
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Uncle Sam Says No More Tobacco for 18-21 Year Olds -- Can Mass Layoffs of Cigarette Girls Be Far Behind?

Friends, as promised, I've written an article about the absurdity of the federal government's view that 18-21 year olds should be denied tobacco products, alcohol, and (increasingly) guns...but they can vote and serve in the military all they like.  The logic here escapes me, but the bottom line appears to be that very few college-age Americans bother to vote, so politicians feel like they can infringe on their rights without consequence.  The fact that more and more Americans treat young adults like adolescents (or toddlers) doesn't help matters.  My view: rights and freedoms should be universal; they shouldn't be rationed based on age.  Therefore, our country should pick an age (granted, any age is somewhat arbitrary) at which we endow our young people with the rights and responsibilities of adulthood and citizenship, and, whatever age that is, we should darn well stick to it!  Cigarettes may be bad for your health, but tyranny is bad for your everything, so don't stand for it, America!!!

Thanks to American Greatness for publishing this article:


  1. Dr. Waddy: The paragraph in which you described Uncle Sam's good intentions but their notwithstanding unjustifiable limitation on Constitutional rights was very well said.

    To the left, the abrogation of rights is practically a reflex but you are right, it should be be beneath conservatives (excepting the celebrated "right" to kill unborn and recently born "fetal tissue").

    Speaking of the gun rights you mentioned have you noticed the deafening silence from the gun grabbers about the almost instant quietus put to a potential mass murderer by an armed good guy in that Texas church shooting? School shootings, at least in common sense areas like most of our country, could be stopped overnight by the deployment of armed volunteers in our schools. And exercise of our freedom to bear arms, resulting in the bearing of arms by many of those willing and able and, free of fear of the government unjustly prosecuting them, would certainly bode badly for self indulgent monsters. They want to go out in glory and to be put down by John Q. Public after a couple shots would be a sordid end for them. Social sanctions are very often the most effective. Their antipathy to such notions underlines the true objective of the gun grabbers; to disarm us all! Their willingness to work for this end but high lights the withering contempt they bear for the real America.

  2. The silence on many topics is deafening, isn't it, Jack? (apologies for the pun)

  3. Linda: No problem; I think the pun says much. The left is nothing if not selective and deceptive in its indignation. "Any means necessary"; we must always keep in mind that that is their byword. "Give and take"? They are utterly dismissive of such corrupt bourgeois concepts and we must recognize them for what they are: partisans determined to destroy our historically accredited world by any means and replace it with dreams.

  4. Well said, Jack! Taking away people's rights is indeed a reflex for the Left. They see it differently, of course. They think more government means more "opportunities" and more rights. The only right truly conveyed by omnipotent government, however, is the right to live one's life according to the dictates of the governing elite. From a liberal perspective, what more could anyone ask for???

    Yes, I'm familiar with the controversy surrounding the Texas church shooting. I quite agree that giving more responsible citizens the ability to play a role in our common defense in public areas would be a superb strategy. The liberal approach -- creating "gun-free zones" -- is exemplified by the city of Chicago, which of course is only "gun-free" on a theoretical level!

  5. Dr. Waddy: It is reasonable to think that some leftists think that their pitiful "gun free zones" actually have some efficacy. I think their movers and shakers know they don't and they promote them simply as a decoy to attract the hopeful who find it unthinkable that a major faction in their electorate purposes their complete disenfranchisement.

    Well, it does. The left knows it must destroy the political power of gun owners and their very consequential organizations like NRA(ask Slick Willy about that) or be DENIED!

  6. That much is true, Jack -- the NRA represents a major thorn in the Left's side. In addition, I think it's fairly clear that they will take ANY excuse to restrict ANY gun rights in ANY geographic area and for ANY demographic group. Drip, drip, drip is the liberal mantra. They hope, and not without reason, that a gradual approach can achieve success, as it has in so many other Western countries. Leave it to the Dems, and by 2030 the only legal firearms will be water pistols and Nerf guns (subject to licensing and waiting periods, naturally).

  7. Dr. Waddy: Their disdain for the verities of life in the great American hinterland is unmistakeable. We know that present day gun violence is a moral problem brought on by the leftist claim of "moral relativism". Monsters actually now think themselves justified in their murderous presumption.

    With their minds utterly closed to anything but their unquestioned wisdom and justice, the left reflexively rejects any consideration driven by values of the real America, over which it hovers like an ethereal vapor consisting of self righteous and comforting dreams. And the more decisive among them harness this detachment to drive for the disarmament and defensive disablement of the common sense majority because it knows that success in this would be a perhaps killing blow to the entire conservative movement which unforgiveably questions them, since gunowners and their NRA very effectively support candidates and office holders not coincidentally conservative on a wide range of issues.

