
Friday, December 29, 2023

Reality Bites


Friends, you've no doubt heard that another state -- Maine -- has ejected DJT from the Republican presidential primary ballot.  Well, the dastrdly Dems are far from unanimous in this matter, but this development nonetheless raises the stakes and makes it ever more critical that SCOTUS should weigh in and save us from this imperious meddling in the democratic process.


A good friend of mine (no, not you, the other one) has written an article that sets this effort to purge the 2024 ballot of Donald Trump in its proper context.  For more than a century now, "progressives" have been telling us that the law, the nature of government, and even the U.S. Constitution need to "change with the times".  They've propounded a theory of "legal realism" that posits that, at any given time, the law and the Constitution mean whatever "society" needs them to mean, and who decides that?  Well, the enlightened ones, of course, i.e. progressives!  This is yet another way in which the Left magically conjures the objective out of the subjective, and deifies itself in the process.  All this must be resisted vigorously and seen for what it is: a play for power of breathtaking audacity and limitless scope. 

Speaking of the courts, it looks like Israel's highest court is about to issue a ruling slapping down the Netanyahu government and declaring that it and it alone rules the State of Israel.  Lefists are overjoyed.  Conservatives are more than a little dazed.  First, Hamas hits Israel, and Israel's government, below the belt, and when and how and where it was least expected.  That, apparently, did serious damage to the public's confidence in Prime Minister Netanyahu and his conservative allies.  Now, the high court is poised to finish off Netanyahu and friends, and to remind them how little power they truly have.  Netanyahu could choose to defy the court, of course, and provoke a constitutional crisis -- but would he have the guts for it, especially as his country prosecutes a war against Hamas?  We shall see. 


Finally, kudos to Finland, which is preparing to inaugurate a secure storage facility for spent nuclear fuel.  No one has been eager to house nuclear waste, lo these many decades since the hiccups known as Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, but the fact is that nuclear energy is among the cleanest sources of power available, and mankind would be foolish to believe that it can overcome its dependence on fossil fuels without making wide use of nuclear energy.  Finland's bold step forward makes nuclear power generation a little easier and more practical, and may even give this troubled industry a long-term future.  Let's hope so.



    Since 2024 is almost here, who do you think is going to win (or keep) the Presidency of The United States? Don't mean to "put you in a box", although I am, Ha! Just a guess.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I dunno but I think that though the Obamas may once have fancied themselves revolutionaries, they were quite taken by the material perks of office. They may no longer belong in the marxist pantheon although of course as celebrated and knowledgeable cadre they would of course enjoy the good life, as do all marxist revolutionary notables, should the incipient totalitarians triumph.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The Finns are good people. Having actually fought their way free of Russia in 1917 and then flim flammed murderous Stalin in the '40s, they have shown alot of guts. I'm glad they are setting an example with nuclear power. Perhaps the nuclear chicken littles have finally been turned back. Of course they now have the environmental train to ride on yet another hellish far left journey to forced perfection of a sinful world.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack; Has Israel perhaps bred a quasi boomer generation disgraced by a radical faction disdainful of Israel"s greatest generation and blithely dismissive of all it has taken to build the nation? Could it be that they would betray their country as far too many "American" boomers did; EVEN now?!

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I agree with all you said about the" progressives' " latest euphemism for arbitrary, incidental and capricious totalitarian rule by them: legal realism. Well! Now who would be as backward as to gainsay such worthy intent, couched in such a proper manner? Surely Scotus will endorse it or else the anti. . . . (fill in the blank), Trump, will reign again, over chaos itself.

  6. Hmm. You want me to go out on a limb, do you, Ray? Okay, if I had to place my bets, I would guess that Joe Biden will still be president at the end of January 2025. I don't think the Dems can change horses in mid-race...although I could be wrong. I don't think that Trump can win, given the hyperbolic loathing that the Left harbors towards him...although I could be wrong. I don't think that the establishment would accept and honor a Trump win anyway...although I could be wrong.

    Your turn, Ray!

    Jack, why would you even suggest that Marxist conviction might preclude decadent self-indulgence and shameless self-promotion? On the contrary, I suspect that the personal fortunes of people like the Obamas would flourish under a confirmed leftist dictatorship. For example, YOUR possessions would then become (drumroll, please) THEIR possessions, and just the sight of your downcast expression as the keys to your truck were prized out of your hands and given to a servant of light would instill in them something close to ecstasy. No, for the Marxists, the creative redistribution of the means (and fruits) of production opens up a world of marvelous possibilities!

    That's a good question as to how generational divides play into Israel's bitter internal political debates. I haven't a clue.
