
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

What's Good for the Goose?


Friends, given the Deep State Dems' decision to slap 91 felony indictments on DJT, it's understandable that he's fuming and contemplating revenge.  He recently declared that he would have "no choice" but to go after some leading Dems criminally if he becomes president again.  Now, whatever you may think of this approach, politically or ethically, such declarations have one major effect, in the near term, it seems to me: they make it much less likely that Donald Trump will ever be president again.  Look at it from Joe Biden's perspective, or the DNC's perspective: if they believe that Trump, as president, would hold them to account, and far more effectively and ruthlessly in his second term than in his first, then why would they EVER permit him to win reelection?  "But that's not for them to decide!" you might respond.  Isn't it?  Who's going to evict Joe Biden from the White House, if he refuses to go, and especially if the media and most of our institutions implore him to stay -- to prevent the complete collapse of American "democracy", which is what they would view the reelection of President Trump as?  There's no MAGA shock army that could overcome the combined might of the Washington, D.C. and Capitol Police, the Secret Service, the FBI, and the U.S. military -- that's for sure.  You think these forces would mostly plunk for Trump, and fight in the streets to reseat him?  You think SCOTUS would save Trump's bacon?   I don't.  Only if the Democrats willingly surrender power to Trump -- probably, because they think they can once again play for time, subvert him, and obstruct his ability to govern -- will he ever again be president.  And, thus, the more openly he talks about revenge, the more he talks himself into a (meticulously-engineered, but all too real) "defeat", which will, in the bargain, guarantee the effective end of American "democracy", to the extent that we have any of it left.  Mark my words: publicly plotting vengeance, at this stage, is counterproductive.  Trump's only hope is that the Dems consider such bluster mere "hot air".  With any luck, they will.

In other news, you may scratch your head at the idea that anyone would willingly vote for Joe Biden (of all people!) in 2024, but the leftist elite and establishment views him and his presidency as a success.  What it boils down to is this: Biden saved them, and the nation, from Trumpism -- and that's a resume that most any progressive can get behind, especially with Trump on the ballot again in 2024.  The bad news is that 40+% of the country thinks this way, and views beating, and humiliating, Trump as the essence of "democracy" and virtue.  The good news is that most of the key swing voters who will determine the outcome of the election aren't raging Trump-haters.  They may be averse to Trump, but they're averse to Biden too, and thus they are persuadable.

The media's castigation of Ron DeSantis has been elaborate, coordinated, and extremely thorough.  Unfortunately for DeSantis, leftists' disdain hasn't necessarily translated into Republican and conservative support for his presidential campaign (ordinarily, you would expect that it would).  Anyway, the tired old progressive refrain that conservatism=RACISM, and every racist is a conservative, and every conservative is a racist, is once again on every Democrats' lips, because of the recent racially-motivated shooting in Jacksonville.  This hackneyed nonsense would be funny, in fact, if it weren't so deadly serious, and depressingly persuasive to many people of color.  C'est la vie.

In international news, Australians are considering the creation of a separate representative body for their indigenous population, who used to be called "Aboriginals".  Some call such a move "divisive", but of course those people are themselves divisive and despicable, according to the BBC.  Picking up on the BBC's trendy brand of segregationism, I say it's about time we considered a separate house of Congress for black people.  Oh, wait -- since I'm a conservative, that suggestion is, ipso facto, "racist".  Okay okay.  I relent.  How about we just make the House and Senate blacks-only?  I think maybe the Dems and progressives could live with that!

Christianity ain't what it used to be, but then what it is?  Most Anglican priests would now like to give the moral/spiritual thumbs-up to premarital and gay sex.  The extent to which the progressive mindset and way of life has infiltrated even seemingly "traditionalist" institutions and groups is quite astounding.  With priests like these, who needs atheists?  Am I right?

Finally, there's been a military coup in Gabon.  Now, many of you probably remember a time when coups and military conflicts were a dime a dozen in Africa, but the truth is that there's been much democratic progress and increased political stability on the "dark continent" over the last several decades.  Recently, though, in Gabon, in Niger, and elsewhere, we've seen some backsliding.  Could it be that "democracy", which is looking so tenuous in its Western heartland, will inevitably falter in the erstwhile "Third World" too?  It would not surprise me, but it would be a real shame, because, say what you want about democracy's faults, but an open society, pluralism, and the protection of individual rights all make the world a better place.  Don't believe me?  Try living without them.  No, really -- try it!  You'll get the chance all too soon.

Oh, I almost forgot!  Today you get another Waddy Newsmaker to titillate and arouse you (intellectually, of course)!  We cover a lot of topical topics (the topicalest!), including the state of the polls, the escalating attacks on free speech and dissent, the fallout from the first Republican debate, where the GOP stands (or doesn't stand) on Ukraine, and more!



    The "Republican" candidate favored by The Left is Mike Pence, or someone like him. In other words, a RINO.

    Trump is digging his own political grave with the revenge talk, but I guess he just can't keep his mouth shut. Wind him up, and he just yaps on and on.

    I think it was Nixon who said something like "Never tell them what you are going to do or not do."

