
Friday, June 14, 2019

It's Not That I Want To Make The F-35 Angry, You Understand...

Friends, no one loves the U.S. military more than I do, but while it excels in almost every sphere, let's be honest -- value for money isn't its strong suit.  My latest article is about the House Democrats' recent decision to purchase more F-35 fighters in the coming budget year than the Pentagon requested.  Think about that.  We're spending $750 billion/year on defense, and the Democrats believe it's a good idea to buy some spare stealth fighters.  You know -- for a rainy day.  And they pair decisions like these with endless sanctimonious lectures on fiscal prudence!  Now that takes moxie, doesn't it?

And here are two very provocative articles on what might happen in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.  One concerns how the Democrats might seek to subvert an electoral college loss by manipulating the electors themselves.  The other concerns how conservatives might "resist" if the Democrats win in 2020.  Frankly, I find it mostly fanciful, since conservatives would never be allowed to behave in the lawless way that liberals now do, and conservatives wouldn't likely be inclined to "resistance" anyway, given their fondness for order and discipline.  My prediction, should the Dems win in 2020, would be not a successful conservative resistance movement, but the Left's exploitation of fears of a "right-wing revolution" to enforce even stricter liberal control over our lives.  But let's hope we never have to find out.


  1. Didn't we just sell 30 of these to Poland for a huge profit? I didn't post a comment at Townhall-the one you received wasn't very nice, the person is certainly entitled to its opinion-I am all for keeping jobs here in America. But, yes, to your point, "And they pair decisions like these with endless sanctimonious lectures on fiscal prudence! Now that takes moxie, doesn't it?" Indeed.

    I see where you are going with the post on Townhall and I do agree. I seriously doubt any democrat will loose their seat--as long as the jobs stay in their district people will continue to vote them in. I also find it hypocrisy about the tariffs--they sure hate tariffs and yet here they are spending the profits off the tariffs. It's never ending, Dr. Waddy, sigh (and that comes from both sides--plenty of rinos).

  2. Linda, yes I noticed that nasty comment too. Rather naïve, since a weapons system like the F-35 isn't built in one place! But it doesn't bother me. Most people who have reacted to my articles have been very nice -- and if I tick off a few liberals, that just means I'm doing my job!

    Did we sell some F-35s to Poland? Excellent! I can certainly see why Poland would want to cultivate our good will...

  3. Dr. Waddy and Linda: For my money, any expression on the part of the Dems of fiscal restraint or a desire to see our military properly equipped is completely disingenuous.Their cynical suggestion that a number of F-35s beyond that requested be added is probably meant so they can say "why no, we aren't America haters; we want a STRONG America." As dominated as they are by a radical American left convinced that we are international pariahs and determined to punish us by spending our economy to destruction by government fiat, it is ever more reasonable to think the House Dems are acting out of profoundly bad will.

    Its difficult, I would guess, for most Federal legislators not to do their best to bring as much Federal spending to their constituents as possible and that means approving the spending in the first place and agreeing to support others' projects as part of political give and take. So very much goes to the Federal government after all. How to break this pattern? Perhaps a gutsy reelected President like President Trump brandishing and wielding the veto pen as only he would have the moxie to do,is the answer.

  4. Dr. Waddy: It is FULLY to be expected that the American left and its obsequious vehicle, the Dem party, will use ANY means it thinks viable to prevent the reelection of our President. Their motivation? For some, an honest belief on the part of the principled among them that the 2016 election was stolen; for the realpolitik core, an entirely objective recognition that they were "outpolitiked"in 2016 and a determination to prevail in the same amoral game in 2020. To them, power to dictate their radical agenda, as NY suggests (but far beyond Cuomo's tentative efforts), is ALL.

    Dem proposals either to Constitutionally amend or to eliminate the electoral college or to usurp the electors are, by their timing, obviously reactive to their second recent rebuff in that institution and their realization that it is doing the job insolently purposed by the founding fathers of this geographically immense nation. That was: that no insular population center dominate the sparsely settled hinterland with its esoteric social and political standards. Oh how this galls the self righteous urbanly based American left and how very vengeful they are !

  5. Dr. Waddy: A conservative (or I would say real America) resistance? There is so very much to see before that could happen.

    First, I would ask, what would the composition of Congress be? If the Dems capture both House and Senate I would expect the surely radical Dem President or leftist debtor and apologist President to follow Cuomo's example and force radical leftist legislation on a despised real America.Take heed, America, take heed! We of good sense in NY can affirm - IT CAN HAPPEN! Filibuster might be effective but we would have to expect an opportunistic,fanatic and ALL OUT assault on fundamental American values by those determined not to squander the advantages Dems last had in 2009. Should a Supreme Court vacancy occur it would surely be filled either by an honest radical or one who dishonestly protests his or her fealty to the rule of law.

    We can prevent all this if we will. We are the real America and we need "only" to work our popular will. But we MUST!

  6. Jack, you're right that both Republicans and Democrats feed at the federal trough. Breaking that pattern is monstrously difficult. The President is indeed in a better position to see the big picture. It's easiest for him, though, to "go along to get along," as Trump has discovered.

    I would say the Left's fears re: the electoral college are substantially rational, insofar as it could easily cost them the White House a second time, whether or not they win the popular vote. Trump can, in fact, lose a number of the states he won in 2016, and still win re-election. Most of the Dems are too full of themselves to acknowledge the possibility, but the realists among them must know that the electoral college is a fly in the ointment of their plans for eternal world domination.

    One doesn't like to imagine what a Democratic sweep in 2020 would portend, but in fact we have recent history to consider: 2008. The Dems won it all, and easily, and they convinced themselves that a "fundamental realignment" was at hand. The result was predictable: the Tea Party and the crushing Republican victories of 2010 and 2014. So, if the Dems do win in 2020, the Republican Party will rise again, I have no doubt, but the country will be further damaged, and possibly beyond repair.

  7. Dr.Waddy: Good points. The real America really did come charging back after 2008. Let's hope we don't have to again. If the Dems lose again to President Trump they may go right off the precipice and start bandying about ideas for regional autonomy, secession, governmental entities based on birth into certain groups and the like. Some of them will go underground.We can expect that they will never own up to their disastrous decision to embrace a credo already historically discredited. The U.S. was the bete noire of world Marxism; we should be the same to its disgraceful rump yet bustling among us.

  8. P.S. Does Blogger not have like buttons? --great thought(s) Jack.

  9. Linda, I agree -- Jack is rather likeable!

    I certainly concur that the Left will never admit error. They would have to be frogmarched out of their echo chamber first. Oh, how I would love to see that!

    Off the precipice may be exactly where the Dems are headed. I hope so. Parties do self-destruct. In their case, it's difficult to arrange, with a compliant media concealing their insanity. Difficult, but not impossible.
