
Monday, June 15, 2020

A Supreme Disappointment

Friends, today brings us news that causes chagrin for anyone devoted to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.  The "conservative" Supreme Court has decided, by a 6-3 vote, that gay and transgender people are protected from being fired from their jobs based on their "sex" by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Keep in mind that, in 1964, "sex" didn't have anything to do with "sexual orientation" or "gender identity".  These terms either didn't exist at the time or were not in common usage.  Moreover, the idea that the men and women who wrote and passed the Civil Rights Act intended to protect gays and transgender people from discrimination is absurd.  Everyone knows that homosexuality was considered deviant in the mid-60s.  It was usually viewed, in fact, as criminal and as mentally deranged behavior.  But now, by some legalistic legerdemain, the Supreme Court has transformed the meaning of the clear language of the Civil Rights Act to produce a blanket prohibition on employment discrimination against gays and transgenders.  Quite a feat!  Keep in mind that, in 1964, "sex" implied two binary choices: men and women.  Now, "sex" means that a person can choose between an infinite number of "sexes" or genders, and his/her/its employer must cater to all of them, even if they should happen to shift from week to week, or hour to hour.  No one in 1964 could contemplate such a state of affairs, much less enshrine it in legislation...and yet here we are.

The question arises: why would a "conservative" Supreme Court do such a thing?  Why would they do it, especially when most states have already prohibited the kinds of discrimination that the Court is now targeting?  Why would they do it, when "institutional" and "systemic" homophilia is self-evidently more common than homophobia?  The answer is simple: even "conservative" Justices live in Washington, D.C.  They are part of our political-cultural-economic elite, and that elite, almost to a man (or "person", I should say) believes that gays are wonderful, and thus anyone or anything that denies them their rights and entitlements, on any basis, even Constitutional or commonsensical, is monstrous and wrong.  Men like Neil Gorsuch, who voted with the majority in this case, would have to look their liberal peers in the eye if they voted "no," and the path of least resistance is therefore to go along to get along.  The searing contempt, and perhaps even the violence, that would be visited upon anyone who dared to dissent from the cherished doctrine of "equality" is a huge disincentive to principled resistance, needless to say.  That's probably why, even though Brett Kavanaugh voted with the minority, he effectively apologized for his vote and congratulated homosexuals and transgenders on their "vision, tenacity, and grit," as well as their "important victory," to which he was technically opposed!  Remarkable.

So...we are left to ask: what is "sex" in 2020?  It isn't what it was in 1964, or 1984, or even 2014.  It is, quite simply, whatever liberals say it is.  Doubt my judgement?  Try announcing that your sex is "Trumper".  See how far you get!

In other news, Barbra Streisand has decided to right the wrongs of white privilege and systemic racism by giving a pile of Disney stock to a 6-year-old.  Aside from the sheer wretchedness of the warped pseudo-Marxist philosophy that suggests that money is the answer to every hurt, it apparently never occurred to Barbs that she is perpetuating the "white savior" myth that many black activists and far-left types find so repulsive.  But hey, Barbra Streisand is consistently repulsive, so I for one applaud her for staying true to herself.  Maybe her "sex" is "yuck"?  Far be it from me to discriminate.


  1. All this article does is reinforce what you described as my "dark forebodings" in a previous response.

    What's happening now could be "the beginning of the end" for us. To be historically realistic if should be clear that we are no immune from foreign invasion.

    Speaking of history, the Germans were deluged by a lot of this social degeneracy after World War One, and then regrettably they opted for The Third Reich.

    Get ready for more of this national drift to impotency in November 2020 after the DemoSocialist attempt (possibly with frightening success) to seize power again through election and voter fraud as well as violence.

    Sorry to be so grim, but this is the way I see it. If we are lucky, maybe that Final Battle of Armageddon predicted by Christians will take place and we won't have to worry about this b******t anymore. Otherwise, we are going to find out what it means to live in the hell of a Marxist Dictatorship, American style.

  2. and unexplained revision of my access to Email and thereby am denied access to the Fox article you cited. We are of course now subject to the limitless inevitable in court pursued expansion on this decision and the tiresome back and forth we have experienced in previous leftist campaigns of this timbre. We'll see "demands" for automatic enfranchisement of all measure of "experimentation" and contempt for community values, resulting in further alienation from that apparently submissive branch of the law which,for the real America has betrayed them. And that of course is to be desired by the anarchic and consequently totalitarian left!.

  3. Dr. Waddy: Babs is beneath contempt. She is a prototypical limousine radical and utterly incapable of arguing her views in any creditable setting. She is consumed by emotion and is unconquerably silly.

  4. Ray: Your reference to the Weimar Republic's descent into amoralism is germane and helps again to support your prediction of totalitarian takeover. One thing is for sure, the left in total power would abjure its behavioral liberalism, with a vengeance. Its appalling to think that its triumph is an actual possibility.

    1. Jack

      If The DemoSocialists win this November 2020, it will be because they were successful at illegally rigging the elections. If this happens, there will never be another free election in this country ever again, without a fight.

  5. Dr. Waddy: Your analysis of the development of the concept of "sex" in the 1964 Civil Rights Bill and of subsequent popular, though not definitively so, changes in views of the scope of the term, is very well taken. Its another very good example of the phenomenom of unintended consequences. This syndrome is as assured in legislation and judicial decisions now as to be fully expected and predictable.And so it will be with this decision, we can be assured. "Why, you dare to turn me down for this job and hire one who is not of my proclivities? See you in court and you KNOW what that means for you.Nice house you have there".

  6. Dr. Waddy: As for why some conservatives on the court went that way; I dunno but I sense "apologetic conservatism" once again at work. Leftists never apologize ,back down or give an inch. Until we all are CONVINCED of that reality, the left will drive tanks through our loopholes, wherever they may be.

