
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Great News! Thanks to Liberalism, You're One Step Closer to the Harem You've Always Dreamed About!

Friends, you might recall that, back when the Supreme Court invented a constitutional right to gay marriage in 2015, conservatives warned that the legalization of polygamy or incest might be next.  Liberals scoffed!  Well, the movement to normalize and eventually legalize and recognize "polyamory" is well afoot.  If you ask me, lefties should be careful what they wish for, because what they're likely to get from this insane dethronement of the traditional nuclear family is both social instability and a whole lot more polygyny, which is to say: men with multiple partners and/or wives.  Women, by contrast, are biologically and psychologically much less likely to seek out multiple male partners.  So, in short, everything could work out for the best!

In other news, the mask police are getting pushier and pushier.  In truth, as some of you have already observed, it isn't the police pushing this agenda, by and large, but do-gooder politicians and their media allies.  Missing, still, is clear evidence that typical masks help typical people avoid infection.


  1. So why can't the "Mormons" (correct name is Latter-day Saints) bring back Plural or Celestial marriage where a man can have more than one wife? Back in the 19th Century their prophet Joseph Smith came up with this, and Brigham Young continued it after Smith was assassinated. It lasted (officially) until the late 19th Century when President Woodruff sent out a Manifesto (two actually) beginning in 1890 telling LDS men they could not have more than one wife anymore, but to take care of the ones they did have and keep their mouths shut. His motive, was that abandoning polygamy was part of the deal with the Federal Government to obtain statehood for Utah in 1896. So why not again? Actually, the Fundamentalist Mormons still do it. Love to see those old old LDS Family photos of some Mormon man sitting in the middle of about six wives of varying age standing, and about 30 kids of all ages in the photo. Wow! So my point is, why can't the current President of the LDS Church tell the feds he has had a vision to bring back plural marriage, and should be able to have it again as a right. People were outraged at the Mormons back in the 19th Century because of their marriage practices, but then compared to what is happening now, what they had was moral. Don't know is LDS women would put up with that today, but you never know.

  2. So anyone who is interested in real harems in history, watch "The Magnificent Century" which is a four (4) season, 139 episode series about the life of Sultan Suleyman The Magnificent (the Turks call him Suleyman The Lawgiver) of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire in the 16th Century. I watched it and enjoyed it thoroughly. It's in Turkish with English subtitles. Very well done! Talk about harems and a guy with women trouble, that's Suleyman. Lot's of intrigue and so on. And it looks like the guys who were in charge of the harem were eunuchs. Seriously! The series in based on factual history, dramatized of course, but still true.

  3. If I am not mistaken, I believe that at one time, women in Tibet had more than one husband. As I recall, it had something to do with population imbalances, or something along those lines. Equal opportunity for Tibetan ladies, don't you think?

  4. In the final analysis, I think a lot of the sexual shenanigans of human beings has been going on for a very long time. Now of course it is fashionable to talk about it. Certainly, a trend setter in multiple partners was set by our late President JFK, that serial adulterer and fornicator par excellence. Gay people have been "shacked up" for a while, I suspect, and all sorts of sexual stuff went wild with the invention of THE PILL many decades ago. Doubt there were many virgins back in the 1950s, with all that activity going on in those cars parked at Drive in Theaters all over the country in The Summer. Nowadays, women are still on the pill (more or less) and many women think nothing of it to have multiple sexual partners as a right. Lots of couples living together without the benefits of matrimony, and there are lots of breakups. And so on and so on. Again, it is now the thing to talk about this and promote it. I even saw some book recently with a title stating that women had better sex in socialist countries. Seriously!

  5. I'm done talking about this. I have to mow my lawn now. Thank you for reading my comments.

  6. Not quite done. Don't forget that a lot of this sexual revolution began during World War 2. Not the least of this is all those English women who got "knocked up" while our G.I.s were in England getting ready for D Day, so they could defeat Germany, and then continue to get German women "knocked up". WORLD WAR 2 caused a lot of what we are seeing today. Just my opinion. Lots and lots of horny Americans all over the world during WW 2 having lots of sex with women in many countries, and we had lots of chewing gum and chocolate to give the. A good movie on this theme is "Yanks" with Richard Geer. There are lots of books about this aspect of WW 2 also.

  7. In the end, the right and the left have promoted various forms of immoral sexual behavior deliberately and otherwise. The Roman Catholic Church was about as right on the political spectrum as can be (at least before Vatican II), but even before that, plenty of priests were molesting kids. To be quite honest I don't think that politics, or science, or religion can really control/legislate human sexuality.

  8. But Dr. Waddy is absolutely correct in his premise, which is, if I understand it properly, states that for the most part, the left has promoted the most bizarre and perverted sexual behavior and attempted to pass it off as normal behavior.

  9. Thanks for the amusing romp through the history of sex, Ray! You're right -- the Mormons have been castigated for polygyny, while the Left now celebrates polyamory. Inconsistency? You bet! The Left, as usual, is in a conundrum: it wants everyone to have casual sex all day long, but it can't stand to see men enjoying themselves "at the expense" of women, EVER! What's a pinko to do?
