Friends, in yet another sign that American politics is descending into farce, leftist professor Cornel West has announced that he is running for president in 2024. Progressives have adored West, historically, for his anti-racist (i.e. racist) rants, but now, needless to say, most will turn on him and eat him alive, for daring to compete with our collective savior, Joe Biden. The bottom line, however, is that, however many votes West earns, he will almost certainly be subtracting them from Biden-Harris, and thus I say: RUN, CORNEL, RUN!!!
In other news, once again a prominent Democrat, in this case California Governor Gavin Newsom, is threatening Ron DeSantis with prosecution for supporting the dispatch of undocumented immigrants from Texas to a blue state. Apparently, whenever red states send migrants to blue states, it's automatically "fraud" and "kidnapping". Whenever Joe Biden sends migrants to blue states, on the other hand, it's hunky-dory. One is tempted to guffaw at these antics, but the truth is that the truth really doesn't matter. If you can get a prosecutor and a jury to play along, anything can happen...
Is the West entrance into the race a signal that the puppeteers want Biden to steer further left? If so, that should be good news for the GOP. Though he's good entertainment, Seems West would alienate the middle of the road minority and independent vote for the whole Democratic party.
ReplyDeleteAnd... is there any better example of pomposity or blatant hypocrisy than Newsome? He and West would make for an amusing (and infuriating) DNC presidential pair!
Dr.Waddy from Jack: West is a loose cannon; even leftist Harvard showed him the door. I see no way he can benefit the left, so, may he blat with a vengeance!
ReplyDeleteDr.Waddy from Jack: What absurdities might arise from Comrade Newsom's assuredly emotional hugger mugger.Ah but surely had he reigned over a state in 1861, why he might have set a precedent preventing the Civil War by just going to court, sure! What, will he declare war next?In this present event though of course he would have to utilize Federal law and that would mean recruiting the Justice Dep't .But surely that isn't done yes?Were Governors Faubus, Barnett and Wallace taken to criminal law? And so far exiled Prince Cuomo has not been held to account. Constitutional issues would obtain I would think and our lawful Scotus is naturally anathema to vaulting Gavin. But to muddy the waters for Gov. DeSantis all is fair it appears to him and his ilk.Well bless me for a fool but what ARE we coming to?
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack: West's debate style would be interesting to witness in a campaign. He is said to be quite "defensive" of his views.
ReplyDeleteRichie, I would guess that the puppeteers of the Left had no hand in West's entrance into the presidential sweepstakes. They seem to think that clearing the field totally on the Left, so that voters can ONLY choose between Biden and Trump, is most advantageous for their side, and I tend to agree. I believe a divided field always gives Trump a better shot. It's possible, though, that West, and the "No Labels" crowd, and many of the third party forces, are simply trying to make a point or get the media's attention at this stage. They may drop out as soon as it becomes clear that it's Biden...or THE APOCALYPSE!!!
ReplyDeleteJack: rest assured that a candidate like West (or RFK, Jr., for that matter) will NEVER be permitted to debate Joe Biden.
Would SCOTUS allow someone like DeSantis to be victimized by leftist lawfare? SCOTUS might have no part in it. Kidnapping charges, or crimes against humanity, or mass murder, or jaywalking, or whatever Newsome likes, could be framed at the state level. Some kind of federal counter-suit could be attempted, alleging a violation of DeSantis's constitutional rights, but I doubt that SCOTUS would come into it for years. Now, what would happen if California tried to have DeSantis extradited from Florida? Gee whiz, things could get interesting!
Dr.Waddy from Jack: Antiamerica's next step will probably be this: to try to haveFlorida presumptuously declared a pariah state ,outlaw, like unto the way S.Africa was. Cuomo forbade some official intercourse with states which dared to act contrary to his pronunciamentos and implicitlycast aspersion upon private travel there.If Newsom attempted state prosecution it might be done in absentia. If that prevents DeSantis from campaigning in Ca, then machs nichts in the national election.Ca is a lost cause for America anyway. But then of course, should a lawful Federal Executive branch be restored,Newsom might then be caught in the byzantine web of Federal Election law.
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack: Look to NY state America if you want a preview of the forms that politics by prosecution can take. One party dictatorship greases the skids. Eg. Gun ownership in NY puts one under immediate suspicion; if you use one in self defense better lawyer up quick. "OK Scotus, we'll comply; NY ers can bear arms, just not anyplace they may need them", so say NY lawmakers.Some Civil War reenactments have had to cancel because of justified fear of violating NY's myriad and unConstitutional firearms edicts by brandishing an 1861Springfield musket. Citizens with views counter to those of official doctrine are termed "not real NYers" and bade depart the state by a recent governor. Soon they may expect to be required to leave.The state AG arrogates the use of resources necessarily funded by all taxpayers to attack people she finds politically incorrect; it is of no moment to her if a significant minority of NYers are done wrong by this presumption They do not count ( imagine that; I thought all minorities enjoyed exalted status with the far left, the antiamericans). What's next? Surely formal priority scales rating each group as to its level of justness; full citizenship would be afforded only to those who DO count. Eg. violent criminals, who are already embraced; abortionists, illegal immigrants, State University of N.Y. grads who have passed "reeducation" curricula and many other counterintuitive categories of the elite.The ubiquitous bearing of appropriate cards and immediate production of them upon demand of the Vindication Police would be mandated."Unjust"status would make one liable for summary assignment to forced labor. America,this and more, much more, is there for all to see in the now openly displayed intent of the antiAmericans for an America they loathe.
ReplyDeleteJack, I am genuinely curious about what happens when a politician in one state is accused of violating the law in another. No doubt SCOTUS has encountered this dilemma before. I would imagine federal law governs extradition procedures? If anyone out there can shed some light, please do.
ReplyDeleteJack, the division of society into the favored and the despised, or the privileged and the downtrodden, is a very achievable objective. It can be done formally or informally, bureaucratically or culturally. It can lead to discrimination or segregation of varying sorts and intensities. In many ways, it's already here. It can and will get worse.