
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

El Presidente Kennedy


Hola, amigos!  No, that title isn't a reference to the near certainty that RFK, Jr. will be our next president (ha!), but to John F. Kennedy's "Alliance for Progress", a form of outreach to Latin America.  That's just one of the topics that Brian and I cover on this week's Newsmaker Show.  We spend most of our time knee-deep in current events, including rank-and-file Democrats' (un) surprising openness to a strategy of refusing to certify a (hypothetical) Trump win in November, the persistence of inflation and the ambiguity of the country's overall economic situation, the sticky question of what to do about TikTok, the unserious nature of Democratic proposals to raise taxes on the rich, the high cost of migration, the No Labels phenomenon, and more!

You give us twenty minutes -- we give you the world!*

*"The world" could mean any planet, chosen at random, inclusive of "Earth", depending on the whims of the producers. 


What would a second term for Trump look like?  To me, the first term often looked like a political newbie fumbling in the dark.  Leftists assert, naturally, that on his second try Trump will tyrannize the U.S. more horribly than a thousand Hitlers, but to conservatives the bigger question is whether Trump has learned any lessons from the failures -- yes, they were failures -- of Act One of his presidency.  This article suggests that the reign of Viktor Orban in Hungary could be a model for what Trump hopes to achieve in the U.S.  Well, maybe it could. but this analysis is remarkably short on specifics.  How exactly did Orban establish himself as a right-wing colossus in Hungary, and how exactly would Trump go about duplicating his success?  It's unclear to me that Trump has any elaborate plans for entrenching conservative rule in this country, but, if he lacks them, I would suggest that he find a reactionary brainiac to think them up ASAP, because bluster alone won't even put a dent in the modern Left and its comprehensive domination of our major political, cultural, and economic institutions.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re your Newsmaker broadcast: I think you are right in that the economy is ambiguous and that it is not going to be why either candidate wins. I should think the astonishing contempt Biden has shown for America by purposely opening our southern "border" and excoriating those who patriotically object, including our Federal officers charged with enforcing lawful immigration, is the key issue. You
    noted that "sanctuary "cities have asked the Federal government for financial aid for the catastrophes they urged on themselves with their irresponsible and destructively idealistic succor of illegal immigrants. Your point that this administration is more than willing to render such aid so as to cover up the disastrous consequences it has enabled is one that I hope DJT emphasizes. If the Dems win in November we can count on the invasion from south of the "border" to take on titanic proportion as a relieved and opportunistic antiamerican left hastens to fulfill its obviously traitorous intent in this monumental affront to America. We can defeat this fundamental threat to America's national integrity SIMPLY and EASILY; that is by voting for DJT and against any dem at any level.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack : Yours was a well taken point that if the administration was to make good on its disingenuous and nostalgic pledge to tax the rich ever more, that they would offend one of their prime donor classes. Oh, these Dems would like to continue bamboozling a blue collar America for which they have harbored only withering contempt since the '60s; "yeah, you know us, we'll go after the wealthy s.o.b.s just like we always did back in the day". Ol' beer and a shot Scranton Joe and the boys; they won't let ya down, no. It's hard to understand why some of the most productive people in our country think it best to support those whose only intent is to take from the productive and give to the unproductive (that is after they have taken their "share"). If the antiamerican incipient totalitarians ever take over they will show their gratitude by throwing their pusillanimous well to do benefactors in the neo gulag!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re the poll showing many Dems willing to decertify the election should DJT win, because of his lawless unsuitability for office. This, from the party which once celebrated the return of the excon drug dealing Mayor of DC and went to the wall for the perjuring , sex abusing Slick Willy. Gimme a break!

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That's a good point to question whether DJT has a plan to disempower the antiamerican left should he be reelected.But this I think is certain: no man possessed of the strong personality he has can have endured the savage calumny in the lawfare onslaught on him without having grimly RESOLVED to pursue those who have worked this gross injustice on him and on the America he stands for, The frantic and fanatic hatred and fear openly shown him by the incipient totalitarian perpetrators shows they are fully aware of his con summate danger to all they stand for and all they intend. He knows them - you bet he does - and that certainty gives them nightmare!

  5. Jack, I believe that the border crisis will be a top tier issue in '24, but I believe the deciding factor will be: who do Americans detest the least, Biden or Trump?

    It is indeed puzzling why hard-working entrepreneurs and successful capitalists should end up supporting a party and movement that views them with contempt... Some of those entrepreneurs and capitalists, of course, are feeding at the government trough. Others no doubt are too bemused by TDS to think the matter through. Some, strange as it may seem, just want all the abortions their piles of money can buy -- and maybe extra abortions for men, to err on the side of caution.

    Luckily, I don't think the plan to refuse certification of Trump's (hypothetical) win is very realistic. It would require TOTAL unanimity from Congressional Dems, which, as we saw with efforts to keep Trump off the ballot, is not as easy to generate for harebrained schemes as one might think.

    Oh, believe me, if Trump were half the threat, or even 10% of the threat, to leftists that leftists keep saying he is, I would be much more inclined to offer him my support. So far Trump has proved adept at hurting leftists' feelings, but not at denting their political, cultural, and economic hegemony. Of course, there's a first time for everything...


    No matter what happens, GOD is still in charge, at all times!

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I'd like to propose another Kennedy for the election to run with DJT. Sen. John Kennedy of Lous'ana . He a well spoken, apparently down to earth guy.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think another reason to think that DJT would be far more likely to take the antiamerican left to the woodshed is that he need not worry about reelection, I would think it a productive strategy for him concentrate on attacking and perhaps working the destruction of as much of the neomarxist totalitarian contagion as possible in his tenure. Of course the job cannot be accomplished in four years but he can bring matters to the point where the marginalization of antiamerica might be in the foreseeable future. He could appoint Ron Desantis as his Antiwokeism Czar .Let the GOP look to its future itself; DJT may well have done enough to ask of anyone.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Saw this on a sign the other day and I like it even better than Make America Great Again (we're still a great country despite the best efforts of the antiamericans):" Vote Trump: Take America Back!" TAB!


      I know I am probably not one of your favorite people. However I thank you sincerely for this particular post. I think "Vote Trump: Take America Back!" TAB!" has it right (no pun intended) in every way. Thank you again.

  10. Ray: You are welcome. Jack

  11. Agreed, Ray -- God IS in charge, but, for us mortals, is that the good news or the bad? I'm still sorting that one out.

    Hmm. That's a sensible suggestion of a VP, Jack, but I rather suspect we've seen our last major party presidential ticket featuring two white males -- but Trump may prove me wrong...

    Yes, being in the last term of one's presidency is freeing, in a sense, but it also makes one a "lame duck" whom career politicians need not fear, or might think they need not fear... It's a Catch 22. As soon as Trump won, his enemies would know that all they need to do is survive and obfuscate for four years, and then the nightmare would be over.

    "Take America Back!" is a fine political slogan. I say run with it. But just don't forget that the work isn't over once the election is won. Quite the contrary.