    1. Jack

      As you already know, Europeans (except European Leftists of course) were always convinced that there was never any compromise with The left, not ever! A good example of that is the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) where the Spanish got into a bloody civil war because of the Left Wing Spanish Republic's attempt to impose Socialism/Communism on Spain, along with a great desire to kill all religion in that country. Fortunately, Franco won and "kept the lid on" almost 40 years, but as soon as he died, the leftist vermin started to creep back in, and today Spain is nothing more than another European atheist republic. I have been in Spain while Franco was still around, and then after, and it was a big difference.

      In The United States of America most people have been so cleverly brain washed over many decades, that many many Americans don't have the slightest conception of what Marxism is, much less the details of this evil philosophy. I have talked to people who depicted Marx as some sort of philosopher they could not quite put their finger on. In a way, many many Americans have been intellectually castrated, and simply don't give a damn!

  7. In conclusion, what we are seeing now is the end of our Constitutional Republic. It was a great experiment while it lasted.

  8. Ray: So many in the real America are so busy with the time and labor intensive obligations of living positive, constructive lives. They have families, mortgages and must save. A very significant, perhaps dominant faction of the left has no such roots. I'm always reminded of this when college students presumptuously demand local voting rights which they fully intend to use to force their radical views on towns which host them. They are transient and often devoid of the common sense which derives from extensive experience in this life. And since America bowed to the boomers,they think themselves enlightened. We cannot afford to be organized like the left is because we have a critical, painstaking stake in the lives we have built for ourselves as responsible adults. In the present civil war in our country, this is a tactical disadvantage and the professional left knows it.

  9. Ray, no one would accuse you of viewing the world through rose-colored glasses. :)

    Are the leftists slowly but surely getting what they desire? Yes. Bigger government? Check. Gutting the family and replacing it with new forms of social "identity" and (dis)organization, most of which would have been impossible to dream up even a decade or so ago? Check. Intimidating even "conservatives" into sullen obedience to political correctness? Check. Polluting the minds of the public, and especially the younger generation, through a debased pop culture and a massively biased news media? Check. Continually churning up race hatred in order to keep minorities in line? Double check!

    All in all, it's not a pretty picture, and it's very, very hard to think of any domain in which conservatives or patriots are playing offense and winning victories that mean anything very much. 2016 was a notable triumph, for sure, but as we're learning President Trump has more symbolic value than actual power. Unless he's prepared to take the gloves off, far more so than he has up to now, in a second term, I would tend to agree that American democracy and Western Civilization are living on borrowed time.

    As for the Weimar Republic, it was replaced with a right-wing regime because the forces of nationalism and militarism were undeniably strong in German society at the time, and they had a legitimacy which even generous amounts of leftist propaganda couldn't erase. Be that as it may, the Germans only plunked for fascism because an even worse alternative -- communism -- seemed to be staring them in the face. Likewise, I suspect that, if we're to deny the Left permanent domination of our political system, it will only be because we manage to make their "brand" slightly more toxic than ours. Luckily, they keep giving us ammunition! Will we make capable use of it? I hope so.

    Jack, "unintended consequences" is right! One wonders what the "progressives" of 1964 would make of the early 21st century America they helped to create... One wonders too what uses modern legislation will be put to a few decades hence. Having abolished biological "sex", for all intents and purposes, what will the Left dream up next? It's notable that they're on the cusp of eliminating intelligence as a factor in education (no more SAT, thank you very much). Could competence be eliminated as a factor in employment? Maybe.

    Interesting perspective on Franco, Ray. He certainly has been taking it on the chin lately. I suppose you know what the Spaniards did to his memorial complex. I wonder if there are any statues of the man left? Hard to imagine there could be.

    Jack, you make a good point that many conservatives are family-oriented and busy making a living, and this puts us at a political disadvantage. Fair enough, but traditionally many leftists, or potential leftists, have been uneducated, unemployed, apathetic, "high", or busy doing hard time, and thus, one could argue, the Left was at a political disadvantage too. Remember also that our voters are older, and the elderly vote a whole lot more often. Hats off to the Dems for neutralizing some of their traditional liabilities by motivating racial minorities, young people, and even illegal immigrants to vote in record numbers. Make no mistake -- the Dems are currently waging what amounts to a race war, and they're doing it mainly to set themselves up for a win in November. Terrorizing black people is a tactical necessity for the Dems. They need sky-high turnout in black precincts to win, and they're getting it!

  10. Dr. Waddy and Ray: I think our brand consummately superior to that of theorized or modernized Marxism, though much of our "illuminati" ignore this certainty. Ray: you are right that many countries have fully recognized the Marxist threat and have taken very decisive action to eliminate it in their countries. Most of them were not the best of people but they were very much preferable to utterly sociopathic Marxist totalitarians. Only the very anti Bolshevik German Nazis manifested evil even approaching that of Stalin.

  11. Whether Franco's massacres of leftists were horrifyingly inhumane or tragically necessary (or both) I will leave to the judgement of history (fat chance of a fair verdict there), but I will say that one of his greatest legacies was to keep Spain out of WWII, which could have inflicted far more suffering on the Spanish people than the regime of Franco ever did. Surely he deserves some credit for that?

  12. Dr. Waddy: You are right;Franco did , along with his denial to the leftist Communist murderous and comprehensive horde, their Spanish playground,the defeat of their redeeming opportunity for mass slaughter. Too bad lefties; a thug like Franco knew you for the murderers you were and he did to you what should always be done to those of your sociopathic sort. And that Franco refrained from support for the Nazis and Italians is an added advantage.
