
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Sunny Side of the Street


Greetings from the Sunshine State, friends!  I apologize for being MIA for what from your perspective must have been an interminably long period.  I hope not many of you have succumbed to despair.  Well, I'm back now -- intellectually speaking, if not geographically.  I'm currently enjoying a tennis-filled sojourn in warmer climes.  In fact, my old pal DJT was kind enough to offer me the use of his private suite at Mar-a-Lago.  Apparently he's got pressing business in D.C.  Not sure what that's all about.  Some people just don't know how to relax...  I'm not one of them.

I gather the news has been pretty slow, except for the fact that the City of Angels is a roaring inferno.  I've got mixed feelings about that, as you might imagine.  I sympathize with ordinary folks, but my view is that, the more tv and movie studios that burn to cinders, the better!  We'll see how that goes.

As you may be aware, there's an inauguration coming up.  What are your plans for the big day?


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack : I intend to remember how good I felt in 2017 when I heard DJT take the oath and realized once again that we had actually been delivered from Hillaryism. After 2020 it was a painful memory but our 2017 redemption will be miraculously reprised , with very much additional promise from the defeat of a totalitarian lawfare onslaught, on Jan. 20 and it will be an uplifting moment.

    If Southern California's hellish ordeal is largely attributable to "politically correct" decisions limiting access to the water which could have fought the inferno far more effectively, for the sake of "endangered "miniscule fish ,then the decision makers and their fanciful environmental incipiently totalitarian doctrine stand as discredited as their Soviet exemplars were.

    Their weak rationalizations for their administration of the long since understood necessity for measures as onerous to their detached refined sensibilities as are necessary to combat nasty Mother Nature in her wrath, sum up their incompetence and the folly of their dreamy, empirically unverifiable environmental humbug. Trouble is, many have paid for it with all they have; what of them?

    Perhaps Newsom and the obviously overmatched Mayor of LA would be good enough as to relinquish their offices and any intent of further advancement(yes?)

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Small fish usually live lives of constant physical danger and they cannot be aware of their exalted legal status as much as to take their predators to law.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I get a kick out of watching Elizabeth Warren in action. From the snippets I saw of the Hegseth hearing , she was in characteristically obnoxious pedantic form, presumptuously scolding Hegseth for aspiring to a lofty position. I mean, her Presidential sallies have been heroic, yes? May she continue long in office to remind us of the imperiousness of the antiamerican left.

    And Tim Keane? Any man obsequious enough to have aspired to be Hillary's token male in her vengeful coven further disgraces himself in trying to toy with an hombre like Pete Hegseth.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: It must be redeeming to sojourne in a place where common sense reigns. Meanwhile, here in the People's Republic (East) we brace ourselves, as we do yearly about this time, for the legislative onslaught of presumptuous imposition of the state in every aspect of our lives.

  5. Dr, Waddy from Jack: Ahh, Biden the peacemaker; we should never have doubted his eventual triumph. How glorious his "legacy" is hereby rendered in this monumental "settlement". That it might just be a tactical retreat on the part of the neoHolocaust crowd (including their American wishers well), is unthinkable.

    Of course his, ehh, ambivalent attitude from afar on always beleaguered Israel had nothing to do with the Islamist onslaught and its perpetrators' holdout against Israel's forceful reaction. And this is, beyond all, certain: this "timely" agreement has not a soo to do with the fact that DJT will be our President next week or that it just could be reasonable for the Hamas/Iranian savages to assume that DJT means
    exactly what he says about his consummate intolerance of a moment more of Americans held hostage. Nor is it at all attributable to the heroic constancy of Benjamin Netanyahu, who held on for a return of an American administration not suffused with far left antisemitism Oh no!

    Hamas is of course utterly untrustworthy .Israel is naturally fully aware of this. This "truce" may last for a time but Israel will be ready to meet it again if it becomes necessary. Maybe Israel actually has, in effect, destroyed the will of those pledged to sew salt into its fields and over its national grave. But I'm sure Israel is far from convinced of that. Life in a garrison state is unimaginable to all of us blessedly spared it; consequently we are disqualified from creditable judgement of the measures it takes to defend its very existence from those who would KILL each and every one of them (as was , we know, actually and almost incredibly enforced by a power which had the means to complete the task had civilization not intervened. )

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Ahh, with shades of Eisenhower and perhaps even Washington, Biden bade"farewell, a long farewell to all my greatness" while family and close friends sat in mourning black with grim visages. He bade us beware of an emerging oligarchy. Now that's something a factotum of the far left can do creditably! No oligarchs they!

    Yet they do seem to achieve possession of such as 100 car private fleets, thousands of pairs of designer sunglasses, numerous luxurious dachas( the better to serve Stalin's shifting moods; would he deport entire peoples today or would he merely settle for a good , bracing show trial of a faithful old Bolshevik) etc ad nauseum. Oh I get it, they were rewarded by the broad masses for delivering them from capitalist oppression.

