
Monday, August 7, 2023

Hillary's Crocodile Tears


Friends, today I recommend to you this fascinating (and long-winded) article by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton, the woman who was supposed to become our president in January 2017, but whose providential destiny was denied by that big meanie DJT.  Hillary's analysis of how our country got into its present predicament -- inches from fascist dictatorship -- is Clintonite through and through: self-pitying, gushingly partisan, pompous, and totally blind to the role that progressives and their top supporters in the media, social media, Hollywood, and beyond have played in creating exactly the conditions she decries.  Having said all that, if you cut through all the crap, Hillary has the kernel of a very profound point: Americans are increasingly isolated and lonely, and that makes them vulnerable to manipulation.  It would never cross Hillary's mind, ingĂ©nue that she is, that a DEMOCRAT could be just as good, if not better, at manipulation as a Republican, but I'll let you decide on that little wrinkle yourselves.  Anyway, see if you can't find something redeeming in what Hillary has to say.  If nothing else, you'll walk away from her article with a complete understanding of the self-aggrandizing mythology that undergirds modern progressivism. 


In other news, whether we'll ever prove that Joe Biden participated in an illegal bribery scheme I certainly can't say.  What's very evident at this stage, however, even to many Democrats, is that the entire Biden family has been working furiously for years to monetize Sleepy Joe's renown, such as it is, and particularly in communist China and among rich Chinese connected to the CCP elite.  Now, whether laws were broken or not, ask yourself this: how would the media treat such close contacts in a generally hostile foreign power in a top-tier politician if he happened to have, say, an "R" after his name instead of a "D"?  With a yawn...or with a howl of outrage?  You tell me.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Only because you took the trouble to post and comment on this possible opening salvo in Hillary's comeback ( "I mean, gee, Nixon did, despite my best efforts on the House Judiciary Committee") did I swallow my gorge and read it. I guess she would know about loneliness, having purposefully hitched her power wagon to a detestable cad like Slick Willy.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: So she "diagnosed" our problems eh? She must have myriad honorary doctorates from reeducation camps so she must think she can. I see she put "vast right wing conspiracy" in quotes, oh that's Slick. "See, see, I can do 'humble' too". "It takes a village" - her characteristic pronunciamento - yeah, a Potemkin village, followed by a city, followed by a state, followed by a rubber stamp court, followed by a junta, followed by a woman on horseback with men cleaning the stable.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: "I haven't given up", she allows. F'ing A on that ,Hill. You're gonna take back what's yours huh? You are right Dr.Waddy and your main point on loneliness is plausible and well taken. I am as antiintellectual as to be lacking in objectivity when it comes to anything a Clinton might say except for "I resign". I'd show respect to their daughter; after such parentage she yet appears a decent person.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack : Back in the '60s, before the many "isms" (except Marxism) were granted their irrefutable remedial power, we lefties used "irrelevant" as a handy summary antidote for inconvenient and insolent objectivity. Let me atone for our misuse of the term by offering that it is irrelevant whether the Biden family's misdeeds are proven. The antiamericans will continue to misuse the poor dears and the power they cuckooed until their presence in office is no longer required. Then they would seek other factotum.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The Brits'media has often been lacking in feudal deference to their "Rs". Can't think of any other monarchy to use in comparison. Oh ok you meant GOP vs dems. I'd opine that our MSM's consummate bias and lack of integrity answers the question.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think we've just been treated to the Neo Hillary Manifesto and it's getting attention in the commentaries. Oh yeah, she meant it when she said she wasn't giving up. The curse of the Clintons on America carries on.

  7. True, Jack -- Hillary has a lot of moxie in talking down to America and telling us where we went off the rails, and in taking ZERO responsibility for the part that she and her political allies played in hurling us into the abyss. What's most interesting about her analysis, in my view, is its sheer obtuseness, which is a defining characteristic of leftist thought. That doesn't mean that she's 100% wrong, of course. She isn't. She's just indifferent to, or unaware of, even the most obvious counterarguments, perhaps because no one has ever dared to make one in her presence (except DJT?).

    You're right, Jack: it IS irrelevant whether Biden malfeasance is proved. It's irrelevant, because the DOJ will never act on it. What IS relevant is whether the American people ever bestir themselves to inflict some homespun justice on the Bidens. Losing at the ballot box is the only comeuppance that will genuinely matter to such people.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I should have said"I credit nothing a Clinton says except . . . . I contradicted my preceding paragraph which asks the reader to consider things Hillary has said and implies that I have done so.
