
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Black and Red at the Same Time, You Say? Impossible!

Friends, today I bring you a very interesting article on Dan Bishop's win on Tuesday in North Carolina's 9th District.  As you'll see here, there was an interesting pattern indicating a combination of low minority turnout for the Democrat and higher than expected minority support for the Republican.  Could this trend repeat itself in 2020?

One of the little-reported stories of the 2016 election was that Trump did much better among female, black, and Hispanic voters than many pollsters had predicted he would.  This article suggests that, because of the strong economy, Trump could exceed those numbers in 2020 and confound his detractors once again.  I will hazard a correction, though: it is a mistake to see the economy as the only issue that can allow Trump to improve his performance with black and Hispanic voters.  Other issues, like the border, trade, an America First foreign policy, taxes, and abortion, to name just a few, can be a draw for some black and brown Americans.  It's a mistake to view minority voters as monolithic.

The key question in 2020, as always, will be: how successful will the usual Democratic snow-job on minorities be?  Democrats will try to convince black voters in particular that the KKK is at the gates once again, and Donald Trump is their honorary Grand Wizard.  Will this nonsense carry the day?  It has plenty of times before...but we must hope that minorities are growing tired of being played for fools.


  1. Dr. Waddy: An electrifying article and a very plausible interpretation of the results of this election. Can it be that minorities (and organized labor, I'd add)are finally realizing that the Dems are no good for them - that the Dems support only patronizing tax payer supported, out of touch government "expert" remedies for their concerns? A vibrant economy is the answer and this is being delivered by the common sense, antiradical President ALREADY in office. Those most likely to benefit from this are those willing to work this economy. Its becoming more evident that a perhaps decisive majority of the leftist perceived disadvantaged recognize this. Such a development is poison to the radical left, which advocates forceful imposition of totalitarian control in order to effect what it regards as justice. We know what to expect should it succeed: tyranny without limit. And I think so very many minority members who have successfully participated in this burgeoning economy and who have well informed doubts about those who maintain that it is inaccessible, are making their convictions felt!

  2. Excellent article. I am catching up on the news today-which includes the so called Democratic Debate last night. My understanding is, not one candidate fit the bill. So, with that said, I just don't think people are buying into this socialist campaign. I'll say it again, people are getting so tired of this 2020 election already. I think the dems have literally shot them selves in the foot with all this talk about socialism, guns, impeachment.

    I agree Jack, "We know what to expect should it succeed: tyranny without limit. And I think so very many minority members who have successfully participated in this burgeoning economy and who have well informed doubts about those who maintain that it is inaccessible, are making their convictions felt!"

  3. Hear hear! Jack, remember -- we don't need MOST blacks to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. We don't even need many of them to do so. A few more than did so last time around would be quite enough. Trump supposedly got 8% of the black vote in 2016. If he made it to 10-12% in 2020, the Dems would be in big trouble.

    Linda, I wasn't impressed by the Dem debate either. I'll post separately about that, but I think you may be right that we're looking at a low turnout election in 2020. That will mostly be good news for Republicans.

  4. Dr. Waddy and Linda: And may I add: the history of leftist "revolutionary" establishment of complete government control always includes consummate evidence of the consequent luxury of leading leftists(eg. Madame Mao and her sybaritic delights while every day Chinese STARVED,with all the physical horrors that involves.) It is reasonable to expect that present day leftist revolutionaries look forward to such privilege!. Any protestation of theirs to the contrary is denied by history.
