
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

it Ain't Easy Bein' Mitch


Friends, it's hard not to feel sorry for poor Mitch McConnell.  He's old, he's sickly, and he's even having trouble making words come out of his mouth.  What's worse, he's almost universally hated.  That is to say, both Democrats AND Republicans loathe him, and that's not an easy thing to achieve in this day and age.  I mean, usually, what they like, we hate, and what we like, they hate.  Not so with old Mitch.  He's on everyone's sh** list.  Now, even those of us who aren't big fans, and who think it might be time for him to retire, have to admit that he's been very effective on occasion, in a purely tactical sense.  But, since tactics often yield important strategic victories, like our present super-majority on the Supreme Court, you have to give Mitch credit.  He ain't all bad.  And that's the point of this Wall Street Journal article, which, of course, is predictable in its point of view, since the WSJ is basically a Fox property.


Well, we Republicans have done it again -- we've managed to lose an important election in a red state!  Issue One has failed in Ohio, which would have made it harder to alter the state constitution.  The reason this is important: a pro-abortion measure is favored to pass in November that could turn Ohio into an abortion-friendly state, despite Republicans' iron grip on its legislature and the Governor's mansion.  In other words, the dastardly Dems are still doing a great job of weaponizing the abortion issue and of getting their voters to the polls.  This isn't good! 

In other polling news, here are some Arizona numbers that tell us two interesting things: one, Trump is highly competitive with Biden, and, two, adding Cornel West into the mix doesn't appear to alter greatly the balance of forces between Biden and Trump.  The upshot may be that many voters are desperately looking for someone else to vote for, and that could benefit either major party candidate, frankly, and it may give an advantage to Trump in some states, and Biden in others.


China's economy is really starting to hit the skids, and that's especially true when one looks at imports and exports.  This is good news for anyone who wants the U.S. and the West more broadly to end their reliance on Chinese industry.  It's bad news, however, for anyone who wants to keep the peace between China and the West, because a China that is struggling economically is a China that may lash out in any number of ways.  You can bet those Chicoms will be looking to change the subject! 

There's a nasty rumor that all librarians are Bolsheviks.  Well, I dunno about that, but the leader of the American Library Association sure is.  We know that because she brags about it!


Finally, the point of all these indictments against Trump isn't to convict and incarcerate him, per se.  It's to hobble him as a general election candidate in 2024.  To that end, we can expect many of these prosecutors, and perhaps some of the judges, to try to muzzle Trump, and we can expect Trump to give them the finger in response.  The key question is: who will win in this political/legal/constitutional face-off?   On this question may hinge the outcome of the election, after all.  I personally think that SCOTUS is much more likely to weigh in on Trump's 1st Amendment rights than they are on the substance of the charges against him.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Wow! Thanks for posting the article about Comrade President of "american library association". I've been waiting since 1977, when I became a librarian for the blatant, hypocritical, thoroughly unprofessional far left bias of the profession to become an issue. I refused ever to join ala or it's obsequious sprig, the NY Library Association. I rejoice to see the attention from outraged lawmakers that this totalitarian, representive "spokesentity "for the ala has drawn with her hapless remarks.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Comrade ala pres. celebrates her"vision to use the collective (!)power of the ala to pursue a host of left wing political issues" and her exalted status as a lesbian marxist. Well now! Suppose she had said she was a nazi? Nazi, marxist, what's the diff, except that marxists have destroyed more lives and wreaked more consummate human misery than Adolf ever hallucinated about. Comrade pres. says the intensifying outcry expressing determination not to empower her
    execrable views with taxpayer and parent supportive "regrettable". Really now? What is truly regrettable is seeing anyone base enough to extol marxism having acquired any power over a beloved institution like our libraries.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: All American professional librarians are required to have received Master's Degree in Library Science from a library school. At these schoolswe were enjoined to wholeheartedly believe and act out this belief, that librarians must be unbiased custodians and brokers of information. And yes, that is a maxim militantly asserted by the profession when it's amply expressed and enthusiastically demonstrated hostility to conservative views is criticized, especially from the minority group of conservative librarians. Conservative librarians regularly experience excoriation and denial of professional opportunity. Any librarian who says librarians should actually practice doctrinally balanced information stewardship is a pariah in the view of the ala Supreme Soviet. Actually the policies championed by Comrade Pres. have been the defacto ala standard since leftist compromised boomers entered the profession decades ago.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The profession is a haven for militant man haters who give any male insolent enough to invade their fief to understand that unless they are willing to abase themselves and accept deserved
    contempt and admit unavoidable "sexist" intent, they will be hounded out of the field with a vengeance.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Finally: I became a librarian because I loved the libraries and librarians I had available to me growing up in'50s America. I know there are myriad librarians who are principled thorough professionals . Some of them join ala because they understandably see it as a professional necessity. But when an organization arrogates to itself the role of the exemplar of a profession and when that profession elects to empower in the leadership of that organization those who embody detestable totalitarian convictions and seek to use the organization to advance their screed, well, WHAT DOES that say about the profession itself!? Rise up librarians and those who love libraries and cast off these lowlifes; you have nothing to lose but the present degradation of a much treasured American institution!

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Mitch:I dunno; how can anyone hate a guy who looks like John Doe from 1940? Count me as one who hopes he'll be evaluated as a great Senate leader. His legislative skill and his quiet moxie in going nose to nose with the antiamerican left execration machine gave us a lawful Scotus which is bringing us alot of good law and countless Maalox moments for frantic incipient totalitarians used to being succored by rubber stamp "justices".

  7. Jack, I dunno how much "power" the ALA truly wields, but I would assume that librarians who want to, uhh, work for wages would be wise to join? That is to say, are professional memberships brandished as emblems of one's ideological purity? Do you know what percentage of professional librarians join?

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I do not know what the percentage is. I would think it very high. My experience in public, academic, law and prison librarianship is that among librarians the appropriateness of membership in ala is pretty much taken for granted and it's absence or a challenge to ala is taken as at least eccentric but often also as a professional disqualification.Lots of librarians of good will either have until now not perceived ala's unapologetic bias or think it balanced by their professionalism. Perhaps this vicious turn in ala's leadership and the widespread condemnation it is getting will help to disabuse these good people. But I know there also are plenty of librarians who are either sincere incipient totalitarians or are intimidated by them. I know some librarians think it necessary to be a leftist if one is to be a librarian and that conservatives need to find a new line of work. Uhh, that prejudice can be damaging to one's career. I'd bet Comrade Pres celebrates this injustice to librarians and taxpayers though she would probably disingenuously deny it.About 25 years ago a group called Family Friendly Libraries was active. I'm going to look them up.

  9. Jack, I'm sorry, although unsurprised, to hear all that. The irony, of course, is that the vast majority of librarians must work for jurisdictions that would find their leftist views abhorrent, if only they knew about them. Once again, decent Americans are funding, in effect, the obliteration of their own culture. Not cool!

  10. Dr.Waddy from Jack: The library school I went to encouraged librarians to see publics which objected to some materials as ignorant adversaries and to see themselves, especially if they served conservative Americans, as lonely champions of justice! That certainly floats the antiamerican leftist boat today.