    On the stupid side of Left, some Leftist judge has stated that January 6 is the equal of 9/11. Sad part is, a lot of fools will believe that.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Any measure of viable forceful opposition to an unprecedented dem refusal to yield the Presidency, if it did not come from the national military, would have to come from a temporary alliance of states. They are well organized governmental entities and they possess some military power. The motivation for such an extraordinary reaction would be the unthinkable prospect of permanent rule by dems unwilling to face punishment for treason and anyway quite pleased to exercise perpetual totalitarian sway.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I would suggest that the probability of successful democracy in the Third World is dependent on the dominant culture of each country. That culture may well have developed organization quite unlike the modern state and even inimical to it.India has established a mostly consistent democracy. It had the benefit of a form of British rule which allowed much direct administration by native powers but also introduced British style parliamentarianism and practiced common law together with technological improvements such as railroads and a military capable of keeping Russia out of India. I don't know if Brit colonies in Africa had the same benefits(?) Lacking it, have essential native cultures in which democracy was unknown reasserted themselves? Great civilization has developed without democracy and without manifesting the seeds of democracy. Imperial China is an example.

  4. Ray, what are you talking about? January 6th was worse than a thousand 9/11s with fifty Spanish Inquisitions and Armenian holocausts on top. (Note that I didn't say "Jewish holocausts", because I in no way endorse reckless hyperbole.)

    Based on what I hear, the only GOP presidential candidate that lefties like is Christie, because he regularly trashes Trump. Even the Dems can't abide Pence. He's too equivocal.

    Good point, Jack: effective resistance to a Dem "soft coup" in 2024 would come, in the first instance, from the Supreme Court, and, in the second instance, either from the military or the states. Then it would be "game on" and the ultimate outcome is anyone's guess. Whether any significant number of generals or governors would stick up for Trump, though, I'm not sure. The hatred of him runs deep among professional politicos, including Republicans.

    Jack, my best (scarcely educated) guess is that democracy does not run deep in the veins of most Afro-Asian or Latin American countries. Its widepsread adoption after 1989 reflects, primarily, the winds of global change and pressures from the financially dominant West. Ergo, if the West waivers in its democratic principles, I would expect the dam to break worldwide.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I too defy hyperbole and would wish condemnation unto perpetual gehenna for those who insolently wreak it,even myself, though that is unthinkable.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Should he be perceived as competent in dealing with the hurricane, DeSantis's campaign will benefit. Of course the msm will strive mightily to condemn his conduct, were he to work a miracle.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack:The Anglican church would benefit from another John Paul II as Archbishop of Canterbury, to define the faith and insist on its integrity, as he did so heroically . So too would Catholicism.But perhaps one like him comes only at exceedingly prolix intervals.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Wow; combined with the broadcast this post
    has a wealth of intriguing topics! A sound bite on the broadcast mentioned a Biden policy of encircling China. Whether that's his policy or not, that concept IS a big deal. Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia and even India describe a geographical crescent around China with great strategic importance. Taiwan could be a keystone to a united effort of these countries, together with the US, to counter Chinese military power. For example: were China to attempt invasion ofTaiwan it might face the combined navies of some or even all of those countries. That possibility could be a deterrent to China. Their lack of experience in amphibious warfare already limits them. Maybe the characteristic Chinese long view of history convinces them they will get it back.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Other than her mistaken view of the Ukraine war, I also think Nikki Haley would be a good President. I especially like her obvious rejection of the idea that any woman should be elected simply because she is a woman. That man hater notion is written all over Hillary. Makes sense that many of the GOP debaters are really eying VP but I would add Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to the list. He's a gutsy guy and he'd be a big asset to a DJT ticket. Yeah dems, go ahead and savage a guy in a wheel chair! Wouldn't put it past yas.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: As a pensioner myself I can see where losing it could be both a humiliation and a financial disaster for the German judge who was prosecuted for his political heresy. Your observation that Russia is inscrutable is well taken. Expertise on Russia is available but our policy makers appear to dismiss it's importance. If they didn't they might realize that to provoke Russia on a matter of absolutely vital importance to Russia - Ukrainian membership in Nato- lacking analogous importance for us, is utter madness. It has brought WWII back to Ukraine and the horror of that is immeasurable.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I was elated to hear you and the broadcast moderator discuss the possibility that our effort in Vietnam had a deterrent effect on the Soviets. I think it was a factor in the eventual dissolution of the USSR. They disastrously subordinated the living standards of their people to an all out push to achieve decisive military superiority over us. Our persistence in Vietnam and our military success there eventually helped to convince them of the hopelessness of ever besting us. They knew full well that the commies took S. Vietnam only because we were betrayed by traitors.

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The 1776 campaign in NY was intensely dramatic. Imagine seeing over 100 enemy ships in your harbor!Washington was badly outmaneuvered by Clinton and Howe , both of them competent but not brilliant or highly aggressive Brit Generals, at the Battle of Long Island and Brooklyn . However, his subsequent astonishing retreat to Manhattan was brilliantly conceived and executed and together with much luck, saved his army and the cause. Thereafter, across Manhattan and Westchester, after harrowing defeats which would have broken a lesser man, he made of retreat an eventually winning tactic. It took guts and humility on his part; what wonderful good fortune that the Continental Congress gave him the command right from the get go. His willingness to learn from defeat and to engage in the often onerous diplomacy with Congressional fools that he knew was vital, made him indispensable. What a fascinating, nearly incredible, life he had!

