
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Joe Biden is Bidener Than Ever!


Friends, Joe Biden recently sat down with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, an alleged journalist, to quiet Democratic and global anxiety over his, uhhh, diminished capacity.  Reactions were mixed, but it's fair to say that plenty of Democrats were unmoved.  They were especially troubled by Biden's assurance that, if he lost to Trump, he'd still feel okay about it, as long as he "gave it [his] all".  Well, given the unrepetant fascism of his opponent, quite a few lefties were aghast!  Be that as it may, Biden himself has made a rather profound point about the Democratic nomination for president: the American people, in the form of primary voters, generally to get to make that selection -- not talking heads, not top donors, not members of the Democratic National Committee.  And the people, lest we forget, have spoken: all across Blue America, they chose...Biden!  So maybe, just maybe, the guy who won 99% of the delegates to the Democratic National Convention should be the Democrats' nominee?  A crazy notion, I know, but I support this logic completely.  I mean, for once, Joe Biden, the Democrat, is actually thinking...democratically!  That's the kind of intellectual coherence we should want to encourage in our doddering old Commander-in-Chief, no? 

In other news, presidential frontrunner Donald J. Trump is in the last stages of picking his running mate, and apparently the top contenders are J.D. Vance and Marco Rubio.  I'd be extremely happy with either of those choices, personally.  How about you?



    My preference is Marco Rubio. Trump is going to win, so the American people can recover from this nightmare that has been forced upon them for the last four years, including the damn fools who don't know it has been a nightmare.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Vance is very solid. As I recall ,sainted Obama ascended very early in his first Senatorial term. Rubio has been around long enough for us to get a good handle on him. Cuban Americans have compelling reasons to be anti leftist and one representative of them would probably be a real asset to America and a tip of the national hat to an exemplary group of legal immigrants. Am I right in remembering that Rubio opposes our intervention in Ukraine? If so that further commends him.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Lots of substance both in the articles and your commentary. Biden is mentally compromised by age and understandably so often speaks in unrelated shards of momentary half perception. Too, often seen in kneejerk liberals like him is the pedantic expression of banal aphorisms which they assume to be self evident, that is when they think, rather than emote, at all. Democracy is
    or is not on the line ehh?!

    Well yes, it is on the line. Should antiamerica win in Nov. we can be certain that they will devote ALL to ensuring that their incipiently totalitarian, profoundly antiamerican and antidemocratic campaign to force"fundamental transformation" on an America which knows it does not need such "redemption" will never again be so terribly threatened ..Trump and Maga have struck horror in them as they have raised the dread prospect in the radicals of contradiction of their definitive faith in their inevitability. So, who is antidemocratic here?

    Biden said of DJT ". . . you ever see something Trump did which benefitted someone else and not him?" Well, how about DJT's appointment, in the face of savage and almost murderous leftist calumny, of a Scotus which actually embraces the rule of law. Myriad toddlers now perhaps even enjoying life itself owe their very existence to DJT's Scotus. It lifted the tyrannical barriers to such salvation, rationalized by evanescent "Constitutional penumbras and emanations" forced by a Platonic elite on all of America by a previous Scotus. Thus delivered, many common sense states have made law which even recognizes the humanity of fetuses and ensures their birth. How about that Joe? Aw, c'mon now, you are a compassionate guy, yes?

    So DJT is a "pathological liar" ehh Joe? Please define "pathological" if you can. It has something to do with causing great harm, even death, yes? What about your obvious lies about a "secure southern border"? I'd say the capital physical crime suffered by innocent Americans at the hands of a brutal faction of your illegal and invasive beneficiaries may well be said to be "pathological" for those who have suffered it. 'Nuff said Joe.

