
Monday, January 1, 2024

Let's Have an Honest, Open One-Sided Debate


Friends, what do you think -- is it a good idea or a bad idea for children to have their genitals surgically removed?  Seems like a pretty straightforward question, doesn't it?  Although, as the lefties love to remind us, the answer to every question depends on "context".  Well, fair enough.  In that case, let's examine the pros and cons.  That seems like a good place to start.  The problem, however, is that, to the Left, there is no debate about the efficacy or morality of "transitioning" for trans kids.  That's because, if there was a debate, that would imply that there are two sides to the discussion, and, if there were two sides, it's conceivable that someone's decision to say "Sayonara!" to their genitals could be, arguably, wrong.  Well, that's absurd, and it's clearly "anti-trans", so anyone who breathes a word of criticism about the trans ideology must be vilified and vigorously censored!  I mean, what choice do we have, right?  (Incidentally, if you don't believe me about this censorship and whitewashing of the issue, try Googling "trans debate" and see what you come up with!)

As you'll see in these two articles, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, has vetoed legislation that would have banned sex change surgery for minors.  His reason?  It almost never happens, and when it does it's the result of careful, dispassionate, rational deliberation between a troubled youth and the team of psychologists and doctors who only want the best for him/her/it.  In other words, the idea that anyone could be pressured into "transitioning", against their true interests, is simply outlandish.  Well, as article number two reveals, the fact is that it is becoming, in mainstream media, educational, and medical circles, increasingly impossible even to point out the downsides of "transitioning".  Transitioning is always encouraged!  Transitioning is beautiful.  Transitioning is positive.  Transitioning makes the world go 'round.  Those who "transition" and then come to regret their choice, on other hand, simply don't exist, or, if they do, they're poor unfortunates brainwashed and exploited by neo-fascist anti-trans nutjobs.  So, in short, just as it's always super-terrific to become gay, and always a tragedy (and a scientific impossibility) to go straight again, it's irrefutably wonderful to go trans, and as trans as can be, but it's always morally, ideologically, and scientifically heinous to reverse, obstruct, or even criticize the transitioning process.  To put it another way, the science, the medicine, and the political conversation surrounding trans issues have become so loaded and, well, politicized, that rational decision-making, by troubled teens, by parents, by doctors, by scientists, and by politicians, is next to impossible.  In the meantime, Governor DeWine has made his choice, on behalf of Ohio's kids, and, for the time being, therefore, the trans business is booming in the Buckeye State -- like it or not. 

In other news, Israel's Supreme Court has announced its decision to strike down the law curbing its own powers.  Gee, how about that?  Judges think judges should be in charge.  Who saw that coming?  Of course, all the leftists praising this development will naturally feel the same way when the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Donald Trump can run for president and isn't barred by the 14th Amendment's insurrection clause.  Of course, that was a joke.  The Left doesn't have any consistent views about the proper role for the judiciary in "democracy", except insofar as it likes leftist judges and despises, with an unholy passion, conservative ones.  (And note the obnoxiously biased tone of this BBC report.)


