
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The War on Police

Friends, this week's Newsmaker Show addresses the elephant in the room: the Left's blistering assault on law enforcement.  Some leftists are literally attacking the police in the streets, leading to injuries and deaths of police officers, while others are merely smearing all police as brutalizing "racists" and suggesting that we need to defund police departments or abolish them altogether.  Amazing!  Imagine: liberal politicians are actually insulting and condemning the very police officers who serve in their protection details...and who keep all of us safe!  It boggles the mind.  We can only hope that the voters see through this unthinking prejudice against law enforcement and punish those who promote it.  Given the realities of media bias, however, we can't be sure that will happen.  Presumably, in the short term, the effectiveness of law enforcement in our big cities will decline, and crime will rise.  Welcome to blue America!

In addition to the current unrest and who and what is behind it, Brian and I talk about the state of the presidential race, including the recent polls showing President Trump at a disadvantage.  I conclude that the media barrage against Trump is having some effect, but that, since Biden can't hide from public scrutiny forever, in the end the election will be close.  Brian and I also discuss the extraordinary pivot that the media has made from the pandemic to its BLM obsession.

In our "This Day in History" segment, Brian and I cover Benjamin Franklin and his kite, Nelson Mandela's remarkable journey from revolutionary to peacemaker, the lessons of the Salem Witch Trials, the sad fate of General William Westmoreland in the wake of the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, President Eisenhower's strategy for winning the Cold War, as well as the roles of Norway and Italy in determining the shape and outcome of the Second World War.

So, in a nutshell, Brian and I discuss...everything under the sun, and we do it with style and grace!


  1. Dr.Waddy: When I was first engaged as a Corrections employee,I was sent on my first day to ATTICA, to observe the library and all attendant phenomenom. At that point I observed a very empathetic attitude toward criminals on the part of SOME of the supervisory personnel.

    I was employed in the establishment of the child of Attica, a facility founded on Attica principles, with a population of Attica inmates, founded on Attica proved verities, and I denounce all visions unfounded in the denunciation of their visions.

    In corrections there I perceived an attitude of

  2. Dr.Waddy: Oh well, let them proceed, but I resist! The interior of a NJY'S prison cannot be comprehended by any but the of course experienced!Of course that is true!

    I do not condemn any observation by officers empowered previous to this post: Let us resolve to empower all announcements previous to this as supportive of the general view that the

  3. Dr. Waddy: That the prisons were dominated by sociopaths and that all reforms were at their approval.

  4. Dr. Waddy: Maybe I had a little too much Canadian Leaf last nite. Not much sense there.

  5. Dr. Waddy: What I meant to say is that I saw in the difference between hard time Attica and the more lenient ambience at the medium security facility I worked at, the futility of making concessions to criminals.Their perception is: "hey these chumps feel guilty about putting me in jail and I can '----ing A' play that!"

    The most immediate beneficiaries of ANY disempowerment of the police are thugs, for whom the American left harbors firm intent to EMPOWER, to aid them in the destruction of America. Accomplishing this, the left would, after its time honored fashion turn on the thugs (totalitarian countries easily crush street trash).

    The left is blithe to casually label opposition a "war" on groups it exalts (eg. "War on Women").It seeks redress for perceived wrongs not by seeking equity and justice for its clients but by seeking vindictive dominance for them over groups it wholly condemns, utterly without regard for individual conduct and the by definition unjust attribution of fault to groups undefined by freely chosen actions. Imagine a crowd chanting "What do we want? Dead minorities!" Would this not be an act urging warlike violence?

    The left is so eager to confront hurtful expression and all situations which, intended or not, cause "discomfort" to those it champions. But vicious, unbridled and consummately HATE filled exhortation to excoriation and physical resistance to those who daily risk their very lives to protect us from the agents of chaos? This is as dross, dust to them! "Why you are beneath contempt for having made any mention of it!". They are at WAR now: against everything the real America values. They have known it for 50 years now. We must awake FULLY to that stark reality.

  6. Dr. Waddy: I have no regret, none, at the travails visited upon Hollywood Communists in the '50's, including dreamily Stalinist Trumbo. They richly deserved it; had Nazis sought to pollute our entertainment and "edification" industry in such a brazen manner they would have been savagely repressed, again deservedly so.

    The Trumbos of today support a regime of censorship far more onerous than that of the Commie hounds of the '50's. Those of the '50's sought to protect America; Trumbo's avatars seek the triumph of totalitarianism in America of all places.

  7. Dr. Waddy: There certainly are modern analogs to the Salem Trials. To the "politically correct" accusation equals condemnation. Trial and "due process" are, like Salem, cynical rituals. This is of course SOP in any leftist dictatorship and the American left rashly gives us full and open evidence of how it would RULE in its present enforcement of its bigoted intolerance of any opposition in those settings in which it can do so (eg. some Federal and state courts, states like NY, CA etc, the Academy, NYC etc).

  8. Dr. Waddy: Recently read a biography of Eisenhower, one of my favorite Americans. He was very open to insights presented him by his experiences and was credited by his willingness to consider the truly amazing developments post War. (Just imagine 1948 compared to 1938, both for him and for the West).

