
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hitting Below the Belt


Friends, the avalanche of pro-Ukrainian, Russophobic propaganda, public statements, and harebrained initiatives lately is getting hard to stomach.  I've kept an eye on Fox News's coverage of the war between Russia and Ukraine, and I have to say that any distinction between the tone of Fox's coverage and that of Ukrainian state media would be hard to spot.  Ukrainians are heroic, inspiring, and unstained by sin of any kind.  Russians, by contrast, are human only insofar as they struggle against Putin and align themselves, broadly speaking, with U.S. and Western foreign policy aims.  None of this is to deny real and justifiable moral qualms that many in the West have regarding the Russian offensive, but let's take a deep breath and remember that Russia's relations with Ukraine go back a long way and are complicated, to say the least.  Nasty things have been done, and said, on both sides, and for far longer than the USA has been a country.  Likewise, Russia has legitimate reasons, historical and current, to fear and mistrust the West.  So my advice is: stop luxuriating in jingoistic anti-Russian fervor and try to think of ways to contribute to the resolution of the current conflict.  After all, if we'd had something to offer the Russians in the last few weeks, besides insults, threats, and defiance, there might have been no war in the first place.

Taking first prize for petty Russophobia these days, in my opinion, are efforts to prevent Americans from purchasing Russian vodka -- all while Sleepy Joe allows, and in many ways encourages, us to guzzle Russian oil and gas by the barrel-full.  Talk about idiotic!


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Oh I can't: I do so luv vodks!

  2. Dr.Waddy from Jack: SO: a land based trade between a recently Ukraine crisis reconciled Russia and China, via China's new Silk Road ( see my Kaplan reference in the preceding post) could relieve China's fears and any present thought it may have of investing Taiwan to break the chain. And.since we are fully engaged in Europe just now, that could be good news for us!

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Again, my qualifying paragraph was erased! In it I referred to China's fear of the Japan to India navally powerful chain attacking its vital Middle East and Africa trade. And I suggested that a US emgagment in Europe might temorarily only extend the US in fighting an attack on Taiwan, the keystone of the China threatening chain, and that China might subsequently
    fall back onits historical long range view that Taiwan will, in time, be theirs! Why? Because an overland Russian hydrocarbons for Chinese international negotiable wealth could not be prevented by any Navy! So why fightthe US now?

  4. Jack, I can't say that vodka plays a major role in my life, but it does mix well with pretty much any citrus drink!

    I tend to agree that China won't leap into any confrontation with Taiwan. If they feel like using Russia as a distraction, why...all they have to do is wait. There are bound to be more fireworks between Russia and its neighbors. And I think you are wise to focus on China's vulnerability to a naval blockade. China's navy has a long way to go before it can project power globally, as ours can. My guess is China will do absolutely nothing that would threaten its dominant position in international trade. Now, the key wrinkle is: IF they invaded Taiwan, would the whole world agree on cutting off China commercially? Probably not. Would the key naval powers agree? That I'm not sure of either. The sacrifices would be immense, and the dangers gargantuan.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack:You have in this post expressed some perhaps unpopular opinions on Ukraine with courageous objectivity; well and truly said and argued! Oh I drink Kentucky vodka, which would probably raise the gorge of any vodka enthusiasts: I put it in hot tea but don't tell the Brits because they would never allow me to assume the throne ,for which I really am in line! I am descended directly from Edward III by a mere 20+ some generations. So do not dare to dissent from my pronunciamentos because I fully intend to reassert the divine right of Kings! Therefore refrain!

  6. DrWaddy from Jack: I agree with your observationson Taiwan and China. My support comes mostly from the Kaplan book I cited previously on this site and Kaplan'sThe Revenge of Geography, both of which I would strongly recommend.

  7. Jack, I am certainly defying conventional wisdom at this stage! As per Mitt Romney, I guess that makes me "almost treasonous"...but luckily I'm used to dabbling in treason. It's almost second nature!

    P.S. Congrats on your impending accession to the British throne. The Queen's recent bout of COVID must have made your heart beat a lot faster, eh?

  8. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Oh no,I hope that dear woman way outlives me!