    An election campaign is mostly show right?. Biden's hollow pronunciamentos bear little relation to hard reality, EXCEPT for the perceptions they raise in those vulnerable to them, many of them very busy leading positive constructive lives allowing them little time or energy for politics. Hard reality is, I think: no matter what dem might be elected: a Biden servile to the antiamericans who reduced him a long time ago or a reflexively woke and laughably shallow Kamalafornia or a happily disingenuous CA Gov. Hirsute whose record of incalculable leftist degradation of his state SHOULD utterly discredit him but may not: we most certainly do face a monumental choice. That is: a continuance of the serendipitous good fortune for America of a common sense leader and the far better informed continuance of his first term's accomplishment( if nothing else, his historic restoration of the third coequal branch of Federal government) OR the probable guarantee of the eventual triumph of antiamerica, its dem party tool and its resolutely totalitarian intent.

  4. Ray, I'm undecided between Vance and Rubio, but I would be very happy with either. Rubio might be a slightly better in choice in terms of strengthening Trump's chances to win. I agree with you that that's looking likely, but I wouldn't underestimate those dastardly Dems -- nor would I assume that, even if Trump wins, he'll be allowed to be president. Having said all that, the more the American people, and the Dems, start to see a Trump win as an inevitability, the harder it will be to forestall.

    Jack, I believe Rubio is often regarded as a foreign policy hawk, and he was initially supportive of U.S. efforts to aid Ukraine, and Ukrainian efforts to join NATO, but has since backed off, which of course would mean little except that he's reading the polls and reacting accordingly. Bottom line: Rubio has changed his spots somewhat over the years, and he may be pretending to be a Trumper more than anything. I don't trust him 100%, but I do like him.

    Jack, I'm not sure a coherent conversation can be had about whether the Dems are for or against "democracy", since that word, for them, appears to have no consistent meaning. It means what they want it to mean, like every other word. Since "democracy" is good, say the Dems, everything they do is democracy, and everything they want is democracy, and beyond that I'm not sure they've thought the problem out...

    The idea that none of Trump's policies ever benefitted anyone but himself is absurd. Quite a few of Trump's policies, like the warp speed development of COVID vaccines, were supported by Democrats and continued by Biden, so....

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: If Rubio is reacting to polls showing increasing public opposition to our support of Ukraine then I'm glad to see that a canny politico like him thinks that's the way the cookie is crumbling. For the luvva . . .! We must return to sanity on this.

    Given his demonstrated strong Presidential ambitions its very possible a VP Rubio would want to show loyalty to DJT in order to build good will toward himself for '28. Of course the '28 campaign would start not even half way through DJT's second term but I think rinoism would be a forlorn position by then. The ONLY consideration now is: elect DJT and a GOP Congress. If Rubio is the best VP choice to further that vital end then bring him on by all means.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack:Some conservative commentators have begun to stress the following point: everybody knows Biden is impaired; accordingly not only is it unthinkable for him to get another term but he must leave right now, for America's security.

    There has of course been creditable speculation that he is not in charge. Does that perhaps include critical decisions like deploying our forces? Would the Secretary of Defense obey a counterintuitive order from him to use nuclear weapons? Would the actual decision be in other hands? I'm inclined to think Biden would be "persuaded" to relent in such a case and perhaps even gently taken in hand. If this is so, is his present disability a mortal risk? Perhaps not.

    If that is so and only if it is so, we might be well advised not to advocate his immediate departure from office. We have a very good chance of seeing America relieved of antiamerican federal leadership for a time at least, during which we may be able to build defenses for America which the radical left cannot breach. We are ahead with him in office. Why try to fix what ain't broke? Let him remain a millstone dragging antiamerica down to catastrophe. Everyday he remains in office is one day less for the Dems to launch a comeback.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Biden lacks the strength of character to inspire either passionate support or opposition. Revulsion at the counterintuitive policies for which he is nominally responsible and expectation that DJT will strive to summarily discontinue them bid fair to ruin the Dems this time. A purposefully open border in complete contradiction of Immigration Law; the vicious onslaught, prompting protototalitarian "lawfare" and very nearly murderous excoriation of all who oppose the antiamerican left; a terribly wrongheaded near combat confrontation with Russia over a Ukraine situation originally not within the purview of our national security but now firmly in it; a shameful betrayal of the gallant and beleaguered Israelis and a refusal to move against antisemitic thugs on our campuses enabled in their "academic" sojourns by the taxpayer; titanically overwrought Federal spending which cannot but have been enacted with full expectation of economic hardship and instability: together with gratitude for DJT's courageous stand in our interests through an unprecedentedly trying personal orders , these are the factors which may well sink the dem barge.

