
Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Sum of Our Memories

Friends, the news is coming thick and fast these days!  A lot of it is good, thankfully.  The supplemental FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh is now over, and -- predictably -- it found no additional corroboration of the accusations made by various women.  That means it is very likely that Kavanaugh will be confirmed in the next several days.

Meanwhile, every American should read this analysis by Tucker Carlson.  As usual, Tucker asks the tough questions that the rest of the media ignores.  Specifically, he asks, vis-a-vis Dr. Ford, whether her memories have been consistent over the years.  Has she always known with "100%" certainty that Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her, or did she "recover" this memory in the course of undergoing therapy in 2012?  It's a very important question, and one which Dr. Ford's interlocutors never bothered to ask, somewhat incredibly.  To say that she was treated with "kid gloves" during her Senate hearing would be a distinct understatement!

Next, check out this report from NPR, which indicates that, largely because of the Kavanaugh fiasco, Democrats' edge in voter enthusiasm has disappeared!  People have assumed throughout 2018 that a "blue wave" was possible, even likely, because Democrats seemed much more energized than Republicans, even if their "energy" came from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Well, now Republicans are getting every bit as enthusiastic about voting as Democrats.  Thus, the "blue wave" is looking more and more dubious.

Finally, as the desperation of loony liberals reaches unheard-of heights, their tactics of intimidation, and occasionally violence, are shocking more and more Americans.  Here's an example of a Democratic operative -- he once worked for Senator Feinstein! -- who took left-wing extremism to its logical conclusion and engaged in criminal behavior in an attempt to harm Republican Senators.  This kind of behavior is becoming more and more common, sadly, and few leftists seem concerned that any form of anti-Republican activism could ever go "too far".  I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- if we manage to win in November, this sort of self-destructive behavior among leftists will become the norm, and the Left might even destroy itself.  Stay tuned!


  1. Dr. Waddy: At this latest news, the disdainful Schumerites must needs blench. If Judge Kavanaugh is seated, they will have motivated in him a sense of outrage which he will probably never forget. That he will seek personal revenge is doubtful; he is a Christian and a principled jurist but he may well have had his eyes fully opened to the lawlessness of his accusers. Schumer and his toadies shot the bolt on this one and they may well have missed and catastrophically so for them.

    You know, I recall that in, say, 1985, we could not have anticipated the fall of the Soviet Union. But it did fall for reasons now discernable and you may have presciently identified factors which could lead to the America redeeming fall of the leftist infected Dems in the foreseeable future. The GOP yet retains a range of opinions, sufficient to generate positive political processes free of the totalitarian convictions of the left, should the left implode.

  2. Jack, you're right -- the GOP embraces pluralism and tolerance far more so than the Dems. That raises the question: what will become of Joe Manchin if he votes yes on Kavanaugh? The establishment Dems ultimately care more about power than purity, so my guess is he'll escape relatively unscathed, but he may get some nasty letters from some nasty women...

    It's fascinating all the ways in which their Kavanaugh gambit is backfiring on the Dems, and certainly their troubles are richly deserved. May 2018 be their undoing!

  3. Dr. Waddy: If Manchin votes yes he may be treated to the curled lip and sneers of Charles Schumer once too often and bolt the Dems. That bodes very well for the Senate because it may assure one of WVa's seats for the GOP. Manchin is a good man, except on gun rights, and he might be principled enough to do it before the election. He'd be welcome I think; we can get him to rethink on gun rights. But if he votes yes it could also be because Schumer gave him "permission" (how degrading it must be to have to answer to that disdainful bigot), knowing that he was about to lose the confirmation debacle. How fitting it would it would be if Manchin bailed anyway. The news has just said that Manchin (hoorah for him), Flake (after this we have no further need of him and good riddance) and Collins will vote yes. If tonight's threatened Sept, 1917 political "attack on the Winter Palace" fails then by this time tomorrow Judge Kavanaugh, his courageous family (God bless and keep them)and the real America will have been redeemed and we can rejoice in a deliverance close to that of 2016.

  4. We're getting closer and closer to the blessed hour, Jack! I give all the Senators voting yes a lot of credit -- they've been subjected to tremendous intimidation, no one more so than Susan Collins. Perhaps, just perhaps, the leftist radicals overplayed their hand? It wouldn't be the first time. As for Manchin, I doubt he'd jump ship before the election, but possibly after?

  5. Dr. Waddy: I agree, its improbable but Manchin does have the guts and decency to come in from the cold. Collins' decision was nobly presented and done.

  6. Why Manchin didn't turn towards the light ages ago I'm not sure. Perhaps he needs to spend a little more time in #MeToo purgatory?

  7. Dr. Waddy: It might have been that WVa's Dem tradition (eg. the Byrds, the United Mine Workers and believe me, the 1960 WVa Dem primary was considered very important)bade him think that the way to obtain the power to represent his state truly lay in Dem party membership. Being a man with integrity he probably recognizes an obligation to those who voted for him ( I know a guy who retains his Dem party membership, perhaps for old times sake and for labor union considerations, but his views are all conservative). You know, if November's Senatorial election is very close, Manchin could pull a Pat Leahy and caucus with the GOP, giving us an advantage again should another SCOTUS vacancy occur. Some Dems in the NY Senate did that. Then again, he could simply let it be assumed that he would do the right thing ( as he voted for both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) in that situation. I know Leahy was an Independent but Manchin might view that as an acceptable compromise with Dem voters should he win in November. There is nearly as much at stake in regards to SCOTUS as there was in 2016 since there is only a 1 vote advantage to lawfulness on SCOTUS even now. On the other hand, if Manchin's opponent wins we are much better served. Manchin could be a galling RINO type too. I don't know how many other Manchins there are among the Dems but they all may in the near future follow the lead of the Dem Senator from Georgia, Zell Miller, who said at the Dem convention a few years ago "my party has abandoned me". Some real Americans still support the Dems but they will be given to understand presently that the real Dems see them as insects, nothing more.

  8. Jack, I suspect you're right that, if Manchin sticks around as a Dem, he's probably a reliable vote for most of Trump's nominees...BUT (and it's a big "but") if he caucuses with the Democrats AND the Dems take the Senate, Trump's picks may never come up for a vote. The bottom line, I think, is that Republicans MUST keep control of the Senate. Perhaps, as you say, if they lost it, someone like Manchin could be persuaded to switch camps. I feel pretty confident that we'll never have to cross that bridge. Anyway, as you say, defeating Manchin would be the best outcome of all! (And, if he goes down, I don't like the chances of the other red state Dems either.)

  9. Dr. Waddy: A Dem Senate would almost certainly not allow a Trump nominee to reach the Committee (but they would have done even had Garland not been prevented so). The timing could be critical; early in 2019 they might pay a steep political price, lacking the rationale that McConnell had. RBG seemed almost unresponsive at Justice Kavanaugh's ceremony last night, I think she knows she cannot leave if the GOP holds the Senate, which is, as you said, terribly important.

  10. Ginsburg is indeed fading, Jack. Democrats would be pleasantly surprised if she made it two more years.

    Would the Dems pay a steep price for refusing to consider Trump's nominees for the high court? I'm not sure. If they refused to consider ANY of his judicial picks, or cabinet appointments, the public might recoil, but obstruction seems to be the new normal, so I doubt it would scandalize anyone.

  11. Dr. Waddy: Your point well taken.
