
Friday, November 2, 2018

Whammy the First: A Brief History of TDS

Friends, today the first in my four-part series of articles appeared in American Greatness. The topic is a very important one: what explains liberal derangement since the election of President Trump, and more importantly how will this derangement change or intensify after they lose another election on November 6th? I have by now made it clear that I believe the "blue wave" is destined to fail, and thus we cannot but be curious how the Left will react. They have, by all appearances, been flirting with lunacy for two years now, so will they be able to absorb the shock of another setback, another rebuke from the American people?  My guess is that the 2018 election will produce a major earthquake on the Left, and the Democratic Party and the liberal movement may be permanently hobbled by the resulting chaos. I analyze the prospects for liberal self-destruction using Elisabeth Kubler-Ross's Five Stages of Grief as a model. Today's installment is just an introduction -- a brief history of Trump Derangement Syndrome, if you will -- so the real "meat" of the analysis and my more detailed prognostications will follow on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Don't miss it! America's future is on the line.


  1. Dr. Waddy: It is plausible , I think, to employ Kubler-Ross's Five Stages in an analysis of leftist behavior since November 2016. The problem I see though is that her progression is based upon an assurance that death is imminent. I think the left sees in the 2016 election both the moral outrage at the hands of reprehensible primitives they see in any rebuff and the objective fact of Hillary winning the "popular" vote. That this was fully attributable to lala land New Yorkers and Californians solely is of no moment to them. I think they think 2016 but a temporary setback in their inevitable progress to complete control over the unwashed. They do not see death on their horizon and there is where the analogy may break down. But perhaps not by this time next week.

  2. Jack, I agree with your analysis thoroughly, as future installments will show. The Dems are not yet convinced of the futility of their endeavors. By and large, though, I think the human reaction to very bad news, and to a terminal diagnosis, is analogous, so I feel the model is illustrative, even if it's not entirely apt. (Incidentally, I don't think Kubler-Ross understood the reaction to death with 100% accuracy either.) Pray suspend belief as much as necessary. :)

  3. Dr. Waddy: Well thought on; I will. Now off to the woods for the beginning of crossbow season, at least as long as Chairman Cuomo deigns to allow it.

  4. I hope you have a license (in triplicate and engraved on stone tablets) for that crossbow, Jack! Big Brother is watching...