    Of course American neo Bolsheviks could never be so venal or presumptuous. They champion a much chastened and democratized Marxism and can be fully trusted, unlike men of consummate evil like shamefully acquisitive Elon Musk. They are suffused with Aquarian justice, virtue and love.


    I'm sure you will both agree with me, that looking ahead to 2028, and planning for it, is highly important. I'm going to think positive, and hope that Trump and his people know what to do, in order to prevent some Leftist numb nuts from getting in The White House again, for a long time.

  8. Ray from Jack: Looking back, we have seen many astonishing and unanticipated political developments; enough, maybe, to school us that they are to be expected.

    Right now, we appear to have set the antiamerican left back on its heels in a manner possibly as forceful as to generate for us a line of GOP Presidents similar to that we had between '81 and '93 and which forced the three time loser Dems to painfully revert to contraindicated American loyalty. In '92 they granted a thoroughly amoral con man their leadership out of the wilderness. Even they could not comprehend that POWER and its many voluptuary perks, was his only yen and that he would insouciantly work any measure of rollicking deception to secure it.

    If we enable a prolonged period of loyal American Federal administration , we may have to see the rise of a figure on our side demonstrated constitutionally and doctrinally capable of persist in
    pressing the VITAL conquest of the wokeism, America hatred and neo Marxism which has not yet quit the dem tent. He/She would have much cumulative advantage , perhaps featuring a long time guaranteed lawful Scotus.

    Who? JD, Pam Bondi, Lara Trump, Donald Jr. ? For the dems I still think it will be AOC in 2028 but what I saw as her disingenuous turn to the center may have been gainsaid by her sophomoric Congressional diatribe against common sense measures which dare to curb the ehh, excesses of the trans movement. The Dems have, on balance, been terribly, terribly denied since 2016 and that may, in its insolence, have stung them beyond any reason. Yes, they did accomplish the unlawful invasion of our country by wretched multitudes who they expected would be their obsequious cadre but they have blown the opportunity for indispensable FOLLOWUP on their traitorous coup. America is fully aroused to the violation of its , yes, compassionate immigration laws and determined not to tolerate a reprise. What then can they offer?

    Our first Civil War generated theretofore almost unimaginable events and consequences. Our present, second Civil War, a cultural one, may also manifest astonishing phenomena.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I wonder what those environmentalists as convinced of the willful human origin of a perceived warming of the world's climate think of the deep freeze currently enveloping much of the US. I know in the past they have offered explanations for such cold with twisted "logic" and evidentiary adventure purporting to explain it as the direct product of warming.

    I think they are simply grasping at a rationale for their being granted unquestioned and comprehensive control of civilization. Having catastrophically failed in this by prostituting politics and economics they see "the environment" and their "inconveniently truthful" stewardship of it as the their latest try.They will fail in this too but of course not without having worked characteristic vast presumptuous dysfunction and intense misery.

    And how about California, where the crazies have prevailed as much as to deny their population the life saving water necessary for fighting the wildfires which WILL happen , no matter how much they fiddle; this, to preserve the lifestyle of a perversely ungrateful fish. I could see it perhaps if they had chosen a more recently developed lifeform for their veneration, say, the Norway Rat?

    The far left everywhere is taking its lumps just now. Their environmental fantasies look like an "inconvenient untruth". They may have to arrogate yet another rallying point for their "inevitable" takeover. I know: the unjust suppression of Neanderthal civilization by murderous Cro Magnons. This terrible wrong has never been paid for and we must subordinate all of human activity to achieving this irrefutable goal.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: So, the earnest protestors gather in DC, there to act out their self righteous anger at the American electorate for having "dissed" them.

    But then,what is their beef, pray? Is it what they understand to be the policies DJT will advance (and advance them he will, to their despair). Or is it the mere fact of his, yes, technically endorsable reaccension to power, yet nonetheless the product of a " democratic" process as cynically misused as to manifest most undemocratic results. "Give us a chance (or WHEN WE GET THE CHANCE) to offer the people a truly democratic choice, guaranteeing to the broad masses honest stewardship; be confident they will not be suffered to be misled again, ever!"

    Meanwhile antiamerica will sulk and pout and work as much dysfunction as they can manage. Popular sovereignty is aces with them as long as it supports their far left convictions. When it doesn't, they hit the streets, where the extent of their physical restraint is to be doubted as they vent the compelling emotions which always dominate them. The last 12 years have been hard for them, all things considered. First Hillary, then Kamala, each of them of political correctness and title as to be doubted only by the politically profane, BUT, unjustly denied. Poor dears!

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But then, maybe their motive is simply this: they hate DJT's guts ( any reason long since eclipsed) and have made it an unreasoning reflex for them to guide their emotional eruptions.

