
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Sky IS NOT the Limit


Friends, the pace and severity of Trumpian convulsions has slowed a bit in Day Two, but today we still got some impressive news: Trump has attracted a pledge of a $500 billion investment in American A.I. infrastructure.  I know a lot of you pooh-pooh artificial intelligence, but I'd say it's pretty clear that it ain't going away, and in fact its influence on our lives is destined to increase exponentially.  This entails risks, but even more so it entails opportunities.  Trump wants us to be in on the ground floor.  I wholeheartedly agree.  And this is just the beginning: Trump can bolster and/or rejuvenate countless American industries with deregulation, meritocracy, government efficiency, fair taxation, and simple common sense.  Brace yourself for a whole lot of winning, people!!!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: For what its worth, I think AI is a development at least equal in significance to the wheel, the printing press and the personal computer. Your observations on it and on DJT's already demonstrated common sense about it are very creditable.


    Sorry, but A.I. is nothing more than another high tech scam version, like ERSATZKAFFEE. The original meaning of the German word "ersatz" is to replace, which is what A.I. does, and in this case, human beings. It claims to create jobs. What jobs? No details on that, with three beaming high tech honchos standing by as Trump makes his announcement.

    Reminds me of Bill Gates statement that A.I. could become a religion, which of course it already is, with people sitting around like zombies staring at their cell phones. Hard to tell if they are meditating or have entered a catatonic trance.

    I'm bracing myself, but not for a "whole lot of winning".


    The ultimate goal of A.I. is to control human beings. Think about it!
    Reminds me of a song with the words "You Can Trust Me, I'm From The High Command". What's going on here is misinformation posing as a blessing for human beings. The A.I. cabal has already made significant inroads into medical records. Obviously, with Trump's imprimatur, more A.I. is happening big time. From a Christian point of view, A.I. is closer to prophecies of the AntiChrist than another high tech development being offered as something beneficial for people.


    I should say (re A.I.), to control human beings through the use of collected data. It's being peddled under the guise of fun apps, and getting to know you type stuff. In reality, its a sophisticated spy system in theory and practice. Ironic, that the human brain has created a high tech system against itself. Think of it as "Dr. Colon's Monster" if you want to.

    Speaking of tech., did you know that the SS used IBM to collect data on every Jew in Europe so they could do The Holocaust?

    Not sure why Trump is doing this except to make more money for the gurus in high tech.

  5. Thanks, Jack!

    Ray, no one suggests that A.I. will create more jobs than it destroys. Of course, the steam engine didn't create more jobs than it destroyed either...but I'm kinda glad we came up with it!

    Why should A.I. be used for evil, Ray? A.I. is a tool like any other tool. It CAN be used for evil or for good. It will certainly enhance the power of those who control it, but can't we say that of ANY technology?

    Regardless of how you FEEL about A.I., Ray, you must realize that the genie ain't going back in the bottle.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In scope its an insufficient analogy to prospective advantages and disadvantages of AI but please consider the development of the electric light bulb. For awhile the incandescent filament and the incandescent mantle competed for dominance. Luckily the filament won but I suppose the mantle could have won. It was already in extensive production for use in gas lights. Talk about pollution! Yeech! My wife and used incandescent mantles in our long neo19th century century experience.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: At one point King Lear ruefully acknowledges: "we are as flies to the mighty Gods - they kill us for their sport". Look what they did to Prometheus when he gave mankind fire. And what did we do with it? Who knows but that perhaps emotionless AI entities may someday haul us before utterly objective tribunals and condemn us for our amply demonstrated incalculable irrationality. When we harnessed the atom some thought that we had actually created the means of human destruction. So far it has not done so and it may have prevented WWIII. To think that nuclear weaponry was first created by the relatively humane US because a monster drove his brilliant scientists away and then picked a fight with the world; how indescribably counterintuitive our human story has been.

    But you are right Dr. Waddy; AI is here to stay UNLESS it were (even purposefully)to will itself out of existence (?) My generation is approaching the end of its beyond astonishing witness of probably unprecedented scientific and technological development. I wonder if the ability to bring us back to life might be developed after we are gone and how it would be managed. Surely a possible return of our less than favorable traits would be sharply debated , if free intellectual discourse had survived . Sans such a development we would learn of mankind's progress only by divine largesse, which may be quite enough.

  8. Well said, Jack! Bringing you back to life might be beyond even A.I., but reincarnating a digital version of the "dearly departed" is already possible, and presumably future efforts will be vastly more sophisticated. Transferring consciousness while a person is still alive is where the rubber meets the road, if you ask me, and such a feat may become feasible sooner rather than later. How soon, you Baby Boomers may ask? That I don't know.