Finally, check out this analysis by our old friend Robert Reich.  He argues that the mainstream media, bv reporting negatively and critically about Joe Biden and the Biden Administration, is effectively helping Trump to win in 2024.  What's more, the media is fueling cynicism, which, because it drags all politicians down into the muck, creates a false equivalency between noble statesmen like Biden and diabolical neo-fascists like Trump.  Well!  Reich has a point.  If Trump wins, it will be partly because the American people are so disgusted with the status quo, and with all our institutions, that they're willing to elevate a rhetorical bomb thrower and (in all likelihood) a convicted felon to the presidency, just to shake things up, since, after all, both parties are corrupt and odious, so why not just oscillate mindlessly between them and hope for the best?  In other words, Reich is arguing that popular skepticism and mass despondency, both actively cultivated by the media, help outsider candidates like Trump win votes...and he's right.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Altering the genitals of minors, other than for medical minor and beneficial procedures such as circumcision , is depraved. How soon would it be before the far left recognizes it as a means of working "equity" between the sexes. It might be required soon after birth in order to assure the maintenance of politically correct ratios . Since males are by radical definition one of the main founts of all oppression their's would be a decidedly inferior allowance, say 20%, yes? Doctors would of course be terrified into compliance. Oh I do not fear putting such ideas into their ever dreaming heads, these far leftist reformers. This one is a natural for them.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I do not know what previous Israeli Supreme Court judgements motivated such legislation. But it brings to mind the Scotus we endured for decades dictating to us "lawfulness" of such as the casual murder of unborn humans and the equally presumptuous redefinition of the 5000 year old institution of marriage. At the time we might have welcomed legislation curbing that tribunal's effect on our civilization. But, its probably well that we didn't since a courageous President Trump gave us a court willingly bound by law in its entirety and not by arbitrary political fiat. Did the Netanyahu government have such motivation?Its legislation appears to give the other branches more power over judicial appointments. That part of the law might well be worth preserving if possible. Is the Israeli Supreme Court polluted by the Critical Legal Studies syndrome which so degrades our legality?. What fundamental philosophical principles of Judaic thought are at hazard by this Supreme Court decision? Can this decision empower those who would reject the principles which imbued Israel's noble civilization at its founding? These considerations, together with Israel's present crisis, are of fundamental importance to a nation the continuance of which is vital to the world for the shining example its redeeming, positive and constructive restoration manifests.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Reich: First, I think a felony conviction of DJT could be decisively regarded for what it would be: a purely and blatantly political judgement, no matter how it is arrived at. That would
    surely incense MAGA into the essentially emotional response Reich predicts and also, because of its lawlessness, motivate many of the undecided to do that which works against the dems: either not vote, or vote for a 3rd party or, finally realizing the totalitarian potential of the dems, vote for the Nemesis of the dems, DJT. Of course Reich ( the Clinton"s shill) laments the disgust so many now have because of this administration's contempt for any who disagree with them, demonstrated in the catastrophically open border they have enabled.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Any dem expressed disqualification of DJT for a conviction is utterly disingenuous. As long as they choose such as Schumer to their leadership (he who termed Slick Willy's impeachment trial "ridiculous) they are bereft of relevant moral authority, very, very obviously so. In the national campaign, this point should be made vigorously.


    Satan never sleeps does he?

  6. Dr. Waddy fromJack: Hey, nix on the sarcasm! So what you really want is open honest debate so you can push your heretical views ehh? Don't you realize that the truth has been comprehensively discerned over the full spectrum of human knowledge and the continuation of this enlightenment assured for all time. To oppose this is not only objectively incorrect but reprehensible in the extreme. Haaarumphh!


    Just some humor we need for the beginning of 2024, but the pastor of a Bible Church who believes in The Rapture, said something to the effect that if it comes this year, he won't have to worry about presidential elections.

  8. Jack, you make an excellent point: given the ravages committed by MEN (ick!) over the centuries, elective castration, especially among leftists, would make very good sense!

    Jack, I would assume that religious questions lie at the very heart of the controversy over the powers and decisions of the Israeli Supreme Court. As you know, many Israelis are extremely secular, even Marxist, while others are fundamentalist Jews. This yields many thorny questions for the law, needless to say. But, to be clear, the reforms to the selection process for Supreme Court judges have not yet been passed into law, and, if they were, one presumes they would suffer the same fate as the last bill.

    Do the Dems lack the moral standing to hold Trump in judgement? Well... Personally, I think an argument should be considered on its merits. We could debate personalities and reputations for rectitude until the cows came home, but the American people do not seem to consider the Dems, or their wicked machinations, "out of bounds", so, whether we like it or not, they aren't.

    True, Jack, if one accepts the central premise of leftism -- that "truth" and virtue ooze freely from their only fundamental source, the leftist brain -- then everything else falls neatly into place!

    Ray, the Rapture would forestall a lot of nonsense, to be sure! Then again, don't some believe that the Tribulation comes next? That sounds alarmingly similar to the Biden Administration...


      Some Christians believe that The Rapture comes AFTER The Tribulation. And since The Tribulation is 7 years, Biden will have to have another term before The Rapture.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Actually, castratie sometimes wielded great power. They were widely employed in the Imperial Chinese court so as to minimize the chance of the ostensible royal offspring being cuckooed. Also, the epic MIng voyages to Africa were commanded by a eunuch Admiral, Cheng Ho. Factoid: they apparently reeked because they had lost control of certain bodily functions.

  10. Jack is right -- it's high time we let incontinent castratos lead us. Could they really do any worse than our current overlords???

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I suppose they could be counted on to refrain from the extracurricular pursuits followed by Slick Willy and the Kennedy brothers.