  12. I am going to enjoy Monday because of the realization that it will be the best day of the Trump Administration 2.0. After Monday, it is all downhill. The deportations will be met with a flurry of support from MAGA, then as they drag on month after month, the backlash will begin. People will start to complain about the rising cost of goods coming from the labor shortages resulting from the deportations as well as the ill-advised tariffs. Allies will be less cooperative with us after we hang Ukraine out to dry. The BRICS countries will step up their monetary threat toward us. All of which sets up the Dems nicely to take back the House in 2026, and thus paralyzing Trump from moving any additional agenda items.

    BTW, I'm not watching the inauguration, but will be watching a docuseries about Trump -- "Criminal Minds."

  13. Anonymous from Jack: Yes , there will be disappointment because Maga will not be able to fulfill anywhere near all its promises. But just as important as what DJT will do is the absolute certainty of what his election prevented: that is, a perhaps decisive 4 more years of far left subjugation of our country.

    I enjoyed the Three Stooges last night and was reminded of the Biden administration.

    I think continuation of US support for Ukraine would be but a prolongation of an unnecessary threat to our national security. It would simply compound the terrible error we made in encouraging Ukraine to think of Nato membership. That possibility remains anathema to nuclear armed Russia and we must be objective about their reason, no matter how much we loathe their methods. We made a horrible mistake; we must make it right and if our allies don't like it, how very much less they would like the US going on its own in Europe..

  14. Dr. Waddy from Jack: So some 2500 Federal drug offenders are to be given a pass by good 'ol avuncular Biden.

    To have earned prolonged Federal incarceration it is entirely possible that some of them may actually have committed serious crimes when they committed them. It might even be that a cavalier attitude toward laws seeking to control the "unsavory"illegal drug universe COULD betray a contempt for the law in general which may even be reprised after their redemption. Just sayin'.

    Jailhouse lawyers will of course hasten to misuse their tax payer gifted law libraries to argue this move as precedent for their being forgiven and will threaten vast and ruinous civil tasking of officials who do not cleave to their every "suggestion" to that effect. But," Kumbayaa Joe knows, you know." Why all people are fundamentally good and will gladly abjure misconduct if afforded "understanding".

    1. Biden's pardons were designed to correct a major racist discrepancy in the punishment meted out to those violating drug laws. Far less weight of the drugs would get Blacks longer prison sentences for selling rock (preferred in poorer, urban areas) than whites would be for selling powder (preferred in better off, suburban areas). In addition, most of these offenders are low-to-mid level players, not the major ones.


  15. Watching the inauguration will be a sweet moment of vindication for me, too. I say that not as an unqualified Trump supporter, obviously, but as a conservative who is pleased to see the Left brought so low, and who is happy that such a promising team of conservative/libertarian all-stars has been assembled to help Trump heal the country of its wounds. My expectations are reasonably low, but my hopes are high, and the best case scenario for the next four years is, in my opinion, breathtakingly positive. If we can keep the Left off balance and on defense, and press our advantage as long as possible, we can accomplish some amazing things.

    So you feel that Hegseth is holding his own, Jack? That's good to hear.

    Jack, I would imagine a considerable comfort to Sleepy Joe as he exits the stage is the many millions of dollars that his son drummed up for him and for the whole family. Trump seems to be signaling that vengeance against the Bidens, at least, is not a priority, so, in all likelihood, the Biden crime family will get off scot-free. See, the system works!

    Jack, although you don't think much of William Jefferson Clinton, he was, from the Dem perspective, a very successful two term president. I suspect they would be thrilled to find a candidate his "equal" in 2028 -- the more morally flexible, the better!

    True, the Neanderthals were (arguably) the first true proletarians! I say it's time for affirmative action for people with giant foreheads... Who's with me???

    Were the LA wildfires really worsened by DEI hiring and environmentalist mismanagement of the water supply? Maybe, but these are easy things to say and probably very hard things to prove.

    The scale of the anti-Trump protests this time around has been derisory, if we're honest. That's extremely interesting, and it does suggest a level of despondency and/or disconnection on the Left that is unprecedented in Trumpian times. How long will it last? Let's not overanalyze it, I say -- let's exploit it to get as much done as possible!!!

    Anonymous, your predictions of doom for Trump and Trumpers are, alas, quite plausible. Griping is easy. Governing is hard. Corralling all those Congressmen to give the Trump team the legislative support it needs to change the country will be like pulling teeth. There are at least a thousand things that can go wrong, starting on day one, but the other side of that coin is that there are things that can get better, too. The economy, the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the inflation picture, the sting of censorship and deplatforming, the border crisis -- Trump can have a positive impact on all of these things. Whether people perceive it that way is another question. The American people have a very negative, mopey mindset at the moment, and that will be hard to overcome. Not for nothing is Elon on the warpath against pessimism. We need to alter our whole Weltanschauung in this country if we're to turn things around.

