam-Kam?

    Michelle Obama is the candidate that many lefties pine for, but, as I've said before, I just don't see it. She doesn't enjoy the limelight, and her public image might crumble quickly once she became a bonafide candidate for the presidency. It does make a certain sense to ditch Kam-Kam for another black female, or even a black male, because that would, presumably, diffuse some of the backlash. It appears there's a growing consensus on the Left, however, that's it's either Biden (yuck!) or Harris (double yuck!). You can see why they're beside themselves!!! Unless the Dems want to resign themselves to four more years of "The Resistance" to Trump (which wasn't nearly as apocalyptic as they feared), my advice would be to read my latest article and reach much, much deeper into their bag of tricks...

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: My metaphor for Clintonian disingenuousness is a corkscrew, behind which Slick Willy delights to hide. Hillary is much burdened when she has to restrain her vindictive and dictatorial mien in public but she sometimes ascents to his proven tactics for the sake of yet achieving her dream of cleansing power. Yes it is a challenge for anyone to reprise his skill at deception and insincerity.

    But "dishwater" might well describe her "VP" presence. No I don't doubt for a moment that she is an antiamerican leftist but then so were the Obama's until the perks of office compromised them.

    She would need a very personable VP running mate to give her ticket some spark. At least their mutual Kalifornia odor makes Newsom an unlikely match. He has little to lose by waiting until 2028 unless he runs his fief off the precipice or some unheralded dem star arises before then. Perhaps RFK's running mate would be an intriguing choice. Whitmer or Massachusett's governor could perhaps do. The Dems could make a spectacular splash by persuading Tulsi Gabbard to return to the fold and portray them to be yet redeemable Americans. But they would have to MEAN well to get an hombre like her back and they may have gone too far left for that.

  9. "assents" rather. Jack

  10. ". . . her VP presence. . . " Kamalafornia that is . The Naval Observatory building would never be capacious enough to contain Hillary's Pharohanic self regard. Jack

  11. Jack, the only thing I know for sure is that Tulsi Gabbard will never, never, never be the Democrats' nominee for Vice-President or even dog catcher. They demand submission/predictability, and Tulsi offers neither. I do find it curious that she dropped out of DJT's veepstakes so early...unless maybe Trump has a surprise in store for us? I should think that would require them to be well-acquainted personally, though, which I have no reason to believe they are.

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In '76, during Reagan's first all out try for the nomination, well before the convention he named Sen. Richard Schweiker, who was known as the most liberal of Republicans, as his running mate. It was an apparent ill advised move to temper Reagan's sometime image as being too far right but it stunned his supporters. But you are quite right to express certainty that Tulsi will not be nominated by the Dems;it would be astonishing and I was recklessly speculating. If Biden holds on it may be at the cost of some very unusual concession though.

  13. Hmm. Good point! What price might Biden be obliged to pay to maintain the support of his erstwhile cronies? Or, looking at it from another perspective, what threats might be used to force various Dems back into line? Basically it comes down to Biden himself. If he insists on being the nominee, he can't be dislodged. If he's the nominee, every Democrat will go back to supporting him, although they may not expect much, and they may start a rearguard action to try to hold as many House and Senate seats as possible should he lose... The other (nuclear) option is to say "to hell with democracy!" and either cancel or hijack the election.
