
Friday, February 21, 2020

TDS Reaches New Heights: Dems Prefer Death to Trump?

Friends, lefties have already decided we're all going to die a fiery death because of climate change, so perhaps this explains, in part, their apparent preference for the extinction of humankind over a second term for Donald J. Trump.  On the other hand, maybe spite really is the strongest emotion of which a liberal is capable.  Alternatively, maybe the poll referenced below proves that even liberals have a sense of humor?  No!  Surely not.  Forgive me.  That last thought was out in left field -- literally.  If Dems say they'd rather die than live under Trump, we have to take them at their word.  One assumes they haven't yet committed mass suicide because...they're too lazy, or they're clumsy with firearms?  Now I'm just answering a question with a question, though, and that won't do.  Check out this article for yourself, and see if you can make any sense of it.


  1. Mass suicide for all leftists is an excellent idea. It would be an honorable death if they did it in traditional Japanese style. Also, no firearms would be used. I would welcome this as a very "progressive" gesture on their part. I would then be able to mark millions of leftist files with DSAF (Did Society A Favor).

  2. The fact that leftist (Marxist) ideology has so many followers in The United States of America is a perfect indication of just how sick the country is. Let's face it, countries are like people. People get sick. Countries get sick. The fact that people who promote Socialism and Communism are able to run for the Presidency and have many followers is proof positive of just how sick we are.

    Don't forget that this ideological virus began to enter the U.S. in the late 19th Century with great numbers of Europeans who came here and disseminated it. It was further spread by the Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and then circulated around in various forms during the FDR administration, and then picked up speed after World War II and our ill fated alliance with the Soviet Union.

    All of this was engineered by Leftist Elites in the U.S. who pumped this virus into the bloodstream of American society consistently through education, film, and media. So now this disease is in its late stages, and like the bubonic plague, the boils are appearing.

  3. If Trump is reelected, the so called "Democrats" will become like rabid dogs, and you can be absolutely sure that by 2024 they will come up with a plan (however criminal) to seize control of the government if a Republican is elected to The Presidency again. This would include massive and violent riots in major cities.

    The year 2024 is going to by a very very dangerous year, during which the climate change "debates" will seem like a fun topic. I really don't think that the majority of the American people who have fully backed Trump realize just how dangerous 2024 will be. Don't rule out another Civil War, because this country is not "immune" from that. We have already had one, so another one is always a possibility.

    1. I agree, 2024 will be a very dangerous time. I think folks in general out to be very worried.

    2. **ought...please excuse my misspelling. Working on Spanish homework has my brain fried, just saying, LOL.

  4. Anonymous: Your reference to "seppuku" tickled me: the currently relevant irony was excellent. I have read and seen in film detailed depictions of the faithful commission of this ritual. Most people, certainly including me, would be incapable of mustering the visceral courage to do it. Many Japanese suicides as a consequence of failure to serve the Emperor were accomplished with fire arms. I think Admiral Nagumo, who commanded the Pearl Harbor strike force, did so on Saipan to avoid U.S. capture. So did Tojo, though he muffed it and was eventually hanged in just recompense for Japanese depravity throughout the Western Pacific. And I say that, again, as one who loves Japan and the Japanese from my visits to that endlessly endearing country.

  5. Anonymous: Remember how the Ottoman Empire was called"the Sick Man of Europe?". I agree with your description of the progress of the YES! radical leftist disease in an accomodating U.S. but I see it as having attacked a very healthy political body, against which it has striven to destroy and against which it almost succeeded in 2016. My only caution to you would be, I think we should also note the profound effect of the majority juvenile(not anywhere totally) but incalculably multitudinous baby boomer horde ;its now hilarious discreditation by Father Time, taking place now before our very eyes, in obituaries and cemetaries is rife, yes rife.

  6. Anonymous: I am very much in agreement with your perception of a second Civil War as a possibility. Frankly, I think it has obtained since 1972, with the support of the dreamy radical leftist multitudinous boomers.

    McGovern ( " we don't need 15 carriers, lets reduce them to 6, despite obvious Soviet intentions), Carter (let us not say more), Mondale (ditto)Ronald Reagan and Bush I in the monumental victory against Marxism.

  7. Anonymous: Today of course, the direct attack on a President considered by the left to be so insolent that he dares to assault the politically correct ramparts they thought unassailable is,the main fight! Let us perceive it as such and act accordingly.!

  8. Dr. Waddy: Oh well, I read it and I afford it as much credibility as I would a plebiscite in Iran.

    I mean, I have feared for a long time that NH would succumb to the leftist curse, being as it is so geographically vulnerable.

  9. Anonymous: How 'bout that incomplete pronunciamento I posted a couple of spaces up?. Frankly, I don't know what the hell I was trying to say. I should go to work for Biden.

  10. Hmm...Dr. Waddy, since when do you take news from the Rolling Stone ((grin and laughter)). This TDS is really getting out of hand and I fear it will only worsen. sigh

  11. Anonymous -- I think we can safely assume that mass suicide WON'T be the leftist reaction to a Trump win in 2020. They can't even bestir themselves to flee to Canada! All this groaning about "dictatorship" is 99% hot air, if you ask me.

    I like the metaphor of Marxist thinking as a sickness. Whether we're in the "late stages" of a potentially fatal illness, however, remains to be seen. I know Jack believes there are vast reserves of decency and common sense in this country still to be tapped. I'm on the fence myself. I do think the American spirit has been badly corrupted, but I'm not ready to give up on us just yet!

    Civil war in 2024? Could be. The riots, though, I fear will come sooner than that. If Trump wins in November, I'm afraid the cycle of violence will kick off immediately. How far it will go I don't know. My guess is the "resistance" will be stifled in the short term.

    Jack, yes -- the Boomers are passing from the scene. The question is: do we have good reason to repose more confidence in the rising generations than we did in the hippies (and warmed over hippies)? I generally say: no, we don't.

    Linda -- you're right that a Rolling Stone poll should be taken with several thousand grains of salt! I regard the poll as touch-in-cheek...but it still gives us an indication of how much Trump is hated.

  12. Dr. Waddy: At first, when I saw considerable opposition to demonstration against the 1991 Gulf War manifested among the then young, I thought the boomers had been refuted.

    But now I have many belated reservations. It appears the terribly numerous leftist faction of the still living boomers which survives to this day has still an onerous influence. Their children and now grandchildren, so many of them, are yet convinced that their country requires "fundamental transformation". Would that they could be given even momentary experience, with full sensual and mental perception, of those painful phenomena which gave birth to the so very comfortable world they have only known and the monstrous and so very real manifestations of its presumptuous rejection by those mainly insulated silly idealists who, in their perfectionist trance, resolved to seek an unimaginably "better" world.

  13. Hear hear! What the young need, more than anything, is object lessons in the failures and dangers of socialism. Stern lectures, I fear, won't cut it. We need some conservatives with tremendous skills of persuasion to take up this sacred mission.

    1. Unfort. Dr. Waddy the indoctrination of public schools and higher ed. is quite frightening (just keeping it real--not saying you or Anonymous teach that way, because I am pretty sure he doesn't and I know for sure you don't, grin). I probably ought to mention TDS is real and also equally frightening.

  14. All true, Linda! Brainwashing is the only thing keeping liberalism and the Democratic Party alive. Unfortunately, they're rather good at it, and they have all the key cultural institutions locked down, so we struggle to compete...
