
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Dumb and Dumber



Friends, no, the title of this post is NOT a reference to the good people of New Hampshire, who tonight gave a resounding thumbs-up to the candidacy of Donald J. Trump for the presidency in 2024.  Sure, the pundits will say that Haley did "better than expected", but if she can't win New Hampshire, with the help of Democrats and left-leaning independents, then she can't win a GOP primary or caucus anywhere, or at least anywhere that matters.  My analysis, therefore, would be to restate the obvious: Nikki Haley is "toast", and DJT is cruising to the GOP nomination, which was always (if we're to be honest) his to lose.  A strong, conservative, populist, nationalist Republican might have been able to give Trump a run for his money, but Nikki Haley is not she.  And that, as they say, is the end of that! 

The title to this post IS, by contrast, a reference to the study linked below, which indicates that the average I.Q. of American college students has declined remarkably since 1939 and is now only slightly above average (compared to the population as a whole).  Frankly, this ought not to be surprising, since higher ed has become a much more "democratic" (although not quite universal) institution.  More and more, colleges and universities are admitting -- actually, proudly asserting -- that deficiencies in academic attainment should not be a barrier to entry into, and success in, college.  They are downplaying almost every objective measure of students' readiness and intelligence -- including I.Q. tests!  So, in short, if American college students are getting measurably dumber, that's because American college administrators want it that way, and I confidently predict that the current trend will continue.  Some might call it a "race to the bottom", but at least it maximizes revenue, and who doesn't love revenue?


In other news, the U.S. gun industry faces a major threat -- frivolous lawsuits -- that it thought it had nipped in the bid with federal legislation back in 2005.  Mexico (of all countries!) has found a loophole that may bankrupt gunmakers and achieve, in the long run, what the gun control lobby never could: the effective elimination of gun rights.


Finally, the sheer numbers of legal and illegal migrants who have flooded into country since Joe Biden became president are staggering.  Around ten million, in case you're keeping score.  No wonder many big cities are buckling under the strain.  What isn't buckling, though, is the Dems' ability to win elections.  They're doing just fine in that regard, and of course these legions of new non-white residents are intended to make their electioneering even easier, in the decades to come.  In the meantime, welfare offices love the new clients, and corporate employers love the new laborers.  Sounds like a (leftist) win-win to me!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The results from New Hampshire make me doubt my previous view that Haley would beat Biden. She may have lukewarm appeal for both sides . DJT and Maga for America. Stop the incipient antiamerican left totalitarians who own the dem party now!

    Let's say Trump becomes President again. What can he really do to "turn the country around" in four (4) years? I am NOT saying that I don't want him to get back in The White House, but again, what can he really do to clean things up?

    Let's focus on just one area. These damn fools who run our government now, have one (1) more year to import more peasants from south of our border. So what will Trump do? Finish the wall no matter what? Beef up the ICE Police so they can deport illegals. Places like Portland, Oregon with a huge population of Leftist assholes used to harass ICE big time. So what will Trump actually be able to do about this situation?

    If Trump does win in November 2024, many Americans will be very happy, but for what. The problems will still be there, and will be even worse. If I am sounding negative, that's because I am. I believe in "The Power of Negative Thinking."


    I might have a partial solution to making our border with Mexico more secure, to include the official points of entry. With that said, I feel strongly that the wall the chosen people built in the Holy Land to separate them from the unchosen people is an excellent example of what The U.S. needs.

    QUESTION: How about it? Don't you think my suggestion needs to be taken into consideration?

    ALSO, perhaps all these OLD illegals flooding our Promised Land can be recruited into our existing U.S. Border Patrol System (at high salaries of course) to deter anymore invasions by the NEW illegals.

    Of course, if things get really bad, we could always have an "Iron Curtain" type border, meaning one where our tourists to Mexico could not even fly over. You know, place like Cabo San Lucas and so on. I realize such a border would probably be too harsh. You know, shit like electrified barbed wire, mine fields, control towers with search lights, sirens, and heavy machine guns, patrols with vicious dogs, and so on. Forget it! The very thought of such protective measures is absolutely Satanic.

    Thanks for reading this shit I just posted.


    With reference to your remarks on the state of U.S. "higher" education, I had students in my classes at a community college, straight in from our high schools who could barely write any sort of paper, could hardly take examinations without almost failing, and that was with open book tests.

    Almost all of them were nice young adults, but they were not ready for anything beyond high school, in most cases. In fact, there was a time when they could have, and should have, flunked high school, but now they are issued diplomas, and later degrees, and being told they are the salt of the fucking earth.

    But hey! The dumber they are, the better people can be controlled by the elites. Sounds like a bunch of rich, smart, and dangerous assholes ruling over large numbers of dumb slobs, by default.

    What the Hell is Trump going to do about this, should he become president. Hope that the ideological cancer that is killing our society goes into remission?


