
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Rats are Abandoning Ship


Friends, I hate to compare something as detestable as a Democrat to something as adorable and cuddly as a rat, but here the parallel is apt, I feel.  Today Adam Schiff, smarmy establishment Democrat par excellence, announced that Joe Biden should step aside and let someone else be the Democrats' presidential nominee.  Ouch!  I find the timing odd, because the Trump assassination and the RNC have really taken the wind out of the sails of those Dems who were plotting against Biden.  In fact, all Biden needs to do now is coast for a couple of weeks, and he'll be the OFFICIAL Democratic nominee and that's that.  Schiff's gambit therefore seems highly speculative, and, since he's no idiot, I assume he knows that.  What this tells me is that, plain and simple, Schiff no longer fears Biden.  Either he doesn't think he'll be around much longer, because he's older than dirt, or he doesn't think he'll be around because he's going to lose.  On the latter point, I tend to agree.


Speaking of which, the political transformation of Elon Musk, from progressive to outspoken conservative and Trumper, was consummated in just the last few days.  Most importantly, Musk has committed to injecting hundreds of millions of dollars into Trump's get-out-the-vote efforts.  This is big, people!  Musk, because he's super-rich AND because he controls one of the world's leading social media platforms, can be an immensely powerful ally.  What's more, he's at the leading edge.  His conversion will make it easier for other techies, billionaires, and former progressives to jump on the Trump bandwagon.  All the momentum, in short, is with Trump -- although, make no mistake, the election is still fundamentally competitive.



    Any speculations on who will replace Biden if he does drop out? Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Democrats have to officially announce/nominate someone other than Biden, if he does drop out, at their convention next month.

  2. Dr. Waddy and Ray from Jack:Fox is heralding the imminent end of the Biden Presidency. You have expressed credible doubt of his deposition. Our best hope , if he must leave, is that he resign and proceed to pasture. Then Kamalafornia becomes a laughable but perhaps undeniable candidate. The Dems would have to defend their having anointed her in 2020. The perhaps somewhat discredited "odds" this year would hold her most likely but this year is beginning to be historically astonishing.

    DJT has attained a stature which makes his election very possible against any imaginable dem. Perhaps they would conclude that they have nothing to lose by taking a chance with an "unimaginable" candidate (s); say the RFK ticket.Facing , as they see it, metaphysical, cosmic chaos if DJT takes the oath again ,they may be driven to some otherwise unthinkable extreme. You have plausibly noted that they might be capable of some kind of post election "coup".

    We can probably get through a brief absurd Kamalafornia reign unless a Scotus vacancy occurs. Then she could do much evil. She might even nominate herself for the high court. Then again, if it looks like defeat for the Dems is certain she might well open the border floodgates, which could precipitate a Constitutional or even military crisis. The Dems might not trust her with the VP selection; their concern in this would be, solely, winning. Oprah maybe?

    The almost unprecedented instant history we are living through this
    year will probably intensify. Fasten all seatbelts.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: You are so right about Musk's moves. His departure from Kalifornia out of terminal disgust with that state's relentless imposition of wokeness could have a negative effect on a possible Newsom campaign. Endorsement of DJT by a guy as powerful and exemplary as Musk is a heavy blow to the reeling Dems. It's beginning to look like 1864 for them though they are still very dangerous.

  4. Ray, yes, that's my understanding too. The convention is the last opportunity that the Dems will have to switch horses in the middle of the race. Well, now that I say that, I realize it isn't completely true, but it's mostly true. Technically, the Dem multitudes will vote for slates of electors in November, remember, not for a candidate, per se. Ergo, as long as those electors vote for...whoever the candidate du jour happens to be, that candidate might win. But, practically speaking, the Dems really need to get this buttoned up soon.

    My money's still on Biden. If it isn't Biden, my money is on Harris, although there will be plenty of Dems who won't be happy with that choice.

    I personally doubt that Biden would resign. He might agree to withdraw from the race, but I would be shocked if he didn't serve out his term. Resignation would be a form of political humiliation. Note that no Dem is asking Biden to do that. They're asking him to "secure his legacy" by letting someone less creaky carry the banner going forward.


      As always, thanks for your reply. And I thank Jack for his comments.

      My money is on Harris also. It is certainly going to be interesting to see how all this plays out at next month's convention and the election in November. And I have seen more than one news clip that predicts that.

      I don't see how Harris could win against Trump even in a "straight arrow" election, but politics is full of surprises.

      Unless I missed something (which I well may have), Harris seems to have been kept in the background, except during the first part of the Biden administration, and then she was mocked.

      Again, I am not expecting her to win, but I'm "girding my loins" just in case she does. And in that case, her VP pick should be fascinating.


      I meant to say that I have seen more than one news clip showing Harris as the person most favored by the majority of Democrats to replace Biden in January 2025.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The dems would see no advantage in him resigning. He's been their factotum all the while anyway; his only benefit has been to be their foil in "defeating" DJT in '20 and then doing the bidding of his handlers after that. 6 more months of that does not bother them. Our country's well being, short of their "fundamental transformation "of it, is of no concern to them; actually, should they be defeated in Nov., they may well commence a scorched earth campaign the better to present the incoming lawful administration with insuperable problems.

    Kamalafornia as President would be very hard to deny the nomination, perhaps because she might even derive some electoral advantage from it. Though she would be unlikely to defeat DJT she might thereby help in some of the Congressional elections. So Biden's withdrawal from the race is probably what a perhaps decisive number of Dems want.

    Some of them may still think that a bold move like Mrs. Obama or Gov. Hirsute can yet head off DJT. Its got to be of unendurable emotional devastation for Dems to contemplate that their worst fear is coming true and we know how dominant emotion is in their thinking. How richly they deserve their dread and discomfiture after savaging DJT and his supporters and prostituting our administration and our legality to their fanatic devotion to forcing wrongheaded change on America.

  6. Ray from Jack: Yeah you are rightabout a running mate for Kamalafornia. Maybe that would be the big splash.

  7. Ray, yes, polls indicate that Harris has more support than any other Democrat in the "race" to replace Biden, but that doesn't really tell us much, since she's the vice-president and the obvious heir apparent. Harris also has enemies and rivals in the party, and they won't let her be crowned the new queen of the Democrats without a real fight. Harris just announced that she will seek the nomination, but she seems to understand that she needs to "earn" it, which implies a process that is competitive, or at least pretends to be.

    Ahh, who would Kam-Kam pick as her running mate? Your guess is as good as mine. Probably a white male, to balance out her own highly diverse provenance. Maybe a Governor, so that the ticket isn't all Washington insiders. Probably not Newsom, as Harris wouldn't want to be outshined. If I were Harris, I would think along the same lines that Biden did: I would pick someone weak and mediocre, so that no one would even think of replacing me. We shall see...or maybe we won't, if the Dems find a way to end run Kam-Kam and elevate someone more capable.