  8. Ordeal, not "orders." Jack

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Kamalafornia is quoted of words to the effect that the pro hamas demonstrators are demonstrating creditable emotion on the Gaza situation. Okaaay . . . . She has no doubt thereby soothed the touching anxieties of that redoubtable faction.

    Fox interviewd a passionate young NYC resident who said she has been a reliable dem leftist but now "feels" unsafe in a dem dominated New Yawk where Jew haters are countenanced and even encouraged. Ya think?! She also noted therein a decided lack of the customary antiamerican left self righteous dismissal of definitively evil contradiction when their exalted issues such as LGBTQ or the unfettered killing of unborn babies are questioned; that is when hatred of "privileged" Jews is asserted with murderous abandon.

    Our VP's apparent sympathy for campus neo nazis may well prompt more Jewish flight from the hopelessly compromised dems. That would make her a potential candidate who, together with her already laughable nonbonafides , might be altogether lacking in any chance of a viable run.

    That could open the door to the one I think the dominant threat to turn the dolorous dem tide into a groovy, surfable wave: Gov. Hirsute. He radiates youthful energy (sans youthful presumptuousness of course) unctuous charm and perhaps Clintonesque deceit in his recent front of dutiful "loyalty to his President" and ability to "relate" to the flyover country for which his policies in Kalifornia show only elite contempt. Mass exodus to relatively common sense places which abjure Kalifornia's "too much too muchness" bespeaks the consequence of his stewardship, which commends him to antiamerica. Given the chance, he might just bustle if Biden folds and Kamalafornia goes right off the precipice. If nominated he would of course dictate as VP a token representative of the vestigial common sense wing of the dem party to balance his ehh, "biases",yes?

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Fox's interviewee noted with astonished resolve that she has been thus moved to vote for DJT. Well!

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I have experienced miasmic S.E. Asian heat and humidity and this summer in the U.S. suggests it. I'm waiting for
    antiamerica to bring this issue to a thunderhead (as it were) during this election campaign.

    " This is the direct consequence of our reckless, jingoistic and racially hostile national effort to usurp so called 'energy independence' despite the now confirmed catastrophic surely man made climatic consequences. Trump says "
    'we're gonna start drilling again!' as if to suggest that we of proven environmental correctness could possibly be wrong. He'll restart the whole infamous process. But we'll stop him won't we; look what we did to the nukes! Don't tell us about 'clean burning' anything; if ya burn it we spurn it!" This is a one size fits all strategy; every possible dem candidate manifests the dismissive arrogance on this issue pioneered by Al Gore.

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: One other comment by Fox's interviewee (paraphrased)" All these celebrated leftist causes: I've consistently had their back but now when I need them to stand against antisemitism they threaten my back. I'm through with them and I stand against them!"

  13. Yes, Jack -- I fail to see how Rubio could hurt Trump, and it's easy to see how he could help... Whether the MAGA crowd would accept him as the heir apparent is a battle that could be fought another day.

    Jack, I don't see any evidence that Biden's leadership poses an existential threat to...America, but then again he's been tempting fate in Ukraine for years now. Of course, every Western head of state/government agrees with him on this asinine policy, so age seemingly has nothing to do with it.

    Jack, you catalog the Dems' policy failures brilliantly. The irony is that none of them may matter in the end, because the American people are more interested in trivia, like who can hit a golf ball farther, and who can hurl a zinger.

    Jack, a small but significant number of Jewish voters may abandon the Dems this cycle, yes -- and an even bigger, and much more important, share of Jewish donors may do so, although thus far old man Biden has no money troubles.

    Newsom? Job One is convincing Biden to exit the race. After that, the real fun would begin! My guess is they would coronate Kam-Kam just to give themselves a breather.