    Just in case Trump does not win the presidency again, I think it is safe to say (as a foregone conclusion) that The Left will maintain control of this country, and eventually we will have a one-party state. Therefore, I propose that party be called "The Bidenistas" in honor the man who allowed the most Hispanic immigrants into the U.S. I think that rename is also kind of Hispanic, don't. Of course the opposition rebels could be called "The Trumpalistas". The only other solution is to let Mexico have the territory back they lost in the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848. Now that is something to talk about/

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah, for the antiamerican left its "heads we win, tails you lose" ,why ,just like in the neighborhood back in Jr. High. Notice how we who find inhuman fault with illegal immigration are now deemed "antiimigration' by the MSM and the dems! Typical presumptuous segue on their part. Well of course, as Harvard President Emeritus Gay admitted, "words matter (when we say so!)". Now of course, the america haters' next step is to afford the "informal" newcomers all manner of legal "equality". Oh, I forgot, that word has been denounced; "equity "is all now. That means all illegal border crossers , regardless of nationality, are automatically part of an exalted class ENTITLED to vindictive recompense from those who oppressively enjoy American prosperity. I am all for using our truly miraculous wealth to help those who, because they live in dysfunctional lands, suffer terribly. Let us defund the far left captured American academy, the National Endowment for the "Arts" (how much has the NEA contributed to the production of "Yellowstone"?), "Public" (read "woke") TV and Radio, public libraries which disdain their local publics and use taxpayer funds to enlightenment them on those, ehh, cultural issues about which those unwashed publics have unforgiveably traditional concerns, etc and give those those funds to those apolitical NGOs which are allowed, in this hard world ,to render direct aid to the truly wretched outside our very fortunate country. That would be a good start.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The next step would be to militarily engage the cartels, at the border, at sea and from the air if necessary and destroy them. We would do the good people of the countries these incomparably subhuman things oppress very much good by doing this and perhaps make their countries liveable homes.Besides, they are physical aggressors and enemies of our country and with our superlative special forces and technology we should let our armed forces do their duty, free of ignorantly "woke" strictures and with full respect for their professionalism. This is naturally unthinkable for an antiamerican left administration (and shamefully compromised dem party) by which the present wholly pusillanimous degradation of the US is celebrated. This faction would of course, should it gain total power, make very certain to close our borders in the comprehensive manner proven by their 20th century commie exemplars.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: According to Fox, some sort of physical confrontation between Federal border officers and the Texas National Guard is imminent. Fox had SD Governor Noem on and she said she is sending SD National Guard personnel to support Texas. It also showed pictures of 10 state Governors who it says have declared support for Texas. Will pathetic Biden actually enable the use of Federal force to try to prevent Texas from defending its border against unbearable, unlawful invasion? Antiamerica's ever purpose is to destroy America and this purposefully open border is its main tactic now, with the full cooperation of the shamefully compromised Pino. But America does not wish to be destroyed! Comparison has been made to Little Rock in 1957. But Ike's action was in a just cause; this is not . This is getting very dramatic. One commentator has opined that the Pino will commit political suicide if he nationalizes the Texas National Guard and possibly sets it against other state forces. Here in NY we can empathize with Federal border officers who would probably be loathe to do their nominal duty in this especially after enduring the consummate contempt shown them for their professionalism by the antiamerican military and police hating far left which has captured the Federal Executive Branch. Its as bad as when draft dodging Slick Willy was (yeeeech!) armed forces "Commander in Chief". Similarly, in NY many of our State Police and County Sheriffs hate enforcing NY's Constitution disdaining, anti 2nd Amendment laws. This border situation is getting critical; realizing that election defeat in November is a distinct possibility and would result in an immediately closed border on Jan. 20. 2025, the antiamerican left demonstrates its resolve to welcome as many illegals as possible in the time it may have in order to work the decisive disorder it seeks to establish its totalitarian takeover. Since creditable opinion holds that in the event DJT wins in Nov., the far left might risk all to depose him and retain power, that, together with a an irredemabley massive illegal border incursion, might be the left's final push. This national crisis, brought on by the far left's obvious America hatred and its 60 year unrelenting onslaught on our civilization, is the worst since 1860 and a reckoning between freedom and serfdom may come faster than we have anticipated. God bless Gov. Abbot and unshakeably patriotic Texas.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think: ever since Lenin read Marx and Hegel, marxists and our neo marxists in America have sought to create the nation destroying social conflict Marx believed would inevitably evolve. "Well, comrades, why wait?" he "reasoned". And that belief inspired the most inhuman regimes ever, in the 20th century. That catastrophic reality is scoffed at by neomarxists who sniff "it just wasn't done right but we'll get it right, yessiree bob". Texas Gov. Abbott has declared a Constitutionally defined invasion of his state. Our demonstrated lawful Scotus has ruled, probably lawfully, that the Feds may take down some physical barriers Texas has erected for its very defense since our Federal government supports the invasion. A Constitutional crisis is at hand and that's just fine with "american"neo marxists. The philosopher Hegel, whose historical view of societal "theses" (eg. America to us) vs. societal "antitheses" (antiAmerica to us) advancing history by creating unbearable conflict leading
    to consequential "syntheses" (solutions of a sort)inspired Marx to expect the eventual "synthesis" manifesting communist "equality" as the final human condition. Marx and Lenin have of course been completely , catastrophically disproven in Russia, China ,Cuba, N.Korea and on and on and anyone who embraces their views now can be reasonably perceived as advocating totalitarian violence and never ending perfectionist totalitarian hell. There is only to end the astonishing rise of neo marxism in our very country, marxism's heretofore greatest foe; that is , just as we did internationally in the '80s and '90s, bring American political resolve to bear and OVERPOWER it.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Article didn't say which Circuit made this ruling or if the full court rendered it. The Circuit's location shouldn't matter but of course it does. So the that Court thinks the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Firearms cannot be used to protect gun manufacturers against crimes using guns obtained unlawfully? The Act's title
    might nominally suggest that but I'd bet the legislative intent very plausibly, if not overtly,places the blame for gun crime where it should be, on criminals. Does it specifically deny protection to gun manufacturers for crime done in other countries with their products? What precedent did the Circuit Court cite for a foreign country, which has law enforcement powers, to sue Americans for torts done by crime committed by the citizens of the plaintiff country? I would think the gun manufacturers could countersue Mexico for faulty law enforcement ( that is, if Mexican law itself allows this right).
    Has the Circuit Court newly established the described construction (which is by definition mandatory authority). In other cases, American gun grabbers have attempted to sue on the grounds that the Act does not shield gun manufacturers ( presumably by charging that they have affirmatively encouraged gun criminals to endulge themselves ; absent this allegation how could even the most incompetent or devious attorney make a case?) but have not, I believe, been successful. I read regularly on gun rights developments and I have not heard of them succeeding in this ploy. One would think that even if it were legally sanctioned in principle, a very high level of support would be required by our now lawful Scotus . Using a possible precedent established by the Act I'm going to guess that Scotus will tell the Mexican government to hold those who commit crime in Mexico wholly responsible for the damage done by their depradations . American gun grabbers have proposed other ways to get the UN or other countries to deny us our 2nd Amendment rights, by way of treaties and again, to my knowledge,
    have fluffed. Oh wouldn't that set a nifty precedent were it to succeed? Imagine some of the more , ehh, dysfunctional UN members "legally of right"attacking any provision of our Constitution which excites their disapproval? No doubt there are 'american" jurists who would blithely aid them.