    If he thought our nuclear weapons to be insurance of the security of the West against the Soviets, well, he may have been right(?) I mean tactical nukes have never been tested against Soviet military doctrine motivated massive troop formations. Ike knew that Nato could not equal the bulk of the Soviet horde should Stalin have launched it, as Stalin apparently dreamed of doing but Ike thought our nukes, based near Russia, would be a deterrent. And Ike was very well schooled, due to his frank discussions with Zhukov, of Russian willingness to use cannon fodder. Our nuclear strength, our demonstrated willingness to use it and our uncomfortable proximity may well have caused Stalin's slightly more human successors to pause.

  9. Dr. Waddy: Of course the Tet offensive was deceitfully presented to the American public as a defeat by a pathetically dissuaded theretofore patriotic Cronkite and by a purposefully leftist Rather (who was very lucky not to have been fragged by American troops fully cognizant of his slander of them). The public at that time could hardly have thought possible any betrayal of its trust by good ole CBS

  10. You crack me up, Jack. :) I have a feeling your posts would be even more entertaining if you became an alcoholic or a hop head. Consider it, for my sake! Ha ha.

    You're so right: the slightest hint of hostility towards minorities, and the Left gets apoplectic. But really hateful and threatening language directed against people the Left hates moves them not a bit. The Left stands, at the end of the day, for only one thing: the idea that THEY get to decide who and what MATTERS...and everyone and everything else be damned!

    Good point that censorship has come full circle. I guess that's human nature. Those in the minority like the sound of "free speech," but those in a dominant position like the sound of silence, when it comes to dissenters.

    Jack, I wish Brian had interviewed YOU about Ike, because I, by contrast, am an ignorant boob. But you're correct: Ike's (and America's) implicit and explicit threat to nuke the Soviets to smithereens if they stepped out of line did work. Stalin, if he really was made of steel, would have invaded Western Europe anyway and dared us to kill everyone, including ourselves. Ike understood that the Soviets were bullies, and as such they would respond well to a little bullying!

    Jack, it's amazing to consider that there was ever a time when the public TRUSTED the media, but since you assure me of it I must assume it's not a fairy tale. Perhaps we're better off now that we see newsmen for the dirtbags they always were?

  11. Dr. Waddy: In vino veritas. (hic!) The journalism profession is disgraced beyond measure by its embrace of leftist bigotry and bias. The real America is right to regard the MSM as inimical, in its compromised "professionalism" and in its expression, to affirmed American principles and to our continued possession of cherished rights. It works for the triumph of leftist totalitarianism alone.

    Oh, people like Murrow, Winston Burdette, McNeil and Lehrer - they were loyal.Cronkite was so revered; his betrayal of our fighting forces was a hard thing to realize. Again, boomers and some of their indoctrinators like Rather have done the real dirt since then.

  12. Dr. Waddy: Re: the war on police: Duke Andrew is living up to expectations. His noontime prerorations, ostensibly a response to an emergency, have become an incipiently permanent staple of our mid days and he has extended their purview to patronizing lectures (a multigenerational Cuomo specialty) on societal injustice as he sees it (and as HE sees it is as it IS and don't you dare disagree ). Of course he makes hay of his "heroic" (except for several thousand nursing home expendables)status and stands exemplary of the American left's undoubted determination to make perhaps decisive progress, via these fortuitous upheavals, and to to take every advantage to advance their "inevitable" takeover.

  13. Dr. Waddy: Am I wrong? (perish the thought). Does the left see this as 1917 Russia instead of 1905?. The intense frustration caused by the shut in has generated much of the volcanic energy we see. Directed at outrage against a individual heinous act it has graduated to a release of long harbored hatred for the police and a determination first to discredit them and now to eliminate them. In Seattle, once a part of the real America, the elect have even arrogated a "police free zone"; what is this? The Paris Commune revived?

    But now we see a renewed onslaught on any memorial to the constancy of Confederate soldiers, most of whom were simply protecting their homes from a foreign invader. Their cause was condemned by its assurance of the continuation of indefensible slavery. THEY LOST, leftists; do any of you appreciate the price they paid? Many in the South do, to this day. Anyway, my point is , this continuing expansion of insurrection suggests on the part of the American left a perception that this may indeed be the main chance, right now, close at hand and calling for an all out effort to finish the job. I hope that is what they think because they will lose. They are very close to handing the election to decisive portions of the electorate who find their naked opportunism and its promise of consequent dictatorship,resolutely to be resisted. Consider 1968 and 1972. Should they lose this election, the American left may well reach critical mass!

  14. As a wife to a former Military Policeman, I find all this deplorable. Be very afraid, folks. The MSM is very scary.

  15. Jack/Linda, I find the now constant stream of anti-police stories flowing from the MSM truly sickening. The sloppy reporting of police "misconduct" is typical, I suppose, but the relentless focus on acts of "racism", far and wide, is once again confirmation of the fact that, for the Left, the "news" is just an exercise in wish fulfillment. They WANT to live in a world full of white racists, because then they can sit on their high horse and sneer. And so it goes. And if their delusions just happen to cause a riot or two, or get a few policemen injured or killed, they couldn't care less.

    And I agree about the onslaught on Confederate statues, although the target list is growing all the time and no statue of a white person is safe nowadays. It doesn't seem to occur to the authorities that, whenever you remove a statue that's been vandalized, you LEGITIMIZE vandalism. The Left is learning, let's face it. They're learning that violence works and often gets them what they want. Expect more of it.

  16. Will they over-play their hands? They usually do, and I sincerely hope the backlash starts soon.
