
Saturday, December 9, 2023

Poll Schmoll?


Friends, seldom do you get two polls in two days that show...exactly the same thing, but that's what just happened.  Both the Emerson and Wall Street Journal polls show Trump four points ahead in a one-on-one matchup with Joe Biden, and six points ahead in a field with five or more candidates.  Now, one has to wonder what Sleepy Joe makes of those kind of numbers...  Is he reading the polls?  Can he read?  Is he still alive?  Assuming the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then you'd think that he, or the people around him, would be pretty worried, but one doesn't get the sense that that's the case.  Maybe the assumption is that Trump's awfulness will, uhh, trump all other concerns?  If so, that seems more than a little naive.  I mean, the establishment has been explaining to the American people for eight years now why DJT is a totally unacceptable choice as their leader, but his favorables and unfavorables have barely budged.  Will 91 felony charges and multiple trials (and presumably numerous convictions) change all that?  I wouldn't bet on it.


Finally, apropos of this week's Newsmaker Show, it looks like there's strong support among Democrats for tearing down statues of George Washington, which really shouldn't surprise us.  It's not majority support -- yet -- but we can expect the most avant garde of deep blue cities to begin dethroning the Father of Our Country soon enough.  I suppose an alternative would be to graft some breasts onto the "Sage of Mount Vernon" and pretend he was trans-before-it-was-cool.  That might earn him some social credit... 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The feverish resolve of the antiamerican left to work perfection on our country, that country condemned as it is by unendurable failure of that nonetheless unattainable ideal ,rages unabated. Washington today, who next? The Judaeo Christian pantheon?. Since we know revolutions typically devour themselves, its interesting to speculate just who and what in today's cleansing cadre might survive an antiamerican left takeover and the guaranteed consequent vindictive mayhem. Well, Mao was a librarian so perhaps it would be the admitted radical leftist recently elected president of the disgraced American Library Association.She has stated her intention to use our(tax payer supported after all) libraries to work "progressive" change on our erring country. What a perfect cover for unimpeded incipient totalitarianism and an ideal pathto eventual Stalinhood for her.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In answer to President Trump's rhetorical question about when the attacks on our venerated historical figures will end: never. The antiamerican neoMaoist left is perfectionist and the current spate of "imperfection cleansing" embodied in the crusade to scrub our history of all trace of evil contradiction of modern standards contemplates far more than the demotion of statues.Eg.when will the fervent determination to rename Washington DC manifest itself? Surely soon. No, this counterintuitive humbug will end only when its proponents are disempowered. China's "Great Helmsman" forced insane permanent revolution on China. He tried to suppress China's Confucian heritage!A permanent state of emergency fostered by unfulfilled perfectionist dreams is the thing for justifying totalitarian rule.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The antiamerican left's vicious onslaught on DJT since 2015 is all "they got" isn't it! And its not working. It does however offer us but a hint only of the totalitarian lawlessness which their rule would manifest.

  4. Jack, no offense to your (highly esteemed) profession, but I think you might be behind the times if you believe that the American Library Association is in a position to indoctrinate Americans in anything. That would require the average American to read a book, which is a pipe dream!

    I hadn't considered that the very name of our capital city will have to go, if the neo-Marxist purists are to be satisfied. Should we start taking bets on what name will replace "Washington, District of Columbia"? My money is on: "Transtopia, District of Maximum Wokeness".

    Yes, Trump is the canary in the coal mine, I agree. If they can manufacture 91 felony charges against him, as a former president, what chance do the rest of us have, when the powers-that-be decide that we too represent an existential threat to "democracy"?

  5. Dr Waddy from Jack: I was just thinking; upon its ascension the antiamerican left would not need to rename Wash. DC. No doubt it would plow the site under and sow it with salt, like Carthage. And they wouldn't need a new name for their capital;it already sports a definitive one - Berkeley. No need for a state name, it would all be California.That federal setup, with its enablement of local views, is of course oppressive and would have to go.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack :Most public school librarians are members of the American Library Association and they do alot of teaching to the highly impressionable, the content of which is strongly effected by that disgracefully biased political advocacy group. Librarians are supposed to be strictly neutral providers of access to information but ALA will not have it so. And the dominant American public education establishment is no better, judging by the filth they foist on our kids.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I'm going to venture to comment on this here and I'm planning to submit a followup article for your consideration in the near future. Hooray for Congresswoman Elise Stefanik ,who represents NY's nevertheless common sense North Country; her public challenge of those haughty "university" presidents ,who simply could not bring themselves to condemn the vicious antisemitism so terribly demonstrated on their immeasurably disgraced campuses, may herald a watershed moment in our political life, as was suggested on Newsnation today. I hope the indignation generated thereby may be the catalyst for a very belated thorough airing of the presumptuous
    and incipiently totalitarian misuse of our taxes to turn the American Academy into a bastion of antiintellectual bigotry, including and completely condemned by its countenance of open and atavistic antisemitism in its midst. Its utterly unacceptable in any state university and so also in any private campus receiving federal funding. The House is set to take the matter further; that's very encouraging. (State University of NY, take note and get with the program). As those "presidents" amply demonstrated, the Academy will not relent in this unless it faces defunding.

  8. Hmm. You make me ponder, Jack, who Berkeley is named for. The answer, of course, is George Berkeley, Anglo-Irish philosopher...who I presume all true Fenians think was an oppressive bastard! DOWN WITH BERKELEY!!!! Up with UC-Michelle Obama!

    I don't know about a "watershed moment", but any and all scrutiny that is placed on American higher ed, given its gross deviations from majority public opinion and "common sense", is welcome and useful. I agree: ultimately, defunding is the ONLY form of rebuke that these institutions would take seriously...and of course a top priority of the Biden Administration has been to plow MORE money into higher ed. If defunding is the goal, we have a long way to go!