  11. Yes, Jack, I doubt Haley's appeal. Polls up to now have told us little except that Haley isn't HATED nearly as vehemently as Trump or Biden. Give it time. She will be! That's how American politics works.

    Ray, I would say that President Trump could do a lot in his second term to stem the flow of NEW illegal migrants. Give him a year or so and he'd have the numbers way down. The problem is that, if a Democrat succeeded him, the numbers would simply spike way higher again. Biden is lobbing three million denizens of the developing world at our major cities per year. Trump would probably cut that down to one million. In the long run, that would have a very minimal impact on key demographic variables. Bottom line: America will lose its white majority in the near future, and, unless the GOP improves its performance with minorities, the whole country will look like California in 10-20 years.

    Ray, my view is that walls are nice, but they're irrelevant if the mission given to the border authorities is to welcome and protect newcomers, which is currently the case. Trump would build a great, big, beautiful wall, and his Democratic successor would just build a great, big, beautiful doorway through it. No, the only way to stem the tide of illegal migration is to intercept the migrants and SEND THEM HOME!!! If they can't get in, and can't stay when they do get in, then they won't come. It's that simple.

    Ray, a lot of college students are shockingly ill-prepared, yes, but I'm not sure that makes them easier fodder for the left-leaning establishment, necessarily. Dumb people can be manipulated fairly easily, yes. Smart people can be manipulated almost as easily, however! The polls tell us that, the more intellectually inclined and highly educated you are, the more likely you are to be a leftist loon, by and large. Personally, I don't think intelligence, or the lack thereof, has much to do with our current civilizational predicament. It's about values, not smarts.

    True, Jack, the leftist line is that you're either for ALL migrants, or you hate each and every one. Of course, it's nowhere close to that simple.

    Direct aid to struggling countries sounds nice, but it's irrelevant to what's happening at the border. No amount of foreign aid can make Guatemala and Somalia and Bangladesh as nice to live in as the USA -- and as long as people feel like coming here, and are promised that they can stay when they arrive, the migrants will keep coming by the boatload. Count on it.

    Using the military against the cartels isn't a bad idea, although it would involve violating the sovereignty of our neighbors. In any case, if we haven't got the cajones to protect our own borders, I don't see us projecting power overseas on a scale that would make any difference.

    Jack, my guess is that there will indeed be a constitutional, but not military, clash between the federal government and Texas, and the courts will hand victory to the Feds, and Texas will tuck its tail between its legs. That's my prediction. The alternative -- Texas defying federal authority -- would lead to a whole new narrative about "insurrection" and might give the Left the pretext it seeks to suppress conservatives, to cancel the election, to arrest leading opponents, or to declare martial law. We need to be very careful about walking into a trap.

    Jack, I tend to agree that the present SCOTUS will not allow Mexicans or their allies in the U.S. to abolish our gun industry and our gun rights by circumventing the 2005 law. BUT we are still just a few judicial retirements, deaths, or a packed court away from such chicanery becoming the constitutional law of the land.
