
Saturday, December 2, 2023

Golden Boy


Friends, so far I've watched about half of the DeSantis-Newsom debate, and I have to say that I'm beginning to understand why the Republican base never fell in love with DeSantis, and why Democrats are gaga for Gavin.  Is Newsom perfect?  Heck no.  He presides over a wreck of a once-great state, but the truth is that the truth doesn't matter much when you've got a winning smile and an answer for everything.  Newsom is quick on his feet and easily put DeSantis on the defensive.  I agree with the article below that Newsom would be an immensely more competitive and electable candidate than Joe Biden...and so I hope he remains on the sidelines!


In other news, the House of Representatives pulled the trigger and expelled George Santos.  Santos was, by all accounts, an ethical trainwreck, but the fact remains that his fellow Republicans did not let his trial play out, or even begin, before they decided to eject him to unburden themselves of a political liability.  I predict Democrats will win his seat, and plenty more calls to expel "unethical" Republicans will ensue. 


  1. Dr Waddy from Jack: In the little of the debate I watched Newsom's smiles were smarmy , malicious and contemptuous. Dukakis was that way and I see in Newsom much potential for Dukakis style overconfidence and consequent flubs. But your observations and those in the article are plausible and highly concerning. If he runs America wil have to consider the real possibility of rapidly dominant antiamerican left totalitarian rule being forced on us all. Kalifornia on steroids would just be the beginning.

  2. Jack, there's no reliable polling on who "won" the DeSantis-Newsom debate, but to me DeSantis looked uncomfortable, he interrupted Newsom more often (although there was plenty of asinine behavior from both), and he kept accusing Newsom of being "slick", which of course he is, but in politics that's another way of accusing your opponent of being better at politics than you are. I agree that Newsom has plenty of weaknesses. All I'm saying is that Biden has way more!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Imagine Newsom vs. Trump; Newsom's arrogant contempt would, I think, be unrestrained and it could cost him dear. He would think himself the exemplar and champion of those who truly hate DJT and might extend himself in it as far as to induce decisive sympathy for DJT in those independents capable of manifesting it. The left cannot justify the appalling and irrational antipathy it has directed his way and its excess,if celebrated by its candidate, should repel legions of decent people.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah but "slick" riles people like my neighbor who exclaimed of DJT " he says what I want to say" and in saying so hit on perhaps the key to the fierce loyalty DJT enjoys. DJT is not anywhere near as crude as the most personally obscene man ever to disgrace our White House, aptly called Slick Willy. One can well imagine the detestable dialogue on DJT which graces the salons of the smug antiamerican left! The question "would you buy a used car from this guy?" was used to wrong Nixon but it would fit Newsom handsomely.

  5. Jack, I agree -- maniacal Trump-hatred SHOULD cause decent, rational people to recoil, but I see no evidence that it has thus far. The Left will argue that it's conservatives who are the fire-breathing maniacs, and the news media will of course do its best to document the veracity of such charges. JANUARY 6TH, Jack!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

    Will Newsom be seen as oily and untrustworthy? Could be. He has a long, long record that can be criticized from countless angles. Still, he can walk and talk and, from a Dem perspective, that's about all they need to turn someone into a (potential) winner, as we've seen.