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The antiamerican left gained valuable experience in the administration of authoritarian rule during Covid. Oooo, it felt so good and they are itching to get more. They may also see electoral advantage in fashioning a bogus revival of the emergency. But that might well motivate many to resolve not to abide it again, as you noted.

  14. Dr. Waddy from Jack: You wrote in a previous post of the possibility of a purge of the legal profession, presumably to politically "purify" it. I neglected to send my reply. What oppression might the antiamerican left arrogate to advance this totalitarian objective? Law schools could do extensive background checks of applicants to weed out those even hinting at heretical doubt of the irrefutable truth of critical legal studies sages. They could also withhold financial aid. Accreditation could be refused to schools not completely compromised by that presumptuous doctrine. We can assume that bar exams will be dumbed down in obsequious deference to sacred "equity,"reducing the dialectical skill of entrants to the bar. Reputation is a powerful factor in the morale especially of those in the higher reaches of the profession, eg appellate court judges. Multiple automatic overturning of the decisions of insolently deviant jurists might imbue discouragement and cynicism in them. And of course, the incipient normalization of politics by prosecution, if not discredited,can be expected to engulf the profession with career ending and even incarcerating criminal liability for the expression of politically condemned views in either primary or secondary law.

  15. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Bar exams, which are of terrible importance to new law school grads could be worded to make only politically answers acceptable. They would be tests in which doctrinal faith would have highest priority. They would serve as a warning to potential heretics.

  16. politically correct answers...

  17. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The critical legal studies school seeks to make of lawyers automatons and factoti who rubber stamp arbitrary decisions made at the highest reaches of totalitarian elite.

  18. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Since hatred of any person or factor which gainsays their wisdom is always at the core of antiamerican leftist motivation, the savage antipathy they manifest for DJT beggars even this ordinarily unsurpassable term. Why? Because they know him to be Nemesis, sent to harry them, without mercy,unto destruction. I don't know if the Greeks credited Nemesis with emotion but DJT's unfailing "happy warrior" mien stings them into madness and may have driven them to make of this campaign a final,decisive push to terrify all doubters into cringing submission to their unimpeachable justice. DJT has their number; he's just as nasty as they are and they fear and loathe him for it as much as to make his irrevocable defeat their essential quest.But Nemesis never gave up.

  19. Jack, I don't think there's one iota of danger that the MSM will praise DeSantis's handling of anything...

    The Anglican Church, I fear, is a lost cause, since, as a major establishment institution, it's succumbing to steady leftist infiltration, like all the others. I say that with great sadness, as a member of the Anglican Communion myself.

    Jack, I'd say the best that Biden can do re: Taiwan is inveigle the countries around China (with a few obvious exceptions) in a web of "strategic ambiguity" rather than in an effective alliance. Nobody has the foggiest idea what the U.S. would do if China invaded Taiwan, much less Japan, or Vietnam, or India. Probably Taiwan would defend itself, but that's about the only thing we can count on.

    Oh, the Dems have already bullied and belittled a guy in a wheelchair. That's no sweat for the people who mounted the "high-tech lynching" of Clarence Thomas, and are in fact still at it!

    I recall Nikki Haley scoring some cheap "girl power" points at the GOP debate, and that cuts no ice with me.

    Jack, our strategic assessments of Russia are actually much worse than they appear, because our PLAN in Ukraine was to bait the Russians into attacking, and then we expected them to win easily. Instead, the Ukrainians put up more of a fight than anyone, most of all us, expected.

    As costly as the Vietnam War was for the Soviets (and Chinese), short-term victory there probably was a shot in the arm for world communism. As you suggest, though, they learned a lesson about how costly those victories would be!

    I'll take your word for it that Washington made maximum use of his military resources, and was as good a politician as a general. Can't argue with results!

    Most of the tactics that you predict the Left will use to purge the legal profession are already in play, as you know. My best guess is that, once the Left has reasserted its dominance by winning in 2024 and (probably) strangling X/Twitter to death, bar associations across the country will begin to cancel the credentials of conservative lawyers. This, plus law schools' determination to recruit only convinced progressives, will gradually make the legal/constitutional defense of conservatism impossible. It may take five years, or it may take fifty, but in either case the Left is ready to do whatever it takes.

  20. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I didn't hear Nikki Haley's remark; it certainly gainsays at least my use of "obvious" to characterize a lack of antipathy to men in her. In a profession numerically dominated by women I encountered a small minority of them who were opportunistic man haters and I often clashed with them.

  21. At least she was quoting Maggie Thatcher. That softens the blow..

  22. Dr. Waddy from Jack: PM Thatcher was good people and I hope she's up there comparing notes with Churchill now. He would have sunk that Argentinian cruiser too. Perfidious Albion may not be supreme anymore but it still manifests "Rule Brittania". Those 3d rate jackbooted fools sure found out!