  8. Quite right, Jack -- moral relativism and self-righteousness have killed hundreds of millions. Guns, on their own, zero. It's not even a close score.

  9. Dr. Waddy: The left's assaults on the Second Amendment (and any other element of the Constitution which tickles their antipathy, eg., selectively, the very First Amendment) have always resulted in considerable growth in the membership of NRA and very much, gasp, capital building fund augmentation for gun manufacturers and dealers due to letists'reckless threats to the gun rights of the real America and the resultant increase in gun purchases and in NRA memberships. You'd think the gun grabbers would learn from these things but they think if they keep on keeping on, they will breach the real America's defenses, somehow.

    There is a very visible battleground for this developing now: Virginia.

    The vacuous and presumptuous DC and related liberal poison has seeped into enough of that great state as to saddle it ( and a saddle is a very small area of a horse's body) with a disdainful leftist numerical faction sufficient to turn this common sense state into a (hopefully temporarily)liberal beach head. The real America should rush to the aid of the real Virginia (eg. the mountain people)who scorn this presumptuous takeover by contemptuous invaders. How? Funding and modern day strategic and tactical political expertise to aid those in the real Virginia in taking back their state. Its an exceedingly important battleground. N.C. is next !

  10. Jack, I don't know if your schedule has opened up, but if you'd consider writing something about the looming gun rights battle in Virginia, I'd be happy to publish it here.

  11. Dr. Waddy: Not quite yet; I still have commitments I must prioritize. Thank you so much for your support. I'll confine my comments now to reaction to the new VA legislature having begun its incremental assault on 2nd Amendment rights with opening sallies such as banning concealed carry in settings considered by the left to be proof positive of the "gun nuts' " consummate recklessness", (eg. in the presence of legislators). Uh, gee, that anyone cognizant of the legislative process and determined to restore their state to Constitutional integrity would hazard a threat so enabled is exceedingly doubtful and its assertion is typical gun grabber presumptuousness.

    But they are In DIXIE now! And they are going to find out on Jan.20th , through a massive turnout in the state capitol, just what they have taken on. Stand by. . .

  12. I'm glad to hear it, Jack! It takes a lot to gird "real" Americans (with jobs and families and what not) to mass action, as you know, so I would love to see the Virginia legislature face the people's wrath...

    No worries about the article. The offer is tabled.

  13. Dr. Waddy: Thank you so much for your consideration. Jan. 20th may be a great day. That , yes, still existing Southern resistance to tyranny(I know, I've seen it on reenactment battlefields) will be most evident that day, is to be expected. Its a fact that many, many Confederates fought not for slavery ( for which many of them had no contact or regard or even disdained , due to their scorn for "planters"). What they wanted was for Yankees to stay the hell out of their lands and that conviction survives and is motivated by the obvious rise of the totalitarian, mostly YANKEE,, modern day left. You gungrabbers want to invade the South? Good Luuuuck!

  14. Ah, but the gun-grabbers HAVE invaded the South: literally, in the sense that millions of them have moved there. How else would the Old Dominion plunk for Hillary? Our hold on the South, I'm sad to say, is not what it used to be. There's hope that Virginia might be won over to Trump in 2020, though.

  15. Dr. Waddy: They have a beach head in Virginia, the proximity of which to leftist DC may be a major part of the explanation of why.But unlike NY, VA lacks the gargantuan political engine of such as NYC, which empowers a disdainful totalitarian dictator who would never be suffered in the South. DC is outside its borders, though so many of its emigres, typical leftists fleeing a hell hole they created, have had this now probably intolerable effect on an otherwise down to earth part of the real America. I think they vote for Governor every two years. This weekend will tell much as the real America stands up to this invasion.

    Our common sense geographical but not population majority in NY has been worn down by an unrelenting NYC enabled onslaught on our culture. We are denied the equal protection of Federal laws such as immigration laws and that warrants the kind of action the Feds took in the 50's and 60's against several Southern states which simply would not accept the rule of law. Apparently approximately 100 municipalities in VA, including some counties, have declared noncompliance with new gun laws which are anathema to their citizens. But this time the recalcitrants have Federal law and , potentially, Federal force on their side.

    The gun grabbers are turning hopeful eyes to TEXAS!!! They are out of their minds.

  16. Jack, it would surprise me if the feds intervened to quash gun control laws. They never have before, as far as I know, except in the courts. I would think municipalities' non-compliance with federal immigration law would be an even more promising arena in which federal power could be imposed by force, and penalties applied to the leaders of the open borders movement...but the Trump administration has been cautious, as we both know. Fingers crossed that the second term will be different.