    Rod may be right about racial inequities in prosecution, but he forgets that differences in the law were designed to curb the drug trade first and foremost in the areas that were ravaged by it most, in terms of its violent consequences. The intent was not racist. In fact, it was anti-racist, i.e. it was an attempt to bring law and order back to mostly non-white communities. This may help to explain why so many Democrats favored the approach.

    1. The intent of the drug laws may not have been racist (though that is debatable), their impact certainly was.


  16. Anonymous from Jack: I don't know alot about it. Is rock the same as crack? I understand crack can completely addict a person after one use(?) To casually work this curse on anyone is, I suggest, a heartless, very serious offense and deserving , on its own, regardless of politically mitigating circumstances ,of very serious time. I'm retired from NY Corrections. In this very left wing state, where one might expect many Judges to be more inclined to sock the "privileged", we nevertheless had multitudinous black drug offenders. Especially in lala land NYC one would expect to find a dominant faction of leftist Judges and Prosecutors. I very much doubt many white dealers venture into inner city neighborhoods. As for the Federal judges whose sentences Biden has contradicted, to the disadvantage of inner city populations cursed by drug related crime, it is reasonable to expect that the majority of them are big city leftists; but still, there are as many black dealers in the Federal system as to compell narrowly compassionate Joe to deliver them from what may well be their due.

    One possibility the left resolutely refuses to consider is that percentages of crime convictions among the various races may well directly correlate with the incidence of actual COMMISSION of crime by members of the various ethnic groups. Without taking that onerous reality into objective consideration, no creditable assessment of alleged "racism "( a term, I think, rendered discreditable by presumptuous misuse and overuse but one which, in all its myriad definitions, is nonetheless consistently pejorative) is possible. Biden"s reflexive "compassion" for criminals will almost certainly redound to the disfavor and
    increasing criminalization of neighborhoods to which they return.

    Does anyone consider that "redeemed" drug offenders are often career criminals with withering contempt for positive and constructive living and the law abiding who embrace it? Chastened by their records (which commutation does not erase) to avoid the drug scene or their past involvement in it, they may simply turn to other profitable crimes which free them of the "chump" status they loathe.

  17. Anonymous from Jack: Thank you for your objective criticism and observation. I'd value further dialogue with you.

  18. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Just for fun, let's imagine the far left's reaction to the switch of the Inauguration, because of cold weather, had it been Kamala's inauguration. "Why this unjust restriction of attendance to only the privileged was compelled by human generated global warming, yes! Why, you say, that doesn't seem to make sense?Well , its our 'say so' and our say so IS so, get it?"

    Once the antiamerican far left gloms on to a guiding presumption,such as the irrefutable "inconvenient truth" of human blame for climate change and the consummate evil of any insolent deniers of this verity, they are viscerally incapable of renouncing it. This stance condemns any system of reason (eg. logic or use of empirical evidence) which results in any measure of contradiction to that which they "feel" and excoriates all who express it.Any progression of ersatz thought which ensures them redeeming relief from the unbearable anxiety generated by opposition, is by definition immune from further analysis.

  19. Dr. Waddy from Jack: JImmy Carter described a "national malaise" which he saw as dominating the country. Reagan spoke of "morning in America" and the justice of fighting world communism and relauded once established verities like "work, family and country".

    Anyone with an objective mind knows there are some very disturbing aspects of our history and America today is far from the perfection antiamerica thinks it can achieve. But probably the majority of Americans are sick and tired of presumptuous types who constantly gainsay us and assert that America needs "fundamental transformation". On balance (the only realistic measure of a country's worth) America is a just society with a history of enacting far reaching measures to overcome injustice.

    DJT speaks and means Reagan's optimistic language and America is ready for it after years of flagellation by people who use as their model the most catastrophically discredited doctrine in history , marxism and its many mindless sprouts.

  20. Rod, that signifies very little. Almost all Democratic policies have racist EFFECTS (like COVID mitigation and defending the teachers' unions, for instance), but that apparently never stains the Left with identifiable "racism", so why should it do so in the case of drug laws?

    For what it's worth, I favor (with trepidation) the decriminalization of all drugs, but I don't regard the legal status of drug use as "racist", or "anti-racist", or anything in-between.

    Jack, moving the venue of Kamala's inauguration would have given rise to all sorts of hand-wringing about climate change, and moral/intellectual self-congratulation among leftists, which is to say that it would have produced exactly the same result as NOT moving the venue. Ha!

    Jack, you put your finger on one of the most interesting dynamics of the Trump presidency: the need for him and his supporters to transition from rampant and vehement pessimism to unbridled optimism. As Musk has opined, in this day and age, happiness and positivity are not necessarily easy themes to "sell". We'll see how it goes.
